Report From Ottawa by Ross Stevenson, M.P. for Durham Last week's return ta work by federal publie servants was a major victory for Canadian taxpayers and a good amen for aur economic recovery. When the Public Service Alliance of Canada agreed ta withdraw its picket and return ta the bargaining table, it did so with the fui understanding there was no change in the governments position as originally announced in lait Fridays budget -- a freeze on ail salaries during the 1991-92 fiscal year, with subsequent increases limited ta 3 per cent annually. Those limits arean extremely important feature of the federal plan for slashing spending, ta reduce the deficit and eventually bring aur national debt load under contrai. The salary restraints will save $675 million this year and appraximately $3.5 billion over a five year periad. Those are large numbers, but they have ta weighed against this years $30 billion deficit and a national debt which now tatals more than $15,000 for every individual Canadien. AIl federal salaries are being fozen -- nat just those af unianized emnployees, as was incorrectly and repeatedly stated during the recent strike, Cantrary ta the misleadin'g statements by union leaders and others, the gavernment did not put a wage freeze on its rank and file workers after providing increases far senior officials and after Members of Parliaxnent "gave theaselves a raise." T he freeze and restraints can only affect those contracts and agreements- that came up far renewal after the February Budget. During the time frame in which seniar governiment executives received a 4.2 per cent increase, the PSAC had a contract agreement giving its members a samewhat higher raise. M.P.s and cabinet ministers do not set their awn pay scale ar vote on it. Ta avoid exactly the sort of criticismn we've heard recently, far the past 15 years Members' salaries have been reviewed independently each year. Under the Parliament of Canada Act, any raises are pegged at a level below increases in the cost af living and a national wage index. Thraugh this provision ail M.P.s received a 3.78 per cent raise last January 1. Next year the Prime Minister, M.P.s, senior officiais and everyone else on the federal pay-roll wîll have their wages frozen. They will ail be subject ta the same restraints as are now being applied ta the PSAC. lt's worth noting here that, since the present governînent wai elected in 1984, the average annuai pay taise for M.P.s have been 2.9, per cent, compared ta an average inflation rate of 43 pet cent. From 1984 ta lait year the total salary increase was 17.6 per cent. During that sane periad we had 29.6 per cent inflation, while federal public servants received wage mncreases totalling 25.5 per cent. Sa we have not been asking others ta do more than we've donc ourselves. There also have been references ta M.P.s' travel expenses, iniplying they are part of the salary package. The fact is, Members may dlaim up ta $6,000 pet year for certain travel' related expenses such as meals and accommodation. These are costs any employer would normally caver for his or lier emplayees. They arent part of the salaxy, thcyre anly paid after an expense dlaimt is submitted, and it's obviaus ail M.P.s want be claiming. the ful amoant.1 AIl of us are in this together. Whether we like it or nat, al Canadians have a share of the national debt. Those of us on thc federal pay- rail have a particular responsibiitY ta help bring spending under contrai -- for the sake of thde taxpayers who foot the bil, and for thc ultimate future of aur nation. MERVYN B. KELLY Barrster and Solicitor LAW OFFICE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE - REASONABLE RATES Free Initial Consultation 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 623-4444 Evening and Week-end Appointments Available Corner Church and Temperance Sts., BowmanviIe TENDER SEALED TENDERS, clearly marked as to contents, for the contract isted below, submitted to the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, Office of the Clerk, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, LIC 3A6, are invited and wiII be received on the forms and in the envelope provided until the specified closing ime and date. Tender documents may be obtained from the Purchasing Office at the above address. TENDER NW91-36 - Gravel Crushing & Hauling (approximately 52,000 tonnes) Closlng ime & Date: 12:00 Noon (Local Time) Friday, October 11, 1991 The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Date of Publication: Wednesday, September 25, 1991 'irs. Lou Ann Birkett Purchasing & Supply Agent elephone: (416) 623-3379 ext. 268 P.O. 4671 INDIVIDUAL APPLE STRUDELS For an elegant dinner finale, create individual apple strudels. Serve, fresh from the aven on pretty dessert plates with a small scoop of butter pecan or French vanilla ice creain. Despite their impressive appearance, they're incredibly easy-to-make and theres no pastry making involved. Peel and core apples; cut into 1/3 inches (8 min) dice. Place in large bowl. Combine sugar, flour, orange rind (if using), cinnamnon and nutmeg; stir into apples until even coated. Stir i vanilia. Place 1 of the phyllo sheets on work surface, keeping remaining phyllo covered with damp cloth. Brushi sheet with butter. Add second sheet of phyllo; brush with butter. Cut crosswise into 4 strips, about 13 x 4 iches (33 x 10 cm) each. Spoon scant /2 cup (125 mL) fllling along short end of one strip, Ieaving about 1/4 inch (5 mrn) pastry empty on either side. Gently roll up jelly-roll style, holding in filling as you roll. Place on lightly butter bakmng sheet, seamn side down. Brush with butter. Repeat with remaining phyllo strips and fllling to make 7 more roîls. Immediately bake in 375 degree F oven for, 30 to 35 minutes or until golden brown. Make 8 mini-strudels. ~'~nt otIta/iyandi -îc±aLa OROTHOPAEDIC & SPORT THERAPV ?JfaL'ma-ýoia 0%'ant B. Sc., B. Sc. (P.T.) 222 KIng Street East Bowmanvllle, Ontarte LIC i1P6- (416) 623-2783 ORONO FUEL & - LUMBER LIMITED P.O. Box 180, Station Street Orono, Ontario LOB 1MO ALISTAIR ROZARIO FREE ESTIMATES Telephone: (416) 983-9167 Residence: (416) 983-5344 RE/MAX CORNERSTONE REALTY 104 KING ST, BOWMANVILLE PUT MORE $$$'s IN YOUR POCKET a expert listing advice *proven selling J strategies ý4î a the real estate team that consistently captresthearea's » argest market share S-ALLY STAPLES 6ï23-6000 associate broker For this ADDED VALUE SERVICE cail me! You can'It afford flot to. Enniskillen - $1 99,000 Need lots of room? Bowmanville - $154,900 Perfect for the whole familyl Omemee - $1 15,000 Deep lot, mature trees. Enniskillen - $233,900 Development potential. Mosport Road - $158,000 Bethany - $1 15,000 Ready to move into. Just far enough away. Haydon - $374,900 Hwy. 115& 35 -*265,000 Spectacular view, sparkllng pond. Restaurant- gas bar opportunity! 4 cups apples (Mclntosh, Spy or Spartan) 1/4 cup granulated sugar 3 tbsp ail-purpose flour finely grated rind of orange (optional) 1/2 tsp cinnamon 1/4 tsp nutmneg 1/4 tsp vanilia 1/4 cup golden raisins 4 sheets phyllo pastry 1/4 cup unsalted bu tter, melted