mm( 6 - Oirorio Weýekiy llmeés, WýednesdýaySepýtm ber 1 1, 19 O ver-ail winners in the baby con test Look to volunteers for trail development The planners of the Lakefront, half mile trait, at the waterfront in Port Hope expect that volunteer help will be needed to undertake the project. Port Hope council are expected to endorse the plan but as to funding it may have to corne from somnewhere else. 1The project is currently ini the planning stage and local environmental groups have offered their assistance and possibly some funding. Fair in Port Hope The annual fall fair in Port Hope is being held this week-end. They are able because they think they -are able. --Vergil Tlhe Great Pine Ridge Kinette Pictured -above are the cver-all Clubs sponsored baby contest at. winners in both the girl's and boy's Bullock of Park Street, Orono. the Orono Faîl Fair attracted an divisions. The Kinettes were well pleased enrolmIent of fifty babys from the (Left) Brinnia-Lee daughter of with the reception of the contest area and a further 50 to 60 had to Sheri and Brian heard of and plan to be back again in 1992 be turned away as classes were Newcastle Village and (right) with the sane event. full. Michael, son of Lael and Rod - - - - - - Mary Wilson, R.N., Co- ordinator of Volunteers (left) with associate, Nazleen Ali, Resource Worker. "~Most of us take our developmental growth and physical abilities for granted. We operate on the assumption that tasks like eating and toiletting, going to the shopping centre or for, a walk, attending school or having a job are tiot privileges but rights. For Individuals with developmental or physical handicaps, and their families, each of these can sometimies present significant bariers." - Mary Wilsoni The Durham Association for Famnily Respite Services would tike everyone to look again, throughi the eyes of these '"indivîduals with handicaps ", rather than "handicapped individuals. .."and see the abilities they possess and what they truly have to offer - trust, insight and frîendship. Volunteers are nee-ded. For even a few hours a month ... respite ... help, care support can be given, even in your own home. The Durham Region Family Relief Service was established in 1978 under the auspices of various Associations for the Mentaîly Retarded. The Durhami Association for Family Relief Services was incorporated in 1982 as an independent body. -In 1987 the program expanded to provide respite care services for the families caring at home for children with physical handicaps. The current name, Durham Association for Family Respite Services, was adopted in 1988 to more accurately reflect the services provided and is operated by a volunteer board of directors. A potential respite host family is carefully "miatched" with the client and his or her family, with follow up on both sides, to ensure the match is one hundred percent agreeable, workable and enjoyable to all concemed. Persons who qualify for respite must be physically or developmnentally handicapped, no matter the age. For respite care-givers, there is no time minimum or obligation. Those who offer respite prefer to do so in their own home envionmnt.In this way, the individual with the handicap has the marvelous opportunity, of THE BEST ARCHERY $HOP, Archery Sales and Service Complete line of Bows, Arrows and Accessories for the Bowhunter and Target Shooter Owned and Operated by a mnember of the Professional Archeryf Association P.A.A. INSTRUCTION AVAILABLE 29 Caroline Street East, Newcastle Village (2 blocks south of King St. off Mili St.) 987-1147 n oti no Giant Second Hand Book Sale Saturday, Septemiber l4th 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Hardbacks 25e ea. or 51$1.0 Paperbacks 10e ca. Magazines 5e~ ea. Used Library Sheif Book Ends 50e a Pair Clarke Museum & Archives Town of Newcastle 7086 OId Kirby School Road Kirby, Ontario (Hwy. 35/115 at Reg. Rd. 9) For information cali: 983-9243 A Project of the Specil Events Committee. PROCEEDS GO TO MUSEUM DEVELOPMENT "Corne One! Corne AIl! FALL FESTIVAL Sa t., Sept. 21lst ewcastIe Village Town Hall *Pancake Breakfast 7:30 arn. - 10:00 a.m.* *Flea Market and Craft Sale 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.* *Bicycle Decorating Contest 1:00 p.m.* -AiFoIIowed By - DANCE 9:00 p.m.- 1:00 a.mi Tickets are $35.00/couple (includes Dance, Drinks, Luncheon) Cail 987-4395 Sponsored by Newcastle Village & District Chamber of Commerce "Corne out and be a part of the fun!" Respite Volunteers Needed nHEREÀ"S ONE COURSE YOUR HION SCHOOL DOESN'T OFFER. The Young Drivers of Canada program is flot offered 3 at any high school. The fact is. the oniy place you can take the Young Drivers programn is through your local YD center. -i; T'at's important to remember since the Young Dies of Canada progran ils quite different from other At YD, you get im-car training in emnergency maneuvers like brake-and-avoid, threshold braking, * rear-crash and head-on collision avoidance. -: Register now and get the defensive driver training that wilI protect you for a lifetimie. 7 tung Drivers of Canceda W,' teach 'ou Io divie and survive. The Yourîg Drivers program is not available ai any high srhool. Caii us for more information ai: 98 King St. W., Bowmanviile 623-7017 Evenings: Sept 171h 6 pm-9 pm Tues. & Thurs. Saturday: Oct. Sîh 9 arn-I pmfor 4 weeks