2 - Orono WeekIy Times, Wednesday, September25,1 991 PUFhd EeyWedreoday at the Office «oPubictot 5310 MainStreet, Qrorno, Ontaro L.OB 1 MO Telephone 416-W83-5301 Roy C. Forrester, Ownei-Editor Su bscription $14,00 per annumn We will be brief September 29th to October 6th has been declared Waste Reduction Week but before you say flot another article on garbage let us tel you this will be brief. 1The simple fact is that it is al of us as individuals that, wil in the end, make the difference. ILt does take sorne determination and some extra time but the- end resuit is one that benefits ail and could well carry on into the future and for furthier generations. Reduce is the ultimate answer and this cones about i our everyday style of living. It's flot likely that one needs a long list of reducing habits for they are being listed time after time. Think about it and play your part i a better environment in this land. Your efforts could be catching. A costly p olitical decision ThIe Ontario Municipal Board has handed down its decision to the proposed trucking centre on Best Road and according to a letter to the editor the process to get the decision is an expensive one. Best Road residents had te, sheli out somne $18,000 and likely there is a similar cost to the Woods. Few would take the step to oppose such an application knowing fu11 well the legal and professional fees corne at no mean cost. The planning departrnent of the Town had recomrnended that the application bc denied, a decision that was based on planning principals. Council on the other hand made a polîtical decision overturning the reconunendation of the planning departrnent and giving the request for rezoning their blessing and approval. It was a costly decision on the part of council especially for ail parties concerned. Surely council has to be rindful that planning principles should be upheld in alI applications To do otherwise makes light of land-use planning and as we see could well becomne costly for ahl parties. Fine words are they Bob Rae in speaking to the Durham Region Manufacturing Association recently called for co-operation frorn the major players in the province, gover=ient, business and labor. These are fine words we have heardfrorn other leaders but nothing really seerns to have irnproved and -recent strike action is a clear indication. Rae notes that Ontario is part of a world economy and that the province cannot spend its way ta econornic prosperity. He said that the province had to get their expenditures under control. Again fine words but Rae and his govennent really has not heard thern yet judging frorn their generosity to sorne sectors of the provincial family responsibilities. One would agree there are some tough decisions to be made and like it or not it seems to be the federal government that is making these hard decisions. A chuekie Last week we cornpleted sorne election brochures for Jim Hale in his bid for the local counicil seat. We were of the opinion that the job turned out real well but became sorne disappointed in that on completion we found one risspelt word. .When im and Carolyn came to pickup the job 1 had to confess. Jir laughed saying it was alright. 's flot a reflection on dhe candidate but on the printer'. Well we t'y to be perfect but seemn to find it impossible on a continual basis. Waste Reduction (Continued fromn page 1) about the business of waste. As recent as the past 2 or 3 years, garbage was put on the curb with littie thought." "Today, many years later, and after much assistance from a number of local environmental groups and environmentalists, I have learned a lot about waste reduction in-my day-to-day living. 1 arn much more cautious. I have gone from about three bags of garbage per week to about haif a bag by refusing to buy over- packaged items, and by looking for alternatives." t is the philosophy that Evylin Stroud and Judy Hurvid, Volunteer Co-Ordinators of Newcastles Waste Reduction Week, are promoting. They have planned activities and outreach initiatives which will educate people to the possibilities of what they can do in their daily lives - to help each of us be a part of the solution and flot part of the problem. Stroud understands " people want to help the erivironment, but do flot want to alter their lifestyles dramatically. They are looking for littie things that they can do. Often people will say that they are just one person, and what does it rnatter what they 'do?" Both Stroud and Hurvid believe, though, "... that if, everybody does just one person's thing, it ail adds up." Borrowîng from Edmnund Burke, Hurvid rerninds us: "Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do a little." .Whiat can you do? Recognizing that information is the key to action, Hurvid, Stroud and a team of volunteers shail be at an information -booth at the Bowmanville Mail during store hours on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, October 3, 4, and 5th. Visit, and you could win a CommeOt.. Quebec. A distinct I.'society. 