16 - Oron~ Weekt~ limes, Wednesday, October 30, 1991 i<tchen Corner, ~'Vegetable and Pork Hot Pot h large frying pan, heat ail over medium-high heat. Saute pork, anion, and garlic 5 minutes. Stir in broth, thyme, rosemary and pepper, bring ta boil. Add potatoes and carrots. Caver and simmer 25 to 30 minutes or until pork and potataes are tender, stirring occasionally. Stir in peas. Dissolve flour in 1 tbsp (15 miL) cold water. Stir into pan until thickened. Makes 4 servings. Challenged to help feed the starving Evelyn Wittmann, executive director of Horizons of Friendship, a Cobourg organizatian that supparts develapment work in Latin and Central America threw out a challenge ta the student body of Trinity Callege School, Part Hope. Wittmnann tald the students they were the first generatian of truly global citizens and that they would be inheriting a fragile world. She challenged them to commemorate World Food Day in same meaningful manner. '*As long as one billion people have to exist on one dollar a day, we will not live in peace and security," she said. wn.vwoiIt happenagÎL T he vWcrCa o CncdQic a CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE IT'S FAST - IT'S EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. THINK BIG - CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. LIVESTOCK SIMMENTAL COWS for sale, 5 fulblood Simrmental cows. Sired by Galant-Majestic and Gold Steel, Phone (613) 396-5680. FLEA MARKETS ABSOLUTELY A RE-AL FLEA MARKET, Smiths Fals, every Sunday, year round. 150 inside booths. Something for everyone. (613) 283-448. CALABOGIE FLEA MARKET. Open Sundays, 10-5pmn. Antiques, colectibles, sports cards. Vending space avaliable. Business opport-uiies in our mail located in the heart of tourismr. (613) 752-2468. MOBILE HOMES MOTORHOMES MCTORHOMES MAOTORHOCMES. Inventory Uiquidationi Sale, 40 units. New and used Ail sizes and mnakes. AIl pnoes slashed. Cail; 1-800-263- 7955. North Brock RV, Port Perry, Ont. FOR SALE PARKAS BY POLAR TOGS, handcrafted, traditional, wooî duffle with outer sheil, fox trim, hand appliqued. Ottawa Congress Centre, November 14-24 or (613) 820- 6025, (613) 692-0611. UNIQUE ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUOT - First time offer 'Tri-Clean» re-usable laundty dises eliminate need for detergents, stteners, additives. Produice clean, soft, non-static clothes for years without adding anything to, water or fabrios. Satisfaction, money back guarantee. Valuable gift itemn. Distnbutors also welcomne. PANTEC, R.R. #1, Belwood, Onitano. NOB IJO. Fax/phone 519) 843-4600. AMA71NG PRODUCT!I s Electron ici Your doýg wiII stay on your praperty, witfiout being tied up. Details: PAC, RR#1, Bancroft, Onitario, KOL ICO. 1-800-NO-LEASH. Fax (613) 332-1375. BARN CLEANER CHAIN Hook & Eye, Super Tough and Pintle from $7.99/ft. Complete Cleaners also. Ship anywhere. Husky Farm Ecqapment, Aimna, Ontario, (519) 846-5329. INVISIBLE FENCING - The original and proven dog containment systemn. Over 150,000 dogs stand behind Invisible Fencing. Indoor and outdoor systems. Guaranteed. 1-800l-661-6286. STEEL BUILDINGS SPAN-TECH STEEL BUILDINGS Ltd. Quality steel frame buildings at woad tramne prices, large or smalî, easy ta erect, conitracting available. Caîl taday 1-800- 561-2200. ROCK -BOTTOM Steel Building prices direct tram factory. Free overhead door when purchasing aur 25x30 for $2800 or 30x4O for S4,643. Other sizes at similar savings. Pionee-r/Econospoan 1-800-668-5422. STEEL BUILDINGS. Because of a succe-ssful Pîawing Match , the factory has alocated us 30 additional buildings ta be dispased of. Caîl now for best selectian. Future Steel 1 -80-668-8653. BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Straitwail Type - not quanset - 32x48 $5920; 40x64 $8556; 50x96 $15331;ý 60x120 $21,270 - nan-exoandable end(s), other sizes available - imted steel - Paragon - 24 Hours 1-800- 263-8499. SALES HELP WANTED MAKE YOUR FORTUNE tram peaple reading books. New Marketing Beakthrough. $18 billion book business marketing new bocks. Ground focr opportunity. Huge profits. lnvestment $1120. 1-800-485-5400. MAKE A FORTUNE making others happy. The ultimate funidraising tool is creating hundreds of new opportunities with incredibly HIGH INCOMES. Urgentfy need sales people. 1-800-263-1900. C1AREER TRAINING S TRUCKING FOR YOUJ. Lets discuss it. lntroducing extendied programs and Credit Courses. Caîl William at 1-800-265-7173. Mar2Kel Training Systems. LEARN AUCTIONEERýING' at the Southwestem Ontaria Sohool of Auctioneering. Next class: November 9-15. nformatiýon, contact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, R.R.,#5, Woodstock, Ontano, N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. MO RTGAG ES FAST MORT GAGES Avaîlable for Homeowtiersl Pay bills, credit cardsl Example; Borrow $10,000, re-pay $134. mannlyl No Qualifying Hasselsî Caîlintransicon Financial (416) 650-9455 busy oeil 1-800-268-1429. OUT 0OF TOWN PROPERTIES PROPERTIES TO BE SOLD for unpaid taxes. Crown Land avaiîability. For information on both write: Properties, Dept. CN, Box 5380, Stn F. Ottawa, K2C 3J1. COMPUTERS SHAREWARE, SOFTWARE & Hardