HELLO NEWCASTLE! by Pegg Mullan It is no secret. The number of beautiful homes and gardens in Newcastle Village and surreunding countryside. There are houses and properties that do a kind and fond justice te the very word "home." These are the homes with a certain special aura about them - thev seem ta Hanging flower baskets, white wicker and gardens of vibrant petunias and lupins adorn the old fashioned front verandah, where Tom and Suzanne welcome friends, or just enjey summertime breezes, by daylight or by moenlight. t has been almost three years since Tom, Suzanne and their children, Lindsay 10 and Adam 8 (and Sally, the Cocker Spaniel) moved from Ajax te their country home in Newcastle. "L't was love at first sight!" explained Suzanne. "We saw the listing in a Toronto paper, but once BIG BROTHERS ASSOCIATION 0F NEWCASTLE September is Big Brother Month across Canada. Big Brother agencies attempt te recruit Big Brothers on a continuai basis. An extra effort is made during September te secure Big Brothers for the Little Brothers who are walting for a friend. 6000 beys in Canada need a Big Brother; 10 whisper, "family.' t was My pleasure te visit one of these lovely homes this past weekend. 'Just east cf Newcastle Village, on number two highway, amîd evergreens and fresh air, stands the home of Tom and Suzanne Tollett. we came eut, we really knew this was te be "the home" for us. The rooms are aIl spacieus and open. Tom and 1 have been able te see our dreams come true with this house. t was built by "Son Bon" Homes of Orono, she added. The Tolletts have been doing their own decorating, a little at a time, and doing it beautifully tee. "We love it eut here, for many reasons. Lindsay and Adam will have the benefît of growing up away from the city, experiencing se mainy things they would otherwise miss." Tom and Suzanne agreed. boys in The Town of Newcastle. Have you noticed the new Big Brothers of Newcastle sign on their office building? (Veltri apartmenit building across from the fire hall in Bowmanville). The need for 10 Big Brothers, i' displayed in large bold letters. This nuamber changes constantly and the agency hopes te see it decrease in the ceming months. The prime role of a Big Brotherý The Tollett's dining room is beautifully typical of the rest of the house. Eyelet lace , Wedgewood blues and soft pastels gently flow throughout, via leaded French doors and warm country furnishings. <From the fresh sprays of flowers indoors, te the white picket fence outside, this house is a home. . . ..and for a moment, I wished it was Christmas, as thoughts cf a crackling fire, gingerbread and holly from a Charles Dickens novel, entered mv mind. .. Thank you Tom and Suzanne Tollett, Lindsay and Adam for welcoming me into your home, and for sharing it with us here this week. Little Scoops ... - A reminder te girls 5, te 15 years of age, Registration for Newcastle Sparks, Brownies, Girl Guides -and Pathfinders is set for Wednesday, September il from 7 - 8 p.m. at Newcastle United Church. - Friday, September 13 marks the first teen dance of the season, is te be a friend te, a yeung boy. Why net volunteer 3 - 4 heurs of your time a week and build a new friendship. There are 168 heurs in a week. By giving up only 4 heurs you can put a smile on a boy's face. What better satisfaction can one have? Please give Big Brothers of Newcastle a call at 623-6646 and volunteer. They need you! HEml"REJ'S ONE COURSE YOUR HION SCHOOL DOESN'T OFFER. The Young Drivers of Canada programn is not offered at any high sehool. The fact is, the only place you can take the Young Divers program is through your local YD center. That's important to rememrber since the Young ~~L~4I~srDrivers of Canada program is quite différent from other S dnvmig courses. At YD, you get in-car training in, emergency maneuvers like brake-and-avoid, threshold braking, rear-crash and head-on collision avoidance. Register new and get the defensive driver training that will protect yen for a lifetime. fYouno Drvs of Canada We teach you moire r/ian h iw ro pass i our drn er, zest. W'e each youro dr-ive anidsurivie. The Yoig ,ýDrverspiagram is flot availabIt ai any' high school. Cal/ us for more information at: 98 King St. W, Bowmanvil/e 623-7017 Evenings: Sept 171h 6 pm-9 pm Tues. & Thurs. Saturday: Oct. Sth 9 am-4 pmfor 4 weeks hosted by the Great Pine Ridge Kinettes. It is being held at the Newcastle Town Hall from 7 - 10 p.m., at $4.00 per student. Sounds like a great way te kick off the school year. - Big Brothers is proud te announce their 5th Annual Sports Swap, coming up September 14th fromt 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon. For further information contact Big Brothers Association of Newcastle at 623- 6646. -Tiekaa etiiiUvaiawrjie t 0 per couple by calling Helen Simpson at 987-4395 to the Fal Dance, September 21 at the Newcastle Town Hall. Your ticket covers dancing, drinks, light lunch and a very enjoyable evening - al sponsored by the Newcastle Village and District Chamber of Commerce. - Registration for Newcastle Figure Skating is scheduled as follows, at Newcastle Arena for youngsters 5 years of age (as at December 31, 199 1) and up:- Friday, September 13 -ý 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.; Saturday, September, 14 - 9:00 a.m. - 12 noon; Saturday, September 21 - 9:00 a.m. - 12 noon. Fees: Canskate - $ 145.00;-Canfigureskate - $ 190.00; Senior - $215.00; Partial $120.00. Those interested in the skate, dress exchange, etc. should have all articles for sale marked clearly with naine, phone numbers, sale price and size of item if possible, 9tarting at 6:30 p.m., September 13 at the arena. School's back! Time management takes on a whole new meaning, once the kids, are back at school. Along with reading, writing and arithmetic, extra-curricular activities will be swinging into full gear as well. Now that we find we are counting the weeks left 'tiI faîl, hope you'Ill ake time te take in as much of the gorgeous weather "the ever faithful Indian Summer" proises. THE BEST ARCHERY SHOP Archery Sales and Service Complete lune of Bows, Arrows and Accessories for the Bowhunter and Target Shooter Owned and Operated by a member of the Professional Archery Association P.A.A. INSTRUCTION AVAILABLE 29 Caroline Street East, Newcastle Village (2 blocks south of King St. off Mill St.> 987-1147 Vîsît our booth at the ORON FAIR September 5 - 8 Free Balloons for the Kids 214 King Street East, Bowmanville, Ontario (416) 623-4445 - Fax (416) 623-8859- 85 King Street West, Newcastle, Ontario (416) 987-4733.- Fax (416) 987-1865 Ail our Sa les Representatives'are fui! time Sales Agents. Cal! Us, we can work for you. We appreciate the- opportunityr to be of service.