1 + 1Yes. This is flot news. Quebec lias always been beautifully distinict. This was so, long, long befor)i, any politician of any sort felt tLý urge to point it out. Beauty is ill the eye of the behoder ... For ages,-Capadians have held Quebec distinctly and dearly in their hearts. t Was the place to go to truly feel hî§tory corne alive. The scenery and the architecture: e xquisite; her people and their language absolutely charming. Here was solÉç real Canadian Heritage; and thtural prîde went along with it. Ail that this rebellious "whoop- lah" over the past few years has seemed to do is to crush the image dha the rest of Caniada lias had for Quebec. Whatever "justifiable" excuses, politicians have had in dragging this distinct society issue through the mud has backçfired. Canadians are fed up. We are sick of hearing about "poor"' Quebec. t is sad that in the eyes of the beholder . .. the rest of Canada, the vision of La Belle Province is distorted. A heritage has been tarnished and it isn't even what the majority of native Quebeckers want. Peggy Mullan Letter to Editor We on Best 9oad have just been through an unpiPasant, costly, and unnecessary Ontario Municipal Board hearing, Which we won! About ond year ago our neighbour appli@d to the Newcastle Town Council tp legalize an illegal trucking operation. The operation had grown fronil a couple of trucks to 8 trucks and pups in 17 years. We had not conlipla.iied because we thought it was I-EOAL. When we found it was il1çgal, we protested. The Newcastl@ Planning Dept. recommended AGAINST legalizing the. operation. The Town Council overrode us boffi and legalized the composter! Children câd" enter a poster contest or attend '"The Green Magic, Show- on Satjrday, October .5th at 2 p.m. at the Newcastle Village Town Hall. Fintl Out what happens when you miei comedy magic, audience participation, and the environment! Observing the 3R's when making daily decisions at the supermarket andi elsewhere is easy and doesnt coât the earth. One of the simplest ways Of reducing your household garffge is composting. Wet waste (yard and lawn waste and food scrap§) accounts for,35% of household gabage by weight. As Harvey. Thompson, local environmental activist states, "Composting is so easy that everybody shotlld be able to do it, and it is benefiçial to our gardens, our yards, and tO the envirofiment by keeping valuable soil conditionier out ()f landfill." Thompson liirther believes that composting is flotO, nly a different way of dealing With "waste', but he feels ". .. we sliould be looking not oflly at wet wagte as a resource, but at ahl waste as à resource. Too rnuch is being dumped that has value today, and proliably tomorrow as we fînd oursclves using up the earth's resourceï." Mayor Hubbard acknowledges that ". .. we are alI much smarter about waste management, which we now look at as waste reduction. AU sectors of society have to be învolved in order to solve our environmental problems." Voluniteers such as Judy Hurvid and Evylin Stroud working with governiment, btsiness, industry, educators and iridividuals are one of the biggest parts of the solution! And, environentally-coisciolis individuals such as Harvey Thompsoni are further proof that the Future is Rs! For further inforrnation, cal 786-2ffl or 623-6149., truckîng operation on a hilly, winding country road. We went to the Ontario Municipal Board. The whole prooess was IJNPLEASANT because it pitted nei'ghbour against neighbour. COSTLY because we had to spend $ 18,000 to present our case to the O.M.B. S UNNECESSARY because the Newcastle Town Council had expert advice front its own Planning Dept. (based on information frorn Engineering, Public Works, Regional Planning, Agriculture and Food) which it chose to ignore. Political, expediency ruled the day. A year later the Ontario Municipal Board bas ruled against the Newcastle Town Council's decision to rezone a agricultural property to an industrial property on a residential road. The Best Road Residents Group, would like to thank those witnesses from the town's staff who were courageous in 'their testimony regarding the facts of this situation. Best Road Residents Group Taxpayers edgy over new bookiet Port Hope taxpayers can rest easy since the new activity book produced by Jane Lunn was flot financed by using funds from the Town. The book is represening al the activities this fali and winter provided by clubs, Town and organizations. St. Saviour 's Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. Douglas Hall 987-4745 SUNDAY SERVICE and SIJNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE Marlene i.. Rlsebrough, Secretary 983-5702 Church Office 983-5502 UPCOMING SERVICES Sunday, September 29th Klrby Anniversary 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 amn. Guest Speaker Rev. Ross Maracle Editor-in-Chief of'The Flaine", th fiilprinted voie of the Native New Life Outreach Ministries -NO SERVICE AT ORONO- Orono Charge Officiai Board Meets Thursday, September 26th 7:30 p.rn. - Orono Church