9r~blO WOKiYïJms, wrnossuy ~.pePl Il "Hands On" Physiotherapy Telma R. Grant, Pbysiotherapy and Associaie Answering dic nced for on". physiotbcrupy, Teli Grant, a Registered Ph Tberupist, opened up Ortbopuedic and Sports I Clinic, July 2, 1991 t 21 Street East i Bowmianvile. Telmua Grant is a N Therapist. She explans, I thcrupy is a specialtyi Ortbopuedic Physiothere stresses the cause rallier tt symptoms of an injury trcatument is directed to the the problem., thus obtaining benefits." "My forte is the spin( Telmu adds, "I have abovem results witb necks, baci beudaches, veicle uc injuries. Telma is one of la1 of Therupists trained i u jaw dysfunction. Telma closely with Atbletic .Tbe Mike Shuman. Mike bas cx experience witb profes athîctes, and taking an agg approacb 10 sport spccific tr Together, they shà philosophy, . . "10 gc individual back to pain frec soon as possible. This n thorougb, ongoing assessme on one treatmeut and prevention." Telmu demnonstrates the' Acuscope 85". One of the most decisi impressive factors that Grant Physiotherapy uniqui Electro Acuscope. This st th-art medical instrurr designed to scan and to tr types of pain. "Peopic conditions like sports inju artbritis, fibrosis, arej lasting pain rle, says Grant's is the only physio clinic in Durbam Regiont Grant this modality wbicb works by es. < acccierating the bociy's heal ing r ,ands mecbanismns. mu R. Grant Physiotberapy and hysicul Associates is a non-OHIP Private ýp ber Clinic. "This ensures quality rberupy treatmnents," says Telma. Clients 2 King have Teinu's undivided attention for a full hour for the initial Manual assessmcnt, a minimum of haif an 'Manual hour for tretmcent sessions.. witbin This is unlike other physio rpy. It clinics covered by OHIP. Tbey ban the must sec four or five clients per ,y. The therapists/per hour in orderto, root of cover costs. g asting Althougb Grant Physiotherapy and Associates docs flot accept e . . OHIP, many people stili have average insurance coverage tbrough their' kïs and Employee Health Benefits. (For ccident example, Ontario, Hydro bandful -employecs with Extended Heaith emporal Coverage are 100%/ covered for iworks physiothcrapy.) irapist, Clients wbose injuries stem xtensive from a motor vehicle accident ssional (occurring after July 1990) are gressive 100%Y covered îhrougb the new raining. "No Fault" insurance program. are a , Telma Grant is committed to et the ber cause and t0 ber philosophy of e life as getting the individual back to a ricans a pain free life as soon as possible. iet, one If you bave a problemt, wbicb is injuary flot improving, cail Telma and begin taking a more positive 'Electo approacb to a lasting recovery. Telina Grant is pleased to speak ive and to any organization or group Smakes regarding pbysiotherapy. e is the Grant Pbysiotherapy and tate-of- Associates invites everyone to nent is their Open House, October 22, reat any 1991 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. e witb Mayor Marie Hubbard will be uries, to present at this offiîciai occasion. getting 'Corne out, enjoy refreshments Telma. and gel a first band look at this top otberapy of the hune physiotherapy clinic." to have AIl welcome. Peggy Mullan No time for birds It just sens that there bas been no time left of late for birds with the result that likely ail the shore birds have travelled through along with most of the warblers. As far as tbe fall warblers are concerned perhaps it doesn't really matter as one specie looks similar to another. They really neyer give you time to make a clear observation as tbey flit through the trees on their way south. One can eliminate at least haif of the species if one can first determine whether the bird bas wingbars or flot and a wagging tail is another classification that helps to separate some of the warblers. It's a mixed basket from there on. To say we haven't been birding is flot exactly true for on Sunday visiting our daughter in Prince Edward County we were able to take some lime and romp around the farmi and wetlands with the two dogs. We did sort out a Yellow Warbler and îwo immature Yellow Tbroats but missed on four other warblers which did flot allow for time to get out the book on fal coloured warblers. Further on Sunday an bour was spent along the shoreline. Prince Edward County is famous for the sandbanks but of equai interest to us in some -of the limestone shoreline banks wbere erosion bas piayed its 5 part in creating diversified scenery. This brief walk did provide some Ring-Billed Gulîs on a spit in the lake with the large Black Backed Guil present. It certainly towers over the Ring Bills when you see them side by side. A lot of birders this lime of year have focused their binoculars on bawks tbat fly along the lakefront i their migration soutb this time of year. There is no belter place dma at the south viewing station of Cranberry Marsb wbere generally you can find someone that will point out the features of the different hawks. The viewig station is located south of the Baseline Road west of Whitby and south on the first sideroad west of The Lyndsbore Conservation Area. The viewing from the station is to the east along the lakefront of wbich a good view is open at tbis point. It bas been reported that 700 Broadwinged hawlcs were sigbted in one day of late. The. Broadwiged is a bird of the forest and is seldomn seen by most. Our sigbtings of this bawk bas always been along tbc intcrior trails and roads in the Ganaraska Forest. Those passing hrougb ut ibis timie come frons as far away as Quebcc, flying along the lakefront, 10 their wintering grounds in Venezuela and western Brazil. Tbey will fly, or mostly- soar 4000 miles in a day. The bawk is a midsized hawk. Goal set for United Way The Northumberland County United Way organization bas set a goal of $340,000, an increase of 30 percent over last year. A barbecue was held as the first fund raiser. The campaign will continue for fine weeks. Another regular these days along the lalcefront are Sharpshinned hawks who are also birds of the forest, but being Accipters are mucb smaller than the Broadwinged. It is flot uncommon to see these hawks following a flock of Blue Jays, their favourite food in migration. There are others as Merlins, and Ospreys, better known by some as the fish hawk. And there is a chance to sight a Golden Eagle and latter on a Bald Headed Eagle. The most common of hawks the Red-tailed hangs in ils area until October when it heads south with some of the Redshoulder hawks. In hawk watching there is a chance to watch a great number of bawks rise into tbe sky using the rising thermals as heat from the eartb nise into the sky. In Grimsby during one of the spring bawk outings I along with Bill Bunting saw 18 hawks, of varlous species, sore to a considerable height in the sky before peeling-off at the top of the thermal to fur-ther soar north. These birds take advantage of the thermals to proceeds on their way. At the time i Grinibsy we were told that it was flot unusual to sec upwards of a hundred in the thermal at ône lime. With the hawks in this formation it'is called a "ketle". If time allows we plan on joining in, at the Cranberry waîch ini the near-future. -BUILDING SUPPLIES -"For Ail Your Building Needs"- ~6.OperHude Sqar et Oshawa Baseliflo I4vy. 401 164 Baseline Road, BOWMANVILLE - __ 623-6341 Grand Opening Thursday, October 3rd CRYSTAL PAGES 983-6150 We Buy and Sel lst and 2nd Time Around Books, Crystals, Stones, Greeting Cards, CD.s, Books-on-Tape Tumbling Service AvailabLe 5367 Main St.. Orono Pat Irwin Lyceti' 983-9605 $46 ~per 9 Gauet ................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ ............. - ýl a