.... W ...e* . ..... ep.f b r 5,191 I Christian Corner by Rev. Marg West Tight Spots Our children are always giving us reason te examine ourselves aren't they? Some of the things they do we sometimes wonder about them, don't we? I don't know about you but I sure do. Take last week, our son was working on his car in the garage, our son is always working on his car in the garage. This car bas been scraped, painted, scraped and painted s0 many times I'rn surprised there is still metal to scrape and paint. However, that wasn't what I started eut to say. Lyle quite often takes whatever is in the fridge to eat or drink te the garage. If 1 arn missing jugs, plates, silverware I only have to go te the garage and retrieve them. Isn't that nieat. Most moms just have te go te the bedrooms and of course I also have te retrieve them First Pace $400, Time 204.4-, Mabel Brown (M Samnons); Big Ray (A. Reid); Torie Lynin (B. Cellins); Exac tor (5-4) paid $62.00 Second - Metails Unlimited Pace $500, Tirne 205.1 - Cooler donated by O.H.H.A. - Saucy Cedarwood (B. Collins); Fly Creek (L. Crook); Chris J. Lee (K. Jones); Exactor (2- 3),Paid $20.70; Daily Double Paid $5.40 Third - Motor Carriers LTD Pace $550, Time 204. - Cooler donated by'Durharn Farmers Co-op - Prince Lee Karen (J. Robinson); Fully Censored (R. Badkin); H-ieland OK (M. Sarnens); Exacter (7-4) Paid $53.50 Fourtb - Automobile Carriers Ltd. Pace $500, Time 203.4 - Ceeler denated by Millbroek Equine Clinic; Busy Time (B. Collins); Savvys Kilty (D. Rideout); Carrera Jewel (J. Harris); Exactor (5-2) Paid $ 10.90 Fifth - George Pollitt Pace $600, Tirne 205 - Cooler donated by Royal Bank, Bowrnanville; Ata B OS Gypsy (G. Sizer); Tuffmnyleve (A. Reid); Lia Con (D. Newman); Exactor (4-3) Paid $1360 1Sîxth - Muddy George Pace $650, Time 202 - Cooler donated by Alice Hooey; Trojan Frosty (J. Robinson); Arnalong (D. Leblenc); Canadian Flight (M. Sarnons); Exactor (2-7) Paid $67.10 Seventh - Jack Reid Memorial Trotý $550, Tirne 206.1 - Cooler a ae4, a 0 a a a there. This particular incident occurred when I went te get a drink of orange juice from the fridge. (wýhich 1 thought was a logical place for it te be) On opening the door 1 discovered the juice pitcher was not there, nor was it in the sink. I headed for the garage'and sure enough I found the juice pitcher, several glasses, platesetc. When I get back into the kitchen 1 discovered that Lyle had just happened te drop his glass into die neck of the pitcher when he was finished with it. Now isn't mhat a neat concept. A glass stuck in mhe neck of a glass pitcher. My first reaction was te just throw it eut. Then my husband thought maybe if he applied heat te the bottom of mhe pitcher it would corne apart. Praise the Lord it did se I still have glass and pitcher. As 1 said earlier some things Council baffled me~rTown, charges Co fncil members became somnewhat bùffled on Monday when an Oshawa Wood Products rezoning application te allow a flea market and auction centre on their property at 1696 Bloor Street. The preperty had formerly been used by Henry Build-All lumber prior te its closmng earlier mhis year., The planning report stated-tmat the Public Works departrnent required $15,8 12 for street lights and sidewalks with the Community Services department requiring a payment of 2 percent of mhe value of mhe property. Randy Henry, the applicant questioned the charges especially smnce the owner was asking only for a temporary rezoning. He said the owners were net changing anything from the tirnie that the property was leased by Henry Build-All. "AIl we are asking is a temperary rezoning for a three year period," he said. Counic. Deegan questioned staff over the charges with Walter Evans, Director of Public works stating that it was standard practice wimh an application, "but I question why too", he said. .Joe Caruana,-director of Community Services, also said it had been standard practice on such applications. Counc. Hamre noted mhat it was only a change of use for the property wh 'ile Mayor Hubbard said she couldn't imagine the 2 percent charge for Community