Some changes for hockey. in Orono As nmany pcoplc arc probably a rc tis NycIr lias sccn II anyý changecs in tlie operationi of our comrnunity hockey programis. llopcfully these changes will be in thie bcst înteresi of evcryone conccrned. First, throughi negotiationis with the Bomnanivillc Toros organization, wýe camne up with an agreement that ail Orono area kids who rcgistered ini Oronio would be eligible to try out for their Major and Minor teams. Sccondly, through somne meetings with the Bowmanville Recreational Hockey League (B.R.H.L.), we managcd té come to a compromise over some long standing differences. The following outlines the intent of our agreement with the B.R.H.L. Those kids who have played ini Bowmanville in the past may continue to do s0 along with any future brothers and sisters. They will bc eligible to play select hockey as well. Any new Orono families may choose to play hockey with the B.R.H.L., but, will lose their eligibility to play select hockey with the B.R.H.L. We would like to ice 0.M.H.A. Representative teams in al age divisions, but this certainly will not be possible this year and in the future will depend on numbers, the sk ill of the players and the wants of the parents. If we are unable to ice rep teams, or if numbers permit second teams, then we will form house league teams. We have several options for our house !cague teams. We could play in a "Tri County League", "United County League" or now a third option. The B.R.H.L. agreed to allow us to miake up exhibition scheduiles for olnr llons;" cIague tcails wiîhth icir tas.hiis ssoniching we h lave (lone quite successfullly ili theo past withi our Tykes and I wvould like to sec uis try, it with Our other divisions.' It will cut diown on winter travel considerably. Yet aniother -option wwmngcýd to have the B.R.H.L. agrcc to allow our house leaguec kids thie chance to try out for the B.R.H.L. select teams. Although Our various agreements this year may not yct bc perfect, they are I thinik, a step in the right direction. We may not sec the full benefits this year, but I believe in the future we will se( more kids playing "house league' hockey in Orono, just for tic "fun' of it. To fi you in on what hal. happened so far with this yearý registration, we have donc quitE well in our new Mite division, a well as the Tyke and NovicE divisions. Registration is very pooi however, in al, the other divisions, To those who have registered in Orono at the Atom level and above 1 would recommend you also register with the B.R.H.L. if yoi want to ensure you have a place to play hockey this year. We do have one more registration on September 11 to help us fi in somne of oui spots and if we get enough for teams in these older divisions, the B.R.H.L. president has assurcd me that money will bc refunided. The final B.R.H.L. registrations are on September 5 and 7. 1 hope this update has answered most of the questions people may have, If not, picase don't hesitate to >'Hari1Ô9s RôrSe entries for Fair- e s s s r Race #l: 1-Torie Lynin B Collins; 24,iiurcn Express ) Leblonc; 3 dpveriiritnaljst -R. Paradis; 4-Big Ray - A. Reid; 5- Mabhel BrowfI D. Gassien;, 6- Boncy xrS- K. Joncs; 7-Robs Attack; G. Robinson Race # 2 - Metals Unlimited mIlc. Pace: 1-Paula R.d. - S. Skelton; 2- Saucy Cedarwood - B. Collins; 3. Fly Creek - L. Crook; 4-Doc's Mlighity Goose - T. Bourdeau; 5- Chris J. Lee - K. Jones; 6-Iron Image - D. Leblonc; 7-B.J. Stoniey - D. Newman Jr, Race # 3 - Motor Carriers Ltd. Pace: 1- Meadow H. Ralph - TB A; 2-Hieland OK- - M. Samons; 3- Valmar Dall4S - D. Leblonc; 4- Fully Censoted - R. Bodkin; 5- Jockos Drift@r - D. Rideout; 6- Johns Bet - S. Skilton; 7-Prince Lee Karen - G. Larl4sh Race # 4 - Automobile Carriers Ltd. Pace: l.Carrera Jewel - J. Harris; 2-Svvys Kiltz - D. Rideout; 3-Nibs Kenny - J. Robinson; 4-J.S. Joan - E. Till; 5-Busy Time - B. Collins; 6-KIng of Utopia - K. Joncs; 7-Rose Adam Barry - J. Callacott Race # 5 - George Pollitt Pace: give me a cali, To those who have been considering, signing up for hockey in Orono this season, there oertainly is still some room but time is running out. Art Reid O.A.A.A. Vice President Cool weather racing thriils al by Nelson Hudes Mosport Intemnational Specdway wvas cool, a sure sign that fail is i the air and that thc close of the racig season is near. Watching thc tried and truc loyal fans sit in the stands covercd in jackets, blankets, 1sle eping bags, and anything cîse just to kcep warm really was an interesting sight at the track this past Saturday night (August 31). The crowd was up, the night sky clear and the racing was great as Mosport International Speedway once again continucd with its weekly thrilling brand of stock car racing action. 