14m,( Ï- Orono WýekIy Tmes, Wýednesýday, Ocýtob4iâ30,1991 Lindsay Resources Report Aggregate Resource Jim Paterson A/Lands & Aggregates Supervisor The introduction of the Aggregate Resources Act in January 1990 has resulted in a numnber of changes ini the manner ini wiiich licenced aggregate companies do business. One notable change is the réquirement for all licenced pit and quarry operators to provide new site plans for their licenced properties. These new site plans must show existing conditions within and sluTounding the licenced area, how the site will be operated and details on progressive rehabilitation. As well, the site plans must show how the property will finally be restored for an after-use, upon completion of extraction. The new legisiation places a greater emphasis on the enviromnental issues surrounding aggregate operations which must be considered i the preparation of the new 'plans. Ministry staff are working with the licences in the initial preparation of the plans to ensure resource mnterests, such as coldwater streams, wetlands and woodlots are, recognized on the plans. Within the Lindsay District there are M5 licenced pit and quarry operations. It is intended to have all of the new site plans prepared for these sites by December 31, 1993. Once plans are prepared and approved by tuis Ministry, they becomne public documents. The new plans, once prepared, wilI give clear direction to the operators, as to how the site is to be managed, and will give M.N.R. staff an effective tool with which to administer the Aggregate Resources Act. 'Me new plans will benefit the local municipalities and general public as they will be able to see how aggregate operations are to occur in their areas. Hardy Kraft, Fire Tecbnician During the 1991 fire season, there were a total of 2,522 forest fires in the province of Ontario. Twenty-two of, these fires occurred'in the Lindsay District. Only one fire was lightning ase.The remainder were caused by people. Some of the fires were started by residents burning brush, campfires left burning and children playing with matches. One growing concerni is the "wildland urban interface" and this is defined as the area where structures and human development meet with undeveloped wildland. Ih us important that we protect ourselves and our values fromn wildfire. Support UNICEF this Haloween. Your dollars will provide water, nutrition, health care and education. Help the world's children ... Give generously! unicf Q4 Debbie iNowfan Public School Trustee Ward 111, Committed.. -Io building a stronger -core- Program -to todays Young People I o our community Determined to be accountable for the local 1education budget -Let's work together as a community for a successful education system." Telephone 786-2963 for further information Aufhorized by the C.F.0., for the Deborah Nowlan Campaign WHY SETTLE FOR PART TIME7 REPRESENTATION ON REGIONAL COUNCIL VO'TE AND ElLECT BILIL CILARKE WARD 111 "YOUR BUSINESS IS MY ONLY BUSINESS"V Authorized by the. C.F.O. for th ii.Bl Clark Campaign