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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Oct 1991, p. 2

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- -.----.--- - ~ -> - OrenoW.ekly Times, Wdne.dayj Octoboe 23~1991 Eogh Is Enough From what one heard at the Newcastle Village ail-candidates meeting bath from the majority of candidates and f rom the reaction of the audience of 175 "Enough Has Been Enough« as f ar as residential development is concerned. It wilI be interesting if this is the view from across the municipality and if sa the emphasis, may well be restraint in such development. ft may well happen even without taxpayer or council design due to the state of the economy. But it is time ta stop and evaluate just where we were and where we are to-day. What we can afford and what we cannot afford. The design of the Towns off iciai plan which is being undertaken by town staff will provide a great opportunity for the new councillors ta be involved and as well the general public. Make no mistake the develapment industry will be playing their part and have every right ta do so. The existing council often spoke of restraint and cutbackçs on residential develapment but neyer ventured ta take any decisive action or if they did it soon crumbled. A prime example was the massacre of the planning departments repiy ta the Regional Off iciai plan where the main theme was consolidation and some restraint in opening the door wide open. Council mutilated the recommendation adding the requests of the development interests ta the west, east and narth of Bawmanville and did so without even infarming and taking their own department inta confidence. In council it was evident that the open- door policy was well pre-arranged. But the Regional council handling of the Off iciai plan was no better . Again - you ask and you get. Quite frankly the proposed Regional Officiai plan, ana that involved the Town of Newcastle, is nothing more than a political plan and this we do nat need. We think the people have already spoken. nappeenings (. . * ed REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICE There will be a Remembrance Day Service on Sunday, November lth at 2 p.n. Form up at Oddfellows Hall. TOWN HALL EUCHRE RESULTS The Orono Town Hall Euchre resuits for October l6th with 14-1/2 tables in play were: High scores Bernice Partner and Helen Couroux each tied with 85; Art Compton 84; Hazel Murphy 82 and Marie Couroux 80. Low score Bea Robinson. Draw winners Vehna Jakeman, Mary Thompson, May Tabb (2), Grace Coatham, Ken Gimbiett and Marie Couroux. Euchre is heid every Wednesday night beginning at 8 p.m. Ladies please bring lunch. STEAL CASH REGISTERS 1The Village Bakeshop in downtown Orono was broken into with thieves making off wîth the-two cash registers. Entry was made through a wmndow. The Rekkers who live above the shop heard the thieves and phoned 911 for police. The thieves escaped before police arrived., Kendal Weii we bad a taste of Indian Summer, it didn't iast very long, they tald us we would be having snow flurries but 1 didn't see tbem. Sunday wan a beautiful day, and it was Anniversary Sunday at Kendai United Churcb. Althaugb we didnt have many visitors the faitbful members turned out. Rev. David McDonad was the Minister. Prior ta the Service we were treated ta somne beautiful music by Berne Martin who played the aid pipe argan. We don't get toaer it to aften and it is a real treat. After the Cali ta Worship the Hymn, "Ahl Creatures of Our God and King" was sung. Thie chair sang the Anthem, "Reach Out ta Jesus", the cbildren's hym-n was "Gad Secs tie Little Sparraw Fai.ý" Rev. McDonaid told the chiidren's stary, he spake of bow bis drive ta the cburch up the big hi and then down into the valley reminded him of the stary af the little boy wbho lived an top of a big bill. This boy used ta look across Column the valley ta another bihl and he was sure that sameone lived on the other bilI. On day be called out "Heiio" and an answer "beilo" came back. He tbien called Camne out" and the answer came '-came out" but no one came out so be was beginning ta get annoyed because al! bis answers were just what be had callIed. Then be cailed 'Camne out or L'I figbt you"tc answer came back, "l'Il figbt you" he ran inta bis mother and told bier wbat answer he got, she asked bim wbat he had said., Wben be told ber, she told him ta go out and call "I love yau" be did an the answer came back 'Love you". This wan an echo. Everyone bas an echo, Rev. McDonald said ta ane of the boys, 1~ don't hike you" the boy answered, "! don't lik yau either" then he said ta one of the little girls "I like yau" she answered, '1 1ike you tao". He then said, yau see there is always an echa. After the Prayer of Confession the Psalm 24 was read. Audrey Hennessy favaured us with a Comment ... IThe Royal Visit 1991. 