Visual %trick' makes you think you're moving when you're flot By Paige Debergo What does Canada's Department of National Defence have in cominon with fantasy entertaininent like Tour of the Universe at Toronto's CN Tower? Vection -- the phenomenon that makes people feel as though they are moving %vhen they see another object pass by in the opposite direction. A common example of vection is when a person i a stationary train car watches another trai pass by and has the sensation that the train tbey are in is the one moving. Professor Ian Howard, of the Institute for Space- and Terrestrial Science at York University i North York, Ontario, has been studying vection, which combines with two other phenomena to create what is called 'induced visual motion'. The Institute and DNDhope this research wil lead to better flight simulators for pilots and astronauts. The saine principles are also used in entertainiment centres like Tour of the Universe, which could be seen as a fantasy flight simulation to the planet Jupiter. "Flight simulators depend on creating the illusion that the aircraft you're sitting i is moving and the scene that you are seeing through the window isn't, when in fact it's the other way around," says Howard. Howard believes that a more realistic simulation cmn be created by better understanding induced vîsual motion. "We are tiying to measure each of the three effects separately because i the past they've ail been lumped together and called induced visual motion. But we've shown that it isn't a single thing; there- are three different things that have the saine effect but three totally different causes." As well as the vection, effect, Howard is studying 'motion contrast', which is the effect of feeling that an object is movig against a background when i fact it is the background movig amd not the object. "Its the effect you get when you watch the moon i among the clouds. It looks as though the moon is moving sometimes. It's not, its the louds as a background ihat are movig," says Howard. The third type of induced visual motion is called 'optokinetic nystagmus', or eye movement illusion. Most people are not even aware of it, but their eyes automaticaIly move with a scene. For instance, when you look out a car wmndow, your eyes wiLl automatically mnd rapidly keep moving back with the lmndscape you are passing. When a person focuses on a stationary object in the midst of a movig scene, it somnetinmes appears that the stationary object is actually moving in the opposite direction to the movement of the scetie. "When you stare at the stationary object, it's as if the brain believes your eyes are moving the other way to the background. You thik your eyes are movig when they're not, mnd if you think your eyes are moving then you think the stationary object is movig too," says Howard. So f ar, the study has debunked mn old belief that vection is caused more by what one sees from the comner of the eye thmn by what one sees from the centre. Howard says this is not true. "If's a question of depth and distance. '(ou cmn get perfectly good illusory self-motion froin a smial display, so long as the display is seen at a distance, as through a window," lie says. "A lot of people were recommending that fliglit simulators should have large displays, but the importmnt thing is that itfs seen through a window." Better understmnding the three separate effects wil hnprove the detail i simulations, Isays Howard. "For flight simulators, you wmnt the vection type effect to work, because that makes you feel you are moving mnd the inside of the aircraft is moving -- thats what you want. But you dont wmnt to have these other illusions out in the scene that you are looking at, because they would misinfomi you about the way things really are." 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Starting ~ZRediscover the fun of physi- cal activity for your heart's sake. Picture yourself active, with more energy, less tension, increased self-confi- dence and an overaîl sense of wellbeing. Make the general idea of active living specific to youI. ElSelect physical activities that suit your lifestyle, needs, abilities and interest,. Find opportunities throughout the day and week to be active-on the way to work, at lunch, with the family on the weekend. WProgress slowly at a speed that feels comrfortable. L Try to do somnething active at least every other day. [Lîsten to your body. If an activity hurts, slow down or find an alternative. EBe patient; it takes more than two weeks to get into shape. Staying Pl joi a group, involve a friend or invite family members to join you. A person whose spouse exer- cises is 1 1/2 times more likely to be active. 1l Make it easy on you-rself. Integrate enjoyable activities into your schedule, instead of adding themn on. 1l Ensure success by setting short-term, ac levable goals. Four hours a week of activity such as brisk walking ca n help pro tect your heart-you don't have to run a marathon. *Cross-training is a fanc y word for variety. It wi Il prevent boredom and help provide a balanced activity program. El Remember: you have a total of 600 muscles just waiting to be active. So go ahead- smile! Over 100 of those muscles are in your face!. For more information about how you can live a heart healthy lifestyle, contact your local office of' the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario. APPEARING at the FlAying Dutchmant"The Brewpubt" Frîday, November lst and Saturday, November 2nd Friday Prizes for Best Hallowelen Costumes Win accommodation for two nights and three days Phone 623-13374 Hwy. 401, Interchanqe 43, Bowmanville I e ------------- ------- M W