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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Sep 1991, p. 2

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2............m.,..n sd ySe te be IIi 9 Ofno cf4eefc 'ime $econl CI"$a Mail Regstraton ',Numer 00038, PuthdEveyWedne8d&y ai the Ofie f Pjbkeît 5310 Main Street, oropô, Ontario LOB 1 MO Te1ephone 416-983-53O1, Roy C. Forrester, Owner-Editor Subscription $14.00 per annum It's a dog's breakfast The Town of Newcastle are faced with a decision on setting a pattern of new lot levy charges and extending those charges to industrial and commercial venture which have, to this point, been excluded. On Monday the general purpose committee received their consultant's report in which the proposed rates would increase from the present $2914.00 for an urban residential building up to $5807.00 plus a further levy for Newcastle Hydro amounting to $672.00 for a grand total of $6479.00. t makes for a 118 percent increase. The Town of Newcastle is not the only municipality in Ontario that is toying with such a drastic increase. lt seems that under the new proposed levy system the Town, would in the future undertake to finance exterior works that have in the past been funded by those developments that called on additional ex terior service as a resuit of their development. SThe more one listened to the consultants the more tangled the web became and at points the answers to what might arise seemed a lîttle vague. Surely it would be most difficult for the Town to set levy costs that would place them in a financial position to undertake the exterior works over the next five to ten years especially when "who knows what is going to happen". The, consultants were using an annual increase of some 1100 residential building unîts a year to establish their levy figures. But it was pointed out by a member of the building community that such a figure is most-exaggerated when over the past years the average bas been no more than 550 such units ayear locally. Certainly it is a new trend and one which will place a greater load on the municipality and possibly, in the end, on the local taxpayers. It could well dull interest in industrial development in the Town, if it isn't already quite dead., Really the consultants did not clear up anything and the council members stilli must decide on their own expertise and that of their staff members. 1.On what we read of this saine thing in other municipalities from t heir particular consultants one would have to wonder if this isn't a ploy by consultants to open -one more avenue for fee charging. 0, perhaps aniother money grab by municipalîties to cushion th bulging tax rate on their ratepayers If nothing else it is a dog's breakfast and we would be surprised if the matter is settle in the near future. The NDP faces reality It must have been like pulling teeth for the provincial ND)Ps to drop out of public car insurance, and remain, to some extent with the present system. But it was done and as a matter of -fact had to be cone. For this one would have to give them credit . The real world is still out there. t will be great if under consultation with the private sector they can reduce rates some $40.00 to $60.00 per annum and at the same time increase payments for the injured. The two elements of the'î proposaI seemn to be working in opposite directions and who knows of a cut in service costs that would bring about greater services. It just neyer seems to happen that way. It would be an -opportunity lost, The Durham Region Non-Profit Housing Corporation and D'Arcy Place Centre have tearned up to provide living quarters, ad support services in a proposed group home atmosphere in Newcaste Village. The semni-detached dwelling of two units would house 5 developmentally handicapped in each unit. This is no more than a famnily unit. We feel the schemne is a good one and far far superior to institutionalization. These people are entitled to the samne amnenities as anyone elsein the community and this should flot be denied when especially willmg hmnds are there to provide Comment...1 I got, the shivers! When the news carne radio about the now striking civil servants, a chilling wave seem to come over me. More crippling in our Canadian Imidst. Many of us are getting caught short of breath, and long on despair, not knowing where on earth it wîll aIl end. Andi to think of the cost . .. not just monetarily, but over the long haul, is shattering. 1 just don't know how we are expected to keep our chins up, let alone maintain hope and any flag- wavîng feelings of patriotisen. Brian Mulroney, Michael Wilson, hey! What about Maggie Thatcher! - anybody - give us some hope! Or a solution, even a decision on this major hurtful strike, ...or are there yet even more knife-carrying skeletons in those secret parliamentary cabinets? Peggy Mullan Letter to the Editor: Dear Roy: Re: Orono Youth Centre First of all, we would sincerely like to thiank you for your co- operation in printing what little- information we have had available, to date, to share with the rest of the community. We would also like to extend a thank you to those people who have so generously contacted us to donate articles of furniture etc., in resp onse to our request in your newspaper. t is heartening to those of us who have worked to get this project off the grounti, to see this show of support fromn other niembers of our community, and we hope that it will continue.., There remains one issue that requires clarification. The program is currently operating at the Orono Armouries facility. We are working with the staff of the Town of Newcastle's Community Services Department so that the programn is not limited by the disposition/ownership of this facility. With the support that we have received from the, members of the community, we are confident that a facility will be available for this prograin to use. To those members of Our community who are less than enthusiastic about this prograrn, we would like to say this. Please do flot judge or condema thîs effort -without taking the time to finti out what we are ail about, particularly those of you who may have a "flot in my backynrd" attitude. This is not a garbage dump, or a landfill site for radioactive materials and these are not hardeneti criminals. These people are our youth, and are, in fact, very, much a part of our community. Theirown voluntary participation in helping to get this project off. the ground points to a definite interest and need for a prograrn of this nature. The rules concerning the use of the centre, and presented to the municipality for approval were, in fact, decided upon flot by the volunteers exclusively, but by the youth using the centre as well. We have set up a Decision Board with members from both the volunteers and the youth, and their input is crucial to the.continued success of this program. So long as they continue to show an interest in this effort, then s0 shall we. Please, if you have concemns about what we are doing, corne on down and see for yourself, or phone and we will gladly answer your questions. We welcome any offers of help, whether they be suggestions, donations, or a willingness to voltmteer some time. Other communities have set Up prograrns ike this with good results, 50 give the youinger members of our community a chance to make this work, and you may be pleasantly surprised. Sincerely on behalf of the Orono Youth Centre, Kathryn Coathani 983-8176 Rosalyn Allun 983-9681 Letter to the Editor:- (Letter written to Don Gilhooly) In reply to: Bowmanville Boosters Name Change Committee Attention: Don Gilhooly (Chairman) Dear Don: t was with disgust that I read your committee letter to the local Editor in reference to my actions as a Councillor. First of aIl one would take front you r letter that we only have freedomn of speech if we agree with you and that my frienti is flot the case in this country. You and I have had a gooti number of telephone conversations in the past .7 or 8, months in reference to the upcoming election. Some of these items which I accommodateti you with were as follows, at your request: 1) a list of the Mayor's Campaign Donors; 2) copies of motions of previous meetings; 3) a list of the results of the last election etc. etc. As you know, Don, 1 also supporteti your committee with copies of correspondence from Queens Park in reference to the name change. In our discussions I advised you that the name change was an issue but also we have to take a look at the tax dollar and how it is being spent. If my memory serves me proper you agreed andi stated that as long as we had a leader at the top like we have, it will neyer change. St. Saviour s Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. Douglas Hall 987-4745 SUNDAY SERVICE and SIJNDAY-SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. OROMO PASTORAL CHARGEe ~h.VA~Marlene .h~. Risebrough, 983-5702 Church Office 983-5502 UPCOMING SERVICES Sunday, September l5th Quinte "Come Alive Now' Guest Speaker Wendell White Director of Camp Quin-Mo-Lac Kirby United 9:30 a.m Orono United il1:00 a.m. Kirby.C ongregatlonal Board meets Thursday, September 19th 7:30 p.m Orono Ch arge Officiai Board meets Thursday, September 26th 7:30 p.m. - Orono Church )

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