04 rn Weekly lime, Wedinesda y, Sep tembeL 0r Il 1991 O'bjections to Newcastle- Village group home plan voiced at public hearing What's it all about An application for a rezoning to allow what was describ ed as a semi-detached dwelling with two living units on the south side of Monroe street in Newcastle Village was the subject of a public meeting on Monday at the Town's general purpose meeting. The application was filed by the Durham Region Non-Profit Housing corporation who wouid lease the property and building to the D'Arcy Place Development Centre. The' D'Arcy Place Centre intentis to sponsor a group home for the deveiopmentally handicapped wîth five residents in each of the two units and with 24 hour support staff present. The Town's planning department reported that it may be necessary to call a second public meeting as they contenti the application is for a group home radher than a sem i- detacheti dwelling and thus would require a different rezoning of the, landis. The general purpose committee has recommendeti to council that the proposai be returned to the planningdepartment for further consideration, which will include whether or flot a further public meeting will be required. The proposai was flot without opposition at the public meeting from neighbouring land owners. One stateti that the Ganaraska mnust use twol measuring sticks for they had applieti to build on a similar lot, somewhat higher, but were flot permittecl to do so. It was further stated that residents would flot be from the area community but rather from Whitby and Ajax andi why would the facility flot be built in the area from which the residents will corne. 'It is an institution", it was statei.. "Not i my backyard"'. The drop i value of nieighbouring properties was stated alsotobe aconcern. .Representatives from D'Arcy Place spoke of the facîlity being for aduits and that i addition to the 24 hour support staff in each unit other program staff would bc available for the residents. Each unit is to have its own living and dining rooms with a kitchen andi laundry. The units Would be separate to each other. t was suggested that the outside appearance would be that of a bungalow from the street lev'el and that a circular drive would provide parking for four cars. D'Arcy Place representatives said they would consider a brick exterior andi consideration wiil also be given to increasing the number of parking spaces. The planning department will ftuish council withi another report and recommendation. Kendal Gas, Station, hearing cornes to end-a The Ontario Municipal Board hearing held last Thursday and late into the evening on Friday con- sidern'ng a rezonting application for a gas station i Kendal lias now been completed. It is expected that the decision by the board will take- some time before it is rnade known . The application was subiaitteti by >Mario Veltri and given approval by the Town of Newcastle council. Objection to the application'came from some individual residents of the area and the Save The Ganaraska Again organization. SAGA [draw winners at fair Five prizes were drawn through, the sale of tickets at the SAGA boothi at the Orono Faîl Fair on Saturday. Winners were: Dave Wilkinson, Orono winning A Comecobia Food basket of footis donated by farmers in the Ganaraska Valley watershed. Zella Patterson, Orono, winning a print of tie Ganaraska by John Climnenhage. Kevin Scott, a print of the Ganaraska by Johin Climenhage. Rosemnary Cameron, Pontypool, Chiltirens Books by Symon Packwood Drieves Kay Lycett, Orono winning a, hanging picture frame by Roger AlIman. 0f course it is the pig races at Orono Town Hall Board. the Orono Fair spo nsored by the It provides a good many chuckles and laughter. ----- ---- ----- --------------------- Town to give approval for Mobile Home Park The General Purpose committee on Monday gave their approval to a rezoning of the Newcastle Trailer Park, owned by E.E'. Vandewaker allowing 18 mobile home units on a year round basis. The recoinmendation will be submitted to council for approval at the time the site plan agreement has been executed. Trailer Sales and Services are also allowable within the rezoning. The trailer home park is locateti at 623 King Street East in the Village of Newcastle. The application has been hanging fire since September of 1989 when a report recommended denial of the application. Since that ime the number of units has been reduceti from 29 to the present 18. t was noted in the planning report that residenîs of the trailer park has reporteti iniprovemnent matie at the park anti to deny the application woulti leave many with no place to re- settle. The Durham Health departmnent has advised that they have no objection provided the owner agrees to connect ail trailers to municipal water and sewers when such become available to the park. The Town wili pass the necessary by-iaw when conditions of the site plan are met by the ownerof the trailer park. David Scoft (Continueti from page 1) For the past 3-1/2 years as Chairman of the Committee of Clarke Constituents, he has been involved in environruental issues effecting Clarke Township. This has inclutieti the successful opposition to the proposed N3 Metro Lantifili site south of the 401 (between Newtonviiie and 4e wcastie) in 11988, and the continuing effective opposition to the proposed expansions of the Laidlaw landfill site northwest of Newtonville. He has also actively supported the efforts of the Port Granby-Newcastle Comxmttee, the No Ganaraska Dump Committee andi S.A.G.A. Mr. Scott, who has lived in Clarke for the past 4 years and lias hati a farnily association with the community for the past 20 years, said that, "the present generation has an obligation to future generations to pass on our heritage in tact. I believe titis view is shared by the majority of people i Clarke, both newcomers and longý time residents alike."1 Propose big jump in development fees 1HopeTownship is considering big increase i development fees to be charged to those wishing to buiid in the Township. At the present time the set charge is $ 1200.00. If the proposai passes, homes in rural areas will be charged $7,200 whiie those in hamiets wili be charged $6,200. Wjitchen Corner F Ratatouille with Brie Gratin olive oul tomates, chopped cucumber, diceti cloves garlic, minceti 2 tbsp. chopped fresh basil or Italian parsley 3/4 cup tomato sauce 1 cup breadcrumbs 4 oz. Brie, cubeti Heat oil in skillet. Add tommtes, cucumber and garlie. Cook over medium heat, stirring 3,minutes. Add basil and tomato sauce. Cook 5 minutes, stirring. Turn into heatproof gratin dish. Sprinkle with breadcrum-bs, then top with cheese. Brou 3 minutes or until top) is golden brown. Makes 4 servings. 2ýtbsp. 4 1 2