1* Lt begins t od a y Oc tober 23, when prin@e Charles and Lady Diana arrive if' Toronto with their sons William and Harry. Word'is that Canada sbouid expect ta heaf some "controversial comments" from Charlie. Jolly Good! Canadiang are read y, for just about anythin$&, right about'now, from just about anybody. (And that will not be ta the royal deligbt of Bria11 "Artful Dodger" Mulroney, eithir ... ) Sa many (:anadians, wbo are also MonarchlistS, take pride in boldly holding on ta something of substance ta them, - Royalty. This is a special something that somebow givÇs them a sense-of beianging, af importance and of patriatism. Al sa, even wben considering campaning tbings ta aur beautiful solo. Rev. McDonald read from the Oid Testament, Jeremiah 31: 31-14 aid from the New -Testament, Act,, 10 verses 23-48. Hymn 35, "Ye Servants of God", was sune. The sermon was titled, The Ideal Church, he said we ail have aur own ideas of an Ideal Church. Does the Minster preach exactiy 20 minutes, is he always available. Are the people always friendly and ready ta wark tagether?, For an Ideai Church, thiree things are necessary: i. A pastar like Peter wbo listened ad responded ta God. Prior ta the death and Resurrectian of Jesus, Peter was the one who jumped in and acted first, and thaught about it later. Peter denied Jesus not once but three times but after Jesus' death Peter cbanged. He was a Jew and had always foliowed their laws regarding not eating unclean food and not assaciating with Gentiles but God challenged Peter in a dream with food and wben Peter said that hie could not eat it because it was unclean, God told him, "Do not call what I have made unclean." Peter listened ta God and followed his advice. A, pastar who iistens and foilows God's advice imaproves tie Pastoral healtb of bis Congregation. Rev. McDonaid tald the story of the farmner standing out in bis field and hie tha ugbt he saw the ietters G P C, in the clouds. bie thaught this was a sign from God, ta go out and preach, he sold his farmn and studied ta be a Minister but hie was a failure. His teacher wba knew of the farmers sign told that maybe God reahiy meant go plant corn. We do not aiways read Gad's sign carrectiy. The second thing an Ideai Church needs are Lay Leaders - like Cornelius, one wha Prays first, then acts in Faitb. Many leaders "drive" people ta work. Jesus said, the Lard is my Shepherd, 1 wiil foilow him. Ours is an age of mistrust,, in leaders, by Faith ail things cari bc done.ILt was the faith of aur forefathers, that buiit this Church. 1The third thing that is needed is, people. People who heur and truly listen, iisten ta others. To iisten, is ta truly be involved. The people wh o listenied ta Peter, were hearing the wards of God. They truiy listened and obeyed. Obedience ta -God, done willingly, wili be rewarded. These three, are the makings of an Ideal Churcli. The service ended with 'the true blue American neighbaurs, whose favounite pastime outside of baseball is waving a flag. Americans loveRoyalty ... but for Canadians - we can aimas t reach out and tauch it and caIl it our awn. Leadership. This is a powerfui word. t han been a pawerfuily empty ward for this country lately., We need and we deserve a leader that reaily cares about Canada. One who wouid do whatever it takes ta strengthen aur image, lessen the' deficit and rejuvenate business, industry and long-last feelings of "O Canada, aur true north strong and free! " Hnnnm.,. . perbaps one with the warldly smarts of Joe Clark, the intelligence and flair of Pierre Trudeau, combinied with the gumption of Margaret Thatcher and the compassion, strength and insight of Prince Charles. Stranger things have bappened. Who knows. This '91 Royal Visit may bc a start, a tiny flickerof singing of the Hymn, "God of Grace and God of-Glory." A time of visiting accompanied by a hearty lunch foiiowed. t was certainiy a surprise ta see Keitb Waod out ta service althaugh chair baund. Goes ta show you cant keep a good man down, at Ieast not for long. We are glad ta welcome Audrey Hennessy and ta heur ber beautiful voice once again. Audrey had surgery this past summer. 1Bill Darlington came from Kingston ta join bis aid friends and neighbours. We can aiways count on bis'presence. The aid timers are gettmng fewer eacb year. Doliy and Roy Patton were out ta the service an weli. t is always a timae of memories when you get back together like this. Next week will be Newtonviiie Anniversary. Remember the U.C.W. will be meeting on October 29tb at 1:30, at the church and mark November 2nd an your calendar, that is when tbey will be holding their annual Bazaur. Tbis is always an enjoyable event. Until next week remember ... When yau get samething for nothing, yau just haven't been billed for it yet.> Phyllis Lowery light at, the end of the very weakened and insecure tunnel. Hey, l'il go along with that, itd be something. ... naw lets sce, how did ffiat old sang go we used to sing in school? Aah yes .. ."Gad Save Our 'Qdîeen and Hfeaven Bies-s-,the- Maple Leaf Forever! " Peggy Mulian St. Saviour s Anglican Church 1MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. Douglas Hall 987-4745 SIJNDAY SERVICE and SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. OROMO PASTORAL CHARGE Clappison Supply Minister .. Marlene o0 Rlsebrough, ~ ,# Secretary 983-5702 Church Office 983-5502 UPCOMING SERVICES Sunday, October 27th Kirby United Church Service and Sunday Schooi 9:30 a.m. Orono United Church Anniversary Service Service and Sunday Schooi 11:00 a.m. Guest Speaker Rev. Bill Randali Lunch Following Service EXPLORERS Wednesday, October 23rd 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Upper C.E. Hall For all girls ages 8 - 11years

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