(6 - Orono WeekIy Timet, Wednesday, Octob.r 16, 19*1 ~ Newvtonville Alive (Continued from page 5) their own poster contest. Their three winners will also be on display at the Town Hall from October 7 - 11L The entries were so good that the judges had to spend the better part of the morning choosing the wmnners. This was a difficuit task as there was a lot of excellent artwork and the chidren were extremely creative in their use of waste materials for their posters. Presentations were made last Saturday, October 5th at our own Newcastle Village Town. Hall, by Judy Hurvid. 1 had the opportunity over the, long Thanksgiving Day weekend to take in some autumn colours. . . and they seem to be somewhat more vibrant just a little north of here. Enjoy! Always happy to hear from you; let's keep in touch! Environmentalist, Judy Hurvid presented composters to winners of the "Bale Number" contest held at Bowmanville Maîl over Waste Reduction Week. Here, Mary Caswell of Newtonville ( left) and Peggy Rice of Orono received their respective comaposters. The object of the contest.. to guess how many cans were in the bale. There were 1639. These two ladies camne closest to guessing the actual number. The bale when recycled will save 225 pounds of iron/ore and .36 barrels of oil. t will use 95% less energy than the manufacture of new cans. A television would operate 200 days and nights on the very energy saved. Mrs. Caswell of Newtonville added that the sheep she and her husband raise take care of a lot of the compostîng. She will presenit ber cone shaped composter to her daughter, Bey Higgins of Starkville. "t was one of the winners in the poster contest for Waste Reduction Weelç at Bowmanville Mail. While visiting the display, Mrs. Caswell decided to take a guess at the number of cans in the bale, and was tickled to be declared a wînner! 1Cone composters sell for $20.00. Cedar square composters, seil at $26.00, both are available from Rekker Gardens, Courtice; Orono Co-op and at Newcastle Lumber, Newcastle Village. 1Thank you to all who participated in Waste Reduction Week ... remember. Reduce - Reuse - Recycle! Little Scoops ... - Fundraising for our school winds Up this Thursday, October 17. Students and staff at Newtonville value your support and send out sincerest thanks! - Parents of Newtonville P.S. cblîdren are reminded that Picture Day is ail set for Wednesday, October 23. - Folks are reminded that even though Newtonville, Shiloh and Kendal churches do flot have a minister as yet, Sunday services stili go ahead, with guest speakers. AIl most welcomed! - This coming Sunday, October 20, everyone is invited to "Stone Soup Sunday" directly following lunch, at about 11:00 a.m. "What's Stone Soup? . .. better corne out and see! " - Newtonville United Church is- proud to present it's Anniversary Service, October 27th, at 9:45 a.m. Rev. Philips Whitney of the Oshawa Hospital Chaplancy will be the honoured guest speaker. - Block Parents of Newcastle require a Chairperson for the Cobourg firm to open in Mexico As the H&K Manufacturing Ltd. company closes in Cobourg the firmh allicd with another Irelanid firmn of the same ownership are making final plans to open a ncw plant north of Mex ico City. Newtonville Public School area. For details, don't hesitate, call Patti Hutchinson at 786-2232. - Play Place has started up again at the Sunday School room. Moms and preschoolers invited to join in on this popular social time every Wednesday morning. For more information, contact Patti Hutchinson at 786-2232. - AlI welcomne to euchre night at the Newtonville Hall, this Friday, October 18. - Happy Anniversary of the warmest kinds to Don and Mary Vinkle of Newtonville, coming up October 22. Congratulations! - Remember the upcoming evening of dining and live enteraient ... sponsored by the Newtonville U.C.W. It's a ham dinner and "Mock Wedding" performance scheduled for November 16. For tickets, caîl Shirley Stapleton 786- 2286 or Jean O'Neill 786-2284. "Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend!" *'Let's Keep in Touch". H&K Manufacturing has been producing commercial kitchen cquipment in Cobourg. The firm lists bleek economic conditions, the high Canadian dollar and decreasing sales as the reason to close on Novemiber 25th. The plant had a payroil of 80. HELLO NEWCASTLE!I by PegyMfa Ali "Al-Candidate Meeting" Monday, October 21lst 7 p.m. SHARP Newcastle Village Community Hall Sponsored by the following Environmental Committees: Committee of Clarke Constituents No Ganaraska Dump Committee Port Granby/NeWcastle Environmental Committee S.A.G.A. (Save the Ganaraksa Again) Candidates for Mayor, Local & Regional Council Hydro Electric Commission& Board of Education What Are "YQUR" Issues? ffl. 1 liUl 1 UË