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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Sep 1991, p. 3

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Orone Weekly Times, Wedinesday, September il, 1991 -3 Kendal Column. by PiIylis Lowery 'Well here we are going into the 2nd full week of September and the weather has been beautiful, it has felt more like July this past week. The children are ail back to school and now mothers can hopefully get a few minutes to tbemselves. 1 really don't have too much news of Kendal to report this. week,. altbough the controversary is stili going on re: the possibility of a service, station being built in Kendal, and the planning of a big sub-division at the eastem edge of the village. I really don't have any facis regardinfg ibis, but personally 1 cant picture the number of bouses that'they aretalking of building, wbere will these people work. How will it effect the people already living in Kendal? Will it become another Courtice? 1 know we must face the facis of progress but is tbis progress? If they really want 10 save the farmnland, why were the developers allowed to put ail those bouses on the farms along Hwy. 2 at Newcastle, that is some of the besi farmnland in Ontario. Now the talk of the dump is once again rearing its ugly bead, wbat wili corne next? I didn't get out tb cburch Iis week, I'm afraid I played liooky and went to the fair instead. The Durham Fair lias corne and gone for another year, I would like to pay tribute to the Fair Board h and their members for once more conducting a weli mun Fair and to the Fundraising committee for their wonderful contribution to this event. Wiîhout this group you wouidn't be able to have such excellent meals, tbey ail volunteer their time and energy year after year and this is probably taken for gyanted by many people. It is tbrougli groups like tbemn that the arena is kept in such good shape Hooper' s Leter 1(Continued fromn page 2) It would appear to me, Don, that you are disturbed because I1 would not support Mrs. Cowman for Mayor but rather I would support Mrs. Hamre. My reason issimply tbis, I feel ibai mrs. Hamre bas tbe experience and knowledge to do the job in tbe interest of the taxpayer and that is the person I could support. In reference 10 my stand on Council, I have always made my decision based on my knowledge of the subject in the interesi of tbe taxpayer and flot because (if what somnebody asked or directed me to do. Don, my suggestion to you is ibis; start basing your decision for tbe better of tbe taxpayer and forget that the Mayor is your cousin. I closing, I would like 10 say Iis, you make reference to somebody running against me i the lection. My comment to you, my friend, is that is wby we bave an election, it is called Democracy and in case you are flot aware I bave been advised by a member of your committee wbo that person will be s0 you see it cornes as no surprise. Finally, Don, I will mention a statemeni attrîbuted 10 Mrs. Cowman, as follows: "Cowman said sbe welcomed Hamre as an election opponent." Don, I again say t0 you I have always been in favour of a name change and sill arn, I also bave 10 consider tbe tax dollar and your committee bave neyer in three years and is stilli available to the local community. So if you take pride in your community, help themn in any way you can, belp out at these functions if you can or bake for them. I know many people are working but surely a few hours spent in helping tbem in the end pays off in many ways for your children. Speaking of cbildren, what ever bappened 10 teaching them bhow 10 march? Couldn't a Irophy bc given to tbe best marcbing group,,and I stress, Marcbing, and wouldn't it improve tbeir parade to the Pair, if tbey bad a band to marcb 10. If a band is flot available, how about some band music played from tapes, these gbetto blasters sbould provide loud enough music. The scbools could teach tbem bhow to put their left foot first, practice in the gyms i the winter or is ibis flot allowed anymore. We used to marcb into our classrooms from recess and noon bours perhaps I amn old fashioned, buthiis, seems better than baving them run or saunter along, 1 kniow it is a form of discipline,' but that is one tbing that seens lo be lacking these days. Meanwhile back t0ie Pair, ibe dispînys were placed well tbis year, so easy to see everything. The art show was the best ibis year, the flower displays looked lovely, the baking was in an excellent spot, well lit and the crafîs section seemed to, bave more envies tban otber years. Maybe next year they will spread theiniouI a litile more so the beautiful work done can be seen at a better-advantage. Prom al reports the new competitions ibis year were well received, the baby contest was full and some entries could not be accepted. The passport idea