........ ... y l .. ....sd y ,O tb r2~ 1 off to Cobourg event Erin Wilson, Melanie Melissa Colville, Adam Lemieux, Heather Geboers, Colville along with front Attended Scugog -skate Lillian Lemnieux and her sister Melanie recently competed in the Scugog Invitational with Melanie placing second in the Sr. Letter to Editor (Contnued from page 9) rallied to thec aid of the victim s of the tonado that it Clarke last year are part of the same tradition. There are many other examples of how our social heritage determines what is donc in our community today. Residents of Clarke also enjoy a unique geographical bheritage'. The rich farmland, rolling hilîs, vast forests and abundant water resources are part of this heritage. It provides the setting for our villages, hamiets and our bornes. It is an integral part of our quality of life, Our historic, social and Living with Toddlers A workshop for parents. Thtis workshop will belp parents foster confidence and cooperation in their toddlers by introducing effective strategies for dealing witb common concems including tantrums, toilet training, and mealtime behaviour. rowv Kaitlin Colville, Jillian Lemieux and Michelle Moffat are to tak e part in the Skate Cobourg being held Novemnber 2 and 3. The Orono Club continues in the field of competition in the area and a number of the skaters have been active in such, competition for a number of years. Orono Figure Skating News The Orono Figure Skating Club is becoming very busy as the skating season gets underway. The executive met this week to discuss plans for the many activities that mnvolve our mnany skaters. Low test day will be in Orono this year on Decemnber l2th. O-thier dates of interest to our J senior and intermediate skaters are: Pine Ridge on the l2th of January 1992 in Port Hope and E.0.S.I.C. on March 7th and 8th in Lindsay. Camnival will be April Il. 1992. Fund raising is stili a very niecessary, part of the clubs activiis. We will be catering a banquet on November 2nd, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thnanks to everyone who supported our chocolate sales and October fest Dance. Bronze Freeae and Wbile some of us were. third in the Sr, bronze swimmr.ing this sumtmer some of Elements. Although Jillan our senior skaters were busy did flot arrive hom-e with skating. Briar Ransberry and awrd sedid do well. Tracy Eames passed their 6th award she igure while Melanie Lemieux and M0ichelle Rutherford compfleted geographical heritage defïines what thecir third. Melissa Colville also we are as a community. Each of us passed her fourth figure. Adam are the 'trustees' of that heritage. It Colville passed his first figure at is up to us to do whiat we can tW summer school and his Junior enhance it and to pass it on to the Bronze Free Skate at faîl school. next generations. In a very real Were ail glad to see Adam skating sense, we are cr-eating tomorrows again without a cast on his arm! heritag' today. Gillian Lemnieux passed her fiesta. The staff, directors and members Melanie Lemieux passed her of Clarke Museum and Archives foxtrot and Rocker. Melanie alsoj have long recognized the skated at the Scugog Invitational importance of preserving our in Lindsay on September 281h, heritage. They deserve support, where she came in 2nd in Senior financial and otberwise, from the Bronze Freeskate and 3rd in Town of Newcastle. 0f greater Senior Bronze Elcments. importance is the need for the Our club would also like to spotand active participation of congratulate Michelle Moffat who the residents of the area that they was invited to skate this year at the serve. Canadian National Exhibition. Sincerely, Thank you Michelle for a job well David Scott doncf!! This workshop will be held at Newcastle Public School Tuesday, Noveniber 5, 1991 froni 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. The fee is $8.00 per person. To register for this workshop, please cali The Family Education Resource Centre at 579-2021 or 686-4353. WHY SETTLE FOR PART TIME REPRESENTATION ON REGIONAL COUNCIL VOTE UAND BIILL CILARKE WARD 111 "YOUR BUSINESS IS MY ONLY BUSINESS91 Authorized by the C.F.O. for the Bill Clarke Campaign VOTE AND ELECT BOB WILLSHER TRUSTEE, WARD 111 Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education e xperiencee Commitment Concern Last on the Ballot - First with You in Mind Authorized by the C.F.0. for the Bob Willsher Campaign RE-ELECT HARVEY PARTNER HYDRO COMMISSIONER November l2th Life long resident of Town of Newcastle and in Darlington, Bowmanville, Clarke 40 years in business - plumbing, heating, electrical Sponsor - Hockey Team, Coach - Boys Socoer Team Member - Legion and local lodges Past President, Bowmanville Rotary Club Past President, Darlington-Clarke Soccer League Past P resident, Northumberland Durham Firefighters Association - Retired Newcastle Fire Department Past President, Chamnber of Commerce, Orono Member, Orono Police Trustees 19 years Hydro Experience Chairman and member of Orono Hydro, 8 years Member, Local Study Team on Hydra Rastructing Appoinited to Newcastle Hydro-Electric Commission Chairman of Newcastle Hydro-Electric Commision for the past 10 years I am conoerned about your Hydro and if elected wl) do my utmost to protect your lnterest to deliver power to yo'u at cost. AUTHORIZED BY C.F. Orono Skaters' !Âà