11n Street Stock, Mosport International Specdway regular Andy Warbutton of Oshawa, didn't let his loyal fans down as he once again conimanded this race (as wcll as a heat carlier in thc evcning) and chargcd past the start finish line grabbing thc checkercd flag, the win and Uic celebratcd victory lap. Rod Marshall of Cavan put up a good fight to earn second place (as well as winning a heat race carnier in Uic night) and taking Uird wiUi lots of hard charges was Bob Kish, also form Oshawa. In Sportsman, a new name surfaccd as thc winncr of the feature event. In a race that saw lots of passing, dices deep in Uic pack, and plcnity of fender to fender action, Alex Jordan of Mississauga, hceld off ahl challengers and won Uic event. Not far bchind him was regular Jr. Regan (who also won a heat race carlier in Uic evening) of Angus and in third place was Neil Fair of Ancaster. In Late Model, Regular Tom Milligan of Newmarkct (who also woni a hecat race carlier in the evenlingl) put on one hiell of a so as hie ledi the race and woni it. The race was filled with hard charges, dicing, spins, and the usuai good Continu]cd page 9 I-CGlcrnyle Gardenfia - D, Rideout; 2 l)ixic Scecster - R. Wilcs; 3- Tu fimy love - A. Rcid; 4 Al ta B. G's Gypsy - S. Skilion;. 5-Moorelands Minnow - N. Brethour; 6-Just Smiashin,g - M. Hales; 7-Ila Con - D. Newman Jr. Race # 6 - Muddy George Pace. I1-Happy At Last - S. Halkes; 2- Trojan Frosty - R. MacNeil; 3- Canadian Flight - M. Samons; 4- Ticket to Glory - J. Woodward; 5- Fast Approaching - S. Cochrane; 6- Reswigent - S. Skilton; 7-Amalong - R. Wilcs Race # 7 - Jack Reid Memorial Trot: 1 -Ridge Vicw Cheer - A. Nicholîs; 2-Hey Frosty - F. Sheilds; 3 - Moorclands Dcl - D. Rideout; 4- Pridey Polk - K. Joncs; 5-Algor Downey - D. Leblonc; 6-Crystal City - Ed Till; 7-Huron Street - J. Cole, Race # 8 - Armstrong'sI.G.A. Pace: I-Cedarwood George - M. Wade; 2-Paradan - E. Huntback; 3- Early Magic -'A. Nicholîs; 4- Brigamato - D. Leblonc; 5-Big Brad - J. Robinson; 6-None Shalh Pass - D. Rideout Race # 9 - Ina Brown Memorial Pace: 1-Sauble Glenna - J. Harris; 2-Eagles Miracle - S. Shilton; 3- Charbls Lobeli - L. Rose; 4-Some Happy - M. Hales; 5-Glen B. Laurel - K. Joncs; 7-Sandanista - D. Rideout; A5 - Hurry Up Dear - R. Wiles Race # 10 - W. Frank Real Estate: 1-Kings Affair - S. Skilton; 2-Natuje Son - B. Collins; 3- Shcrwill Bonnie - D. Rideout; 4- Parkhill Gus - D. Gassien; 5-1. Cantgoforthat - N. Sequeira; 6- Wonder Weapon - J. Robinson; 7- Earncd Respect - J. Burt Mark M. Stapleton Re~storation &6 fI<procfuctio*n 6720 Leskard Rd. N., Orono 983-6098 We specialize inx Historical Restoration and Reproduction of Century Homes. Also ail types of General Carpentry. ORONO FUEL& - LUMBER LIMITED PO. Box 180, Station Street Orono, Ontario LOB i MO ALISTAIR ROZARIO FREE ESTIMATES Telephone: (416)>983-9167 Residence: (416) 983-5344 Af fordable Dream 'Vacations! " Free Vacation Planning Services " Dscount Cruises e Charter Vacations " Airlne Tickets 0 Honeymoon Packages 0 Hotel and Car Reseryations PERSONAL & CORPORATE TRAVEL SERVICES Travel Agents International We're with Yom ali the way 68 KING ST. E», BOWMANVILLE Over 300 Agencies in North America 623-6600 ROKA LUMBER & FIREWOOD CENTrRE Lumber Firewood Pressure Treated Lumber Interlocking Brick Doors Wood Flooring Windows Trusses Cedar Lumber Roof Steel Kitchens Wood Timbers 1 mile south of Pontypool on Hwy. 35 (705) 277-3381 "Watch for our Howard Miller Grandtathcr CIoclc DispIay'" at the Oronu F~air, Scpteninber5,6, 7, & 8th 39 King St. W. 623-574ê7 Bowmamnvl