Vol. 55, No. 33 ORONO, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, S-PTEMBER 25,1991 Waste Reduction Week the Future is in R's by Helen MacDonald (RCO) and the Ministry of In this competitive world, Environment Ontario, the Town of Canadians struggle to rank first or Newcastle hias declared Septemiber best. We are a young nation. We 29-October 6, 1991 "*WASTE are a small nation. But, we are a REDUCTION WEEK' - "The wasteful nation. In fact, Canadians Future is Rs!. Formerly known generate more garbage per capita as Recycling Week, the week now than any other country. This "best" reflects the importance of the 3Rs is flot something to bc proud of! hierarchy (Reduce, Re-Use, How do we change this? Recycle) in the war on waste. TO BIlue box recycling has given us enlist individual action, the RCO is an opportunity to take a bite out of chiallenging ail Ontarians to observe garbage going to the dump. By Wednesday, October 2, as ZERO recycling glass, cans and GARBAGE DAY, encouraging us newspapers, there has been a 25.5% to make a concerted effort to reduction in waste landfilled in the liminate garbage from entering the Region of Durham since the waste stream. recycling programme began in In discussing the importance of 1988. Still, if we are really serious WASTE REDUCTION WEEK, about waste reduction. other Mayor Marie Hubbard stated, " initiaitives must bc pursued. when 1 first began to work in public In conjuniction with the office, few of us knew very muchi Recycling Council of Ontario (Continued page 2) 0MB gives nod to Best Road'citizens The Ontario Muniicipal Board has handed down its depision relating to the application of Stuart and Jean Wood to be able to establish a transport or cartage depot on their property on Best Road north of Orono. The decision harled down by the Board supported tbe appeal of the Best Road residentS and stated the said by-law, passed by the Town of Newcastle council, which approved the depot is repeal&O. The decision *as passed down on September l2th; 199 1. The Woods whP own some 128 acres north of Orono, have according to the report, been operating an illegal trucking operat ion from their property which started with thred trucks and has since expanded. The application to council sought a rezonifig to permit a second house on thÇ property and to0 legalize their busini@ss. Through the process the planning department of the Town was opposed to both aspects of the request but latter the objection to the house was lifted. Town council went against the recommendation of their planning staff to deny the application with council moving to approve the application. One of the biggest issues of the hearing was the issue of the condition of the road to carry truck traffic. According to T. Yeo, Board member, the evidence of Mr. Canella, Public work staff member,disposed of the case, and Yeo said the by-Iaw should be appealed. Canella had stated that the location of a truck operation on Best Road was flotdesirable. Yeo also points to evidence from Don Patterson, manager, engineering operations, that the base of the road was grass roots which had been gravelled and then treated with a low-cost bituminous surface. Canella said it was a country road flot suited to truck traffic. Yeo noted reports of noise from larger trucks as it effects residents on Bes t Rond. Yeo said that council when considering the application must consider two criteria of a notwithstanding clause in the by- law. He pointed to the accessibility by, a public road which is maintained by the appropriate authority as open to traffic on a year round basis and is of a standard construction adequate to provide for the additional traffic generated by the proposed use'. Yeo said the road condition was not such that it met this criteria as set out in the clause. Trying to set parameters for 0MB hearing Harvey Thompson of the compos ting as well. Harvey Kendal area pinys bis part in States everyone can play their waste reduction flot only with the part in the process with littie above digester but also trouble. Happ"enin1"gs ... ORONO TOWN HALL EUCHRE RESULTS The Town Hall euchre resuits for Wednesday, September l8th are as follows: High scores Carl Gimblett with 91; Vi Hayward with 84; Marion Sears and Edgar Millson eachi with, 82; and Lena Clysdale with 81. Low Score Aleck Moffat. Draw winners CarlTodd, Thelma Vagg, Olive Little Edgar Milîson and Marg Todd. Euchre is held every Wednesday night at 8 p.m. Ladies please bring lunch. PUBLIC SKATING BEGINS Public Skating gels underway for another