IWMT Il 1 , ýIý ý The Great Pine Ridge: Kinette Focus The Great Pine Ridge Kinettes have been busy so far this fail. We began with a "Baby Show" at the Durham Central Fair ini Orono. A total of 47 children entcoed with many more having to be turned away. The winners were as follows: 3 to under 6 months - Girls - Natalie Tennant; Boys Graham Wight. S6 to under 12 months - Girls, Brianne-Lee Heard; Boys, Michael Bullock 12 to under 18 months- Hannah Stephens. 18 to under 24 months - Girls, Andriana Nufrio; Boys, Brandon Billings. Twins up to 24 months Aaron and John Snoek 1We wish to thank the Orono Times, James Publishing, MacGregors I.D.A., Stutts Pharmacy, Newcastle IDA, Newcastle Guardian, Global, My Apothecary, Shoppers Drug Mari, Jungle Cat World, Bowmanville Zoo, Gould's, Old Mill Craft, Hooper's Trophy, Newcastle IGA, Heînz, M&M Meats, Mastro Pizza, Noone's, New Dutch Oven, Cody's, Beckers Newcastle, Armstrongs IGA, Village balceshop,, Newcastle Pizza and subs, Fat Daddy's, Dykstra's Deli, Annies, Old Tyme Fish and Chips, Sunrise, Gruffies, Acres, Green Leaf, Country Boy Restaurant, Carter's Bakery, Norm's Dcli, Branthugh Ltd., Abemnathy Paints, Bowmanville Fabrics, Orono and Newcastle CIBC, Home Hardware, National Video, National Home Video, H.O.V., Stedman's Bowmanville and Newcastle, Cathy's Gold, Cowan Pontiac, Flowers by Jackman, Apple Blossomn, Carnation Flowers, Cockerham Flowers, Flowers Plus, Bev's Florist, Velvet bear, Hoopers Jewellery, Hair with Flair, Dollar Daz, and Tim's Party Centre for their donations. Duc to their gencrosity we werc able to present each contestant with a gifi. October th we held our first skate-a-thon. Wc have collcctcd about 90 percent of the pledgcs. Our plan is to have all prizes prcsentcd by- the end of November. 108 student skated to raise money for thcir schools and the community. Thank you to cvcryonc who hclped make this a succcss. Threc Youth dances have been hcld thus far with an average of 120 students per dance. Members of the community intcrcstcd in chaperoning these events arc asked to caîl. We must have at lcast 8 Per dance. Our next dance will be hcld on friday, Decembcr 6, 7:00 p.m. at the Orono Town Hall Admission is $4.00 per studcnt and thcy are not pcrmitted to leave the premises withou adult accompaniment before 10:00 p.m. The Great Pine Ridge Kinettes had the honour of hosting the Kinette National President, Gaîl Malcolm and District Kinette Coordinator, Marj Rempel on, October 16. Forty-five Kinette s fromn Pickering, Markham, Ajax,, Whitby, Bowmanville, Port Perry and the Great Pine Ridge had thc honour of listcning to Guest Speaker Walter Berlin, a fourth degrec black bclt in karate, creator and founder of W.A.VE. Women Against Violent Encoun'ters. Following talks from Uthc Special Gucst wc had the honour, of welcoming into Uic Bowmanville, Club, New Kinette Heather and into the Great Fine Ridge Club, Pam Ferguson. Past Kinette Sandra Thornhill and Kincîte Cindy Grant rcceived thcir Mapleleaf Award which is prcsented to I st ycar Kincîtes rcaching a certain goal. Second, Year Kinette, Past President Julie Pearson was awardcd ber Outstanding Mapleleaf Award. The Golden Gem Award was presented to Julie Pearson and President Janet Qegema. (award when a Kinette brings thrce ncw members in within a one ycar pcriod.) The Founders Award, which is carned over a three year period was present to Kinette Anne Arscnault. To each award winner, congratulations.. Our ncxt meeting is- scheduled for November 13, 6:30 p.m. Our Special Gucst will be Zone Kinette Coordinator Fran Jeffery. YWCA now acceptingr course registrations Th e YWCA is cuîrrntly Once a week for-three conse acccpting registration for the weeks, November 28, Dcci following Adult Workshops: and December 12 ai ."Decorative Picture Frames" - Bowmanville High School. November 7 aithei Bowmanville how to design and make ai High