~- Orono W.ekIy llm.s, We<Inesda~ October 231991-O Letter to the Editor: What has the world corne ta? On Sunday, October 13, 1991 at approximately 10 a.m., a police cruiser appeared on Mill St. in Orono, responding ta several complaints regarding, of ail things, church parking. While it is true that Mill St. is designated NO PARKING there are cars parked an the street seven days a week flot just Sunday mornings. As a mile the cars parked on Miii St., especially ini the vicinity of the church, park part way on the sidewalks, park for hours at a timne and even include some large vehicles that block vision creating unsafe exits from driveways. These Sunday marning vehicles were guilty of NONE of the above and yet these "concerned citizens" chose this group ta issue the compiaints about. 1 do nfl ee it is necessary ta use innocent people attending Sunday worship ta "prove a point". Surely there are less hurtfui and more mature methiods ta achieve an ami. I must add, in conclusion, that by 12 p.m., a mere twa hours after the camplaints, there were once again the familiar vehicles liing the streets and once again they were parked in their faniiliar patterns. However, there were no complaints this time and I have te- wondcr- WHY??? Sînoereiy, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ti lison Letter to the Editor: A letter to the Editor: 1By-law offender gets special priviieges and support of Town Council. For the past 18 years Stewart Wood operated his trucking business iiiegaily from his residence on Best Rd. (North Orono) with the Town's blessing, and without paying any business taxes. The Best Road Residents Group appeared before the O.M.B. and the O.M.B. ruled on their bhehaif that, the Town couid not rezone Mr. Wood ta legalize his business. 0,M.B. Quote: "The-Board orders that the appeals against By-Law 90-115 are allowed and said by-law is repealed." Prier ta the October lSth 1991 Council Meeting, The Mayor and Town Council were fully aware of the fact, that "Stewart Wood Transport Ltd." purchased a Commercial Property in the Township of Manvers, County of Victoria, Plan 9R-2610 an October 30, 1990, where they could move and operate this business Iegally. In spite of this preceding knowledge, and without giving any consideration ta safety, northe residents of Best Rd., Mr. Wood lias been granted a two year extension by the Town Council i which it has ta move bis trucking operation ta a commercial site. Quite fraiikly, we do flot understand that the Mayor and the Council of the Town of Newcastle, with the exceptions of Councillors Hamre, Hooper and Hanna, dare ta disregard the O.M.B. ruling! Why the delay of two (2) years ta move a fleet of 8 duxnp trucks? This task could bc accomplished i 6 months time, or the latest in May 1992. perhaps a case of adding insuît ta injury?, a vendetta?, or do the Mayor and Town Council actually think that they are above the law? Best Road Residents Graup P.S. A copy of a videa tape showing Best Road and it's conditions is available ta anyone involved in a mishap with truck traffic. Letter to the Editor: Dear Roy: Having just been thraugli a very long, trying and expensive session with aur local cauncil, which led ta an 0,M.B. hearing, 1 arn very disturbed with what is happening at' this level of governiment. There have been mrany unanswered questions about the whale process. We did win the 0.M.B. decision anly ta have council amend their own laws ta give this business-a two year reprieve regardless of anyane elses concerns about the sety of others. 1 urge everyone ta get out ta the Ail Candidates meetings, listen ta what these people have ta offer and challenge them ta mnake the council process better. Talk ta these people if they visit you and ask them how thecy feel about the Officiai Plan, the environmient and any ather issues which concem yau. 1 have lived ail my life in the Orono area. I have always been proud of Uic facilities and programs we have. We need strang representation in council if we are ta maintain what we have and hopefully continue ta expand on. Volunteers have played a major raie in making aur special cammunity passible. Only by voting for candidates who recognize this can we continue ta be praud of aur comnmunity. Don't let the mare heavily populated regions averrun us. Thank yau far allawing me space i your paper, ta air my views and cancerns. Carole Boyd Letter to the Editor: Dear Editor: 1Last year, your September 26th, issue highlighted the story of the sudden announcement that Durham Region had located several sites in aur cammunity as potential "landfill sites". As a consequence of this announcement the 'No Ganaraska Dump Committee" was formed. The Committee, in a combined effort with similar groups across Durham, contributed ta the Provincial Government's decision ta force Uic Region of Durham ta back off. The Province then undertook the responsibility ta select a landfill site for dhe Region. We would flot have been able ta succeed in redirecting the process without the support' of the community. Deja vu - one year later we're back where we started. The Province, by way of the Interim Waste Autharity of the Greater Toronto Region, is laoking for a waste landfill site i Durham. They have hired Dillon, a firmn that is carnpased of Engineers, Planners and Environmental Scientists ta assist in endeavors ta fmnd a site. Last year the Durham Groups demonstrated that the pracess of selection that the previaus consultants used was extremely accepted this crijicismn and have developed, what they consider is a more proper process. They have initiated a method af public consultation that superficially appears ta have corrected the previaus pracess. Members of oui cammittee have attended the inffmnation sessions and warkshaps that Dillon has organized.. We have provided constructive input and await Dillons reports cf changes ta their original process and criteria. If changes are flot fofthcoming, Dillon, must answer. Wë will flot accept token response ta âeriaus questions. The No Galiaraska Dump Comrnittee has iivited Dillon and Uic IWA ta attend a Public Meeting at Orono Town flall on October 29th 1991 at 7:30 p.m. ta provide aur community With a sunmary of their raie in sclectiflg a waste landfill site in DO.rham. They will be prepared ta ddress specifie issues advanced D~Y aur comimittee and answer relovaflt questions presentcd by thosô in attendance. Residents of the Town of Newcastl e are enicouraged ta attend. We feel that by initiating sud a meeting, we will create a further awareness of this critical issue. This meeting is meant to be informative and 'non confrontational. Candidates for the forthconling electian are encouraged ta attend so that they might be better aware. of the concems of aur cornfiunity. John Magder, M.D.à - Chairman No Ganaraska Dump Committee Letter to the Editor: Dear Mr. Jackman: In your recent 'open letter' ta ail candidates seeking election in Uic Town of Newcastle, you asked each of us ta comment on Uic importance of 'heritage' ta aur c ommunity. As a candidate for thc position of Local Councillar for Ward 3 (formerly Clarke Township), 1 will give you my point of view. Communities that really 'work' also seem ta have a strong sense of their own identity. This identity camnes fram a knowledge of their own heritage. An understanding of what lias made them what they are today provides these conimunities with a clear idea of their future direction. 'Heritage' in this cantcxt cannot be narrowly defined as the preservatian of historic buildings and artifacts. While it is important to maintain thc physicai evidence of Uic past, it is equally important ta preserve the social and geographical heritage of a community. Clarke Township has a strong pianeering tradition that reaches back ta its agricultural arigins. It forms the basis of aur current ecanomy and cultural life. For example, the Community Hall in thc Village of Newcastle is a legacy fram the Massey family business that was founded on farming. The Fiddlers Club that currently mecets in that building camnes front the same rural roots. The music and theatre produced by local residents in thc historic Orono Town Hall are also praducts of the sense of cammunity that has flourished in Clarke for many, generatians. The volunteer arganizatians that mecet Uic social needs of aur yauth and aider citizens came fram the tradition of caring and community involvemenpnt. The neigouirs that AUTHORIZED BY THE C.F.O. FOR THE BILL TOMVLNSON CAMPAIGN j P UB LIC NO'TIC10;E TO ITS CITIZENS NOTICE is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the Town of Newcastle that: 1 . More candidates have been nominated to each of the following offices than the number required ta fuI such offices; and 2. Polis wiIl be held at the time stated in this notice for the purpose of filing offices. OFFICES FOR WHICH POLI TO DE HELD: THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE NUMBER TO BE ELECTED Mayor Regional Councillors Local Councillors Trustees for the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education Trustees for the Peterborough -Victoria Northumberland and Newcastle Roman Catholic Separate School Board Newcastle Hydro-Electric Commission ADVANCE POLIS - NOVEMBER 2 and, NOVEMBER 6,1991 LOCATIONS: INCMLX -Ward i - BOWMANVILLE RECREATOCMPE -Ward 2 - MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATIVE CENTRE -Ward 3 - ORONO, PUBLIC SCHOOL REGULAR POLIS - NOVEMBER 12.,1991 ALL ELECTORS WILL BE ADVISED BY MAIL 0F THE LOCATION 0F THEIR POLLING STATION. ALL POLLS WILL BE OPEN FROM 10:00 A.M. UNTIL 8:00 P.M. PROXY APPLICATIONS Forms for the appointment of a Voting Party are available at the office of the Town Clerk, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville. Proxy Forms must be certif ied by the Clerk no later than 5:00 p.m. on November 12, 1991. Patil L. Barrie, A.M.C.T. Town Cîerk Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmnanville, Ontario LIC 3A6 Date of Publication: Wednesday, October 23, 1991 P.O. 3610 ELECT BL TOMLINSON- for Local Council P.O. 3610