year at the Orono Arena beginning this Sunday, September 29th from 2:30-4:30 p.m. and continuing weekly thereafter. Parents & Tots Public Skating is held every Wednesday, from 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. beginning October 2nd. WASTE REDUCTION WEEK Waste Reduction Week, September 29 - October 6, miany community events going on. Vist the Bowmianville Mal Thursday, October 3 to Saturday, October 5 to leamn about waste reduction. See the contest posters displayed at the samne time and you could also win a free composter. For more information you can caîl 786-2089 or 623-6149. The Ontario Mpiicipal Board hearinig reîating të the proposed Kirby HeightsEsa development of 14 Estate 'éi~ta lots east of thle Oshawa Ski Club opened Moniday moming in, Bowmanville. A brief momipg session saw the sýecond membef of the board declare a corIfliët of interest leaving chairal!an Morley Rosenberg as the sole member present to start the flearing. Janec Pepino, repfesenting Kirby Heights Estates registered with the board along with Peter Petrie for Save The GJantlraska Again (SAGA) comrnititce and Mario Faieta representinlg the provincial interest of the Minist1ry of Natural Resources, Municip)al Affairs and the Ministry of the f-nvirorîment.1 Pepino in ber ëpening address before the chairmaïl stated that the Board should not recognize the recently passed Provincial guidelines as they relate to the Oak' Ridge Moraine and she further stated that lier clients holings were not wîthin the area of the Oak Ridge Moraine and thus the guidelines should not apply. She further stated that her clients application predated the setting of the guidelines thus another reason the the guidelines should not be a factor in the hearing. The board chairman said the Board had often encouraged witnesses to use guideline to backup their presentations and here noted that the Foodline guidelines have often been used to support evidence. He did say that the use of guidelines was often a matter of circumstances. The provincial interest did suggest that the lands were witbin the Oak Ridges Moraine, In an effort to narrow down the issues and define the parameters of the hiearing legal counsel for the the applicant, the province and those opposing the application continued in the aftemnoon in what has been called a Pre-hearing. Through the Pre-hearing process, which also includes expert witnesses, the group are to come to a determination by Thursday of this week. Following an agreement of all concerned parties the Board will conduct hearings on the application and it is expected that two members will sit on the board for the hearings. There have been estimates that the hearing could continue upwards of three weeks but perhaps flot on a continuous schedule. Plan to expand at Ace Submarîne, Hwy. 115 Tbe Sotiriadis of Ace Submarine. on Highway 115 jlist north of the Third concessioi have made application to expapd their highway business with the addition of a Convenience Store Of some 2667 square feet. Peter Sotirigdis informed members of coundil that a market anal ysis had sho"x the proposal to be viable as most §Vmmer traffic is to cottage coulitry and the convenience store would be of benefît to those Vlaking the trip north. It was pointed Out that the presenit Ace Subnrarne restaurant. would be included in tie design of the expansion. Sotiriadis said thiat at the presenit time restaurants. Were feeling the pinch of the recession and that the proposed addition would assist in gaining a further business share of those travellinig the highway . Dolis of the past now at, Clarke Museum, Kirby Clarke Museum & Archives is pleased to an nounce this montb's feature display in the community display gallery. From now until October lStb the Bowmanville Museum will be using the space to highlight a number of dolîs of the past from their world class collection. The comimunity display gallery is composed of a vintage display case and 14 feet of wall space. It is available to any group, organization, society or individual who may wish to put on a display to prommotethir group. 1The space is available free of charge. Bookings may be made through the curator's office. Eacb display lasts approxîmately one month. The Bowmanville Museum is the 4th group to utilize the space this year. We encourage anyone wbo is interested to caîl the museum. Booking dates now available are November-December, January- February, February-March. The Museum is located on Old Kirby School Rond, Hwy. 35/115 at Reg. Road 9, Kirby, Phone (416) 983-9243.