Services. The application has been, referred te staff for further processing. make you wonaer, but then I started thinking back to when I was a kid and I think Id bc safe to say I likely did a lot of questienable, things. Even some things I do today, it'g possible that God is saying I sometimnes wonder about you Marg. Just like whcn we get ourselves inte tight spots (like the glass in the pitcher) God has to apply a Ilittie heat or you could caîl it sandpapering to show us what we are doing and how to get out of it. This application of heat or sandpapering could be from a variety of sources. The main thing is we need to be able to yield to whatever method God uses to remove us from the situation. The need to have God's wisdom in dealing with our children and ourselves, and we need te look back at our own lives and realize we did some questionable things. Our juilgement then was a child's judgement. Hopefully today as we deal with things it's with a mature adult judgement. Children need models not critics. What kind of a model are you being for your child. They are most likely to do what they see us doing than what they hear us saying. (When they mature) Not to panic though because if we do what Proverbs 3 verses 5-6 says we should be more than able te cope with anything. "Trust in the LORD with alI thine heart and lean not te thine own understanding. In ail thy ways acknowledge HIM and HE shall direct paths." Questions or Comments? Write Box 179, Orono. Watch Total Christian Television Charnel 49, Buffalo. donated by Mel Hartwig Excavating Ltd.; Algor Downy (D. Leblonc); Ridge View Cheer -(A. Nichelis); Huron Street (J. Cole); Exactor (5-1) Paid $920. Eighmh - Armstrong's IGA Pace $1000, Tîme 201 - Cooler donated by Armstrong's IGA; None Shahl Pass (D. Rideout); Cedarwood George (M. Wade); Brigarnato (D. Leblonc);, Exactor (6,1) Paid $239.10 Ninth - Ina Brown Memorial Pace $650, Tirne 205 - Cooler and Trophy donated by Ross Brown and Family; Eagles Miracle (S. Skilton); Some Happy (M. Hales); Chablis Lobell (L. Rose); Exactor (2-4) Paid $39.90 Tenth - W. Frank Real Estate Pace $600, Time 204.4 - Cooler donated by W. Frank Real Estate; Shirwill Bonnie (D. Rideout); Native Son (B. Collins); Parkhill Gus (D. Gassien); Exacter (3-2) Paid $39 .60 With Flair" for LADIES anid GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5ý333 CATERING CONNECTION ON THE SPOT CATERING Weddings - Anniversaries - Ail Banquets CHEESE TRAYS - MEAT PLATTERS - SALADS Fred & Patricia Storsbergen Orono 983-9679 MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. Established in 1881 623-5480 PRE-ARRANGEO AND PREPAID FUNERAL SERVICES AVAILABLE 3-tfSN TheC s rto f h aTaWN=OF - NEa - PROCLAMATIOUN IT IS HEREBY PROCLAIMED THAT THE WEEK 0F OCTOBER 6TH - 13TH WILL BE OBSERVED AS FIR E PREVENTION WEEK IN THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE e C)d(( Marie Hubbard Mayor Town of Newcastle Date of Publication: Wednesday, September 25, 1991 P.O. 4908 NOTICE TO UTS CITUZENS 0F THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE QUALIFIED TO VOTE AT A MUNICIPAL ELECTION Notice is hereby given in accordance withSection 132 of The Municipal Act, and pursuant to By-Iaw 91-149 passed on September 16, 1991, that a poil is to be held on the following question: 'ARE YOU IN FAVOUR0F RETAINING THE NAME 0F THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE?" The day fixed for taking the poili is Tuesday, November 12, 1991. Advance polils shall be held on Saturday, November 2, 1991 and Wednesday, Novemnber 6, 1991. 1, Patti L. Barrie, Clerk of the Town of Newcastle certify that the question set ouf herein is a correct statement as authorized by By-Iaw 91-149. L\few asilePatti L. Barrie, A. M.C.T. Dates of Publication: Wednesday, September 25, 1991 Wednesday, October 2, 1991 Wednesday, October 9, 1991 P.O. 3602 Pt ~ - Harness horse resuits at Orono Fairevn Lawn Contrai for FaIl & Winter Season -Weed Spraying -Crab Grass -Fertili zing -Insect Spraying -PIug Coraeration Program availabie for the season. See the Difference Quality Makes! 983-5598 (Orono, Newcastle)