Oroo Weily Im~ WdndyOctob«r 10,1991 -3 Happy 50 -1 Dad! Love Liz, Allison Karen and Mary -Lou From Ar...d.Home A spectrum of colour For the second year in a row we have been favoured by the fal spectrumn of colour as faîl wanes and winter is soon ta dawn witb its blanket of white. Two weeks ago tbe turning of green ta reds, scarlets, copper, yellows was along the edges of the bushes in this area and for the Thaxiksgiving week-end although the bush edges may bave faded somne the interiors and low areas did *)?rvide that profusion of colors. In the village some sugar maples in the Orono cemetery and along the streets were in fine crimson reds, yellows, and auburns. It was also notedalong Taunton Road in wbat bas been known as Happy Valley. One would have ta agree ta the ricb red from the Sunmac along the hilîsides and roadways as if a blanket had been spread ta caver the land. The littie known Julian Maple, a shrubby tree, was scarlet red alang the railroad track road in the Village and did scream forth in other areas from under the canopy of larger trees. The Pin Cherry is anotber bright red sigbt in the faîl and will again, appear in the spring covered in wbite blossomn following the lead of the June Berry and ta be followed by the Chokecberry sbrubs and trees. There bas been the gold of the yellow bircb and the yellaw of tbe White birch. Nt ta be forgotten are the purple of the White Ash and a deep purple of the Atlemate-leafed Dogwood, the rust of the beecb and a splatter of different colours for the young oaks. It was something ta enjay and it is but another signal that one season is about ta close out wbile anather approaches witb another sort of beauty in the outdaors. I mentioning tbe close out of the seasan a walk in the woods on Sunday brought us face ta face witb a small flack of Golden Cro.wned Kinglet, one of the smallest of birds, making their way soutb as welI as a another small flock of White-Throated Sparrows taking the same course. We add ta this a Winter Wren, Rough Grose and the retum of the Slate-coloured Juncos from the north, most who will likely bang around for tbe winter. Visiting the King's Homestead Stables, Jewel Road, on Saturday we were surprised, on leaving, ta sigbt a pair of Blue Birds skîrting about in a row of trees along tbe roadway. Would bave thought they would bave long gone soutb. We did on Saturday also enjoy the painted colour panorama on a hilîside west from tbe borne of tie Bootbnm's north of Kendal. It was a great sight. Ewert bids local council seat Charles Ewert announces bis candidacy for the position of local councillor for Ward 3. As a resident of tbe Town of Newcastle for thirty-three years, Chartes bas spent most of his life 'volved in and growing witb this YI-ommunity. As a lawyer in the village of Newcastle for six years he had rnany opportunities ta address counci1 and positivety affect the decision-miaking process j", such matters as -Senior Citizens Cuti bids for Trustee stresses thre Vs Lucinda Cuti, a resident of Newcastle Village, is seeking one of two seats as Public Scboot Trustee in Ward 3. AS a Darent of two school age Developments in both Orono-and Newcastle. 1His experience in tbe fields of Communication and advocacy, and bis position as a Professor of Law at Durbam College in Oshawa for the past ten years, continues ta expand bis interest in aur comimunity and its young people. A prime focus for bim is the re- introduction of clear thinking and the responsibility for decision- m aking at the local level of govemment. He strongly believes (Continued page 12) children Caring about tbe quality of their education is foremost in her mind. Mrs. Cull, a bomne-maker, is able ta Commit ber tiine and energy ta the educational concerns of area residents. Lucinda will strive to improve Communication between families, teachers and the school board. I furtber stress the importance DURHAM THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM of these objectives in ligbt of the increased population growtb in this area and the cut in provincial govemment funding allocations for new scbool buildings and additions," states Mrs. Cuit. In addition, ber twelve'year experience in the social service field has given ber the ability and insight ta make a positive impact. Lucinda Cuil believes that Caring, Commitment and Communication are the three C's ta get the job done. GYPSY MOTH AERIAL SPRA Y PROGRAM The Regional Municipality of Durham and the County of noLrthumberland have agreed ta jointly co-ardinate a Gypsy Math Aerial Spray Pragram-in conjunction with the Ontaria Ministry of Natural Resaurces ta help contrai the infestatian af the gypsy math pest. The gypsy math is ane af the mast seriaus defaliating pests af hardwoad stands in Southern Ontario. n arder ta qualify for the 1992 program the minimum area is 10 acres ai vuinerable forest area, which is subject ta a pre-spray assessmentt. Landowners may amalgamate ta meet the minimum requirement. The bialogical insecticide Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt> is sprayed twioe in the spring ta help pratect the trees from damage caused by the gypsy math caterpillar. Anyane interested in learning mare about the program is welcome ta attend an open hause at the Bowmanville Recreation Complex an October 16, 1991 between 6:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. or at the Uxbridge Library an October 17, 1991 between 7:00 pm. and 9:00 p.m. For more information or ta obtain an application for the 1992 programn please contact Lorraine Norris, Gypsy Math Co-ardinator, Ganaraska Regian Conservation Authority, P.O. Box 328, Part Hope, Ontario. Ll A 3N4 (416) 885-8173 CLARKE HIGH SCIIOOL WELCOMES 1991 GRADUATES, FAMULY & FRIENDS TO THE 29TH ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT FRIDAY, OCTOBER I8TH, 1991 8:00 P.M. - GYMNASIUM QUEST IONS ABOUT TH E FUTURE 0F CANADA?, For more information about the federal government's proposais for constitutional reform, eafl toll-free: IM80OM561MI188 lm Deaf or hearing impaired cali: 1-800-567-1992(T/D) Caiiadci7 Shaping Canadas Future Together . 7i