is- a good ibhing, il gives the people a cbance to attend more ofien and I amn sure tbey end up being able to spend more money tban tbey would bave bad they only attended one day. How about a family pass? It was good to see tbat the bandicapped parking was kept jusi for tbe handicapped and the new ramp is an added blessing. Perhaps somet hing could be done re: baving bleacbers for the people who lîke to watcb the Equestrian show, il seemrs a sbamne that to watch you bave to stand around a fence, I for one know very little about bow tbey judge Ibis event, but I certainly enJoy waîcbing these beautiful animnais and tbeir riders but dont appreciate having my view blocked by everything tbat is going on aI Ibe track., Tbese are strictly my own comments, ibis year the Fair was bigger and better tban last year, I didn't get to see everything but Ibat was rny own fau1t. Heres to a better one yet, next year, asone gets older il is iring but worth il. How about having al tbe local Churches cancel their individual services and bave the choirs from al cburcbes take part? That way we would flot bave to miss our serivce or miss part of ibis event, it is well worth attending, the music was terrific. Tbere is something ibat is mucb more scarce, someibing finer far, sometbing rarer tban ability. It is the ability to recognize ability-. -- Elbert Hubbard Ability bits the mark wbere presumrpiion oversbooîs an diffidence falîs short. A good horste show JflIts a fuir There is nothing like a good Orono Fair ibis past week-end. with plenty of action duning tbe horse show competition for a fail A good number of entries in competitions on the track in front fair and this was the case aI the the carrnage and dniving classes of the grandstand. Town considers big jump in lot levies Newcastle hydro wants le vy added On Monday the Town of Newcastle received a report from consultants as 10 suggesîed proposed changes and increases in lot levies witbin the Town of Newcastle. 1The fees as suggesîed by thie consultants would have lot levies for residential buildings more than double and would include charges for Newcastle Hydro purposes in the Village-of Orono, Newcastle and the Town of Bowmanville. Lot levies for tlie Town of Newcastle purpose for a single family dwelling would increase from the present urban rate of $2974.00 to $5807.00 and if in Orono, Newcastle and Bowmanville a furîlier $672.00 would be added for Newcastle Hydro. Multiple dwelling would increase from $2730.00 to$4953.00 plus $573.00 for Newcastle Hydro. At tbe present time Hydro does flot colleci a levy for ibeir purposes. Tbe Town further does flot collect lot levies for commercial or industrial developmenîs taking place in the Town. However under the consultants suggestion charges would be instiiuied at a raie of over $4.00 a square foot. 1A number of objections were regîstered with die public meeting ihat was beld in connection th de recommendalions from the consultant. The inierest of a proposed shopping area in the west of Bowmanville said it would add at least $1 .5 million 10, their coss plus the $3 million for outside services. It was noted that there is a need in the Town for conimercial assessment and the jobs ibat sucli a development would bring. It was said there was a need to encourage development of ail kinds in the Town and a need to become more competitive. It was said the charges would have a negative effect on development. A represeniative of the Home Building industry said the charges would bing development to a hiait in the Town and such a halt would mean the loss of tax revenue. It was poinîed oui that figures presented spoke of 1130 residential units a year but that in fact the Town bad averaged only 595 per year during the peak of residential construction. It was pointed out 10 council members that market conditions had to bc considered or ail development would be turned away from tbe coninunity. Tbe report goes 10 staff to bring back a report. -Counce. Hainre said il was difficuit to make comparison as the new charges wouid do away with cosis fordevelopers for external services sucli as*roads. She said every developer would under the proposai. be paying the same and sharing in cosus of externae services. Mrf. Manson, a consultant that bas been active in deveiopn=i the Town, said lie did flot object tw the new charges when considering extemnal cous would be meet by the Town through the new charges. He did however question if the Town would bave the money to take care of the cosns. Consider the postage'stamp: uts usefubiess consists in die ability 10 stick to one thing tilliti gets there. -- Josb Billings The question "Who ougbi 10o be boss?" is like asking "Who oughî to be the tenor in the quartet?" Obviously, the man wbo can sing tenor. -Henry Ford

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