School. Choose from a pillow using French lace varicty of designs as you crate Swiss embroideries. Fec your own cloth picture frame. $20.00 for YWCA membei Price for Uic workshop is $12.50, $25.00 for non-YWCA mci bring your own fabric, etc., and Kit prices will vary from $ save on the cost of kit. Please $30.00 which will bc payal bring your own scissors, straight Uic first night of Uic course. pins.and gluegun and glue sticks. bring your own sewing maci "French Heirloom Scwing" - "S culptured Lamp This is one of ber many visits to the clubs in our area. As we continue to plan our fundraising events we are also in the process of planning a Zone Kinette Spring Conference scheduled for March 7 ý& 8 in Clarmnont Conservation Area. At this time Kinettes from the Zone get together to discuss business and have some fun and felIlowship. If you have any questions, or are interested in joining us for a General Meeting, please feel free to cail the Club President, Janet Qegema, at 987-5341. We look forward to hearing from you in the near future. 'cutive rnber 5 it the Leamn unique ýs and ,s are ers and 'mbers. $10,00-. abe ont Please -lune! pshade Techn ýques" - is offered on February 13, 1992 at the Bowmanville High School. The cost is $ 12.50 plus an additional $5-$10jlkit payable at the night of the class. "Gardening with Perennials" will bQ instructed by Sharon McGee of the Bramble Bush on Wednç sday, march 25 at the Bowmanvillle High School. The pnice to register is $12.50 anyone who is interested in gardening is encouraged to attend. Please rernember that pre-" registration and payment is a must for ail YWCA progams. For more information o)n our programs contact the YWCA office, 133 Church Street, phon 623-9922 (YWCA). October is UNICEF month VOffeý%TE AND ELECT BOB WILLSHER TRUSTEE, WARD 111 Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education Experience* Commitment *Concern Last on the Ballot - First with You in Mnd Authorized by the C.F.O. for the Bob Willsher Campaigu RE-ELECT HARVEY PARTNER MYDRO COMMISSIONER November l2th Life long resident of Town of Newcastle and in Darlington, Bowmanville, Clarke 40 years in business - plumbing, heating, electrical Sponsor - Hockey Team, Coach - Boys Soccer Team Member - Legion and local Iodges Past President, Bowmanville Rotary Club Past President, Darlington-Clarke Soccer League Past President, Northumberland Durham Fîrefighters Association - Retired Newcastle Fire Department Past President, Chamber of Commerce, Orono Member, Orono Police Trustees 19 years Hydro Experience Chairman and member of Orono Hydro, 8 years Member, Local Study Teamn on Hydro Restructing Appointed to Newcastle Hydro-Electric Commission Chairman of Newcastle Hydro-Electric Commision for the past 10 years i am, conoerned about your Hydro and If elec.ted wIlI do rny utmost ta protect your Interest to deli ver power ta you at cost. AUTHORIZED BN' C.F.O., mmm,(,- Orono W.eklTimeé, Wednteey.daOoëoer3 1991 The Man à Past and Present Leadership In Municipal and Communfity Affairs ItIs Your Choice- But Do Compare * Former teacher and youth leader * Executive Camp Samnac *President of Navy League *Chairman St. John Ambulance Oshawa-Newcastle Branch *Church Warden *Graduate Staff College, Kingston *Committee of Adjustment, Town of Newcastle *Commissioner Tenancy Commission of Ontario " Member of Port Granîby Monitoring Committee " Member Royal Canadian Legion Branch 178 " Regional Councillor Ward 3 " Hon. Vice Chairman 151 Chadburn Sqdn. 5Oth Anniversary 1992 " Member Ontario Council of Colleges INVEST IN EXPERIENCE WE ARE GOING TO NEED IT Bill Clarke has a proven record of Public Service HE HAS DONE ALOT - HE WILL DO ALOT MORE VOTE and ELECT WARD 111 REGIONAL COUNCILLOR Authorized by C.F.O. for Bill Clarke Campaign . ......... .... .............. ............ - - ............ ........... lmriir '~ irM 'i, IM, i ¶ 'rIW M.,i W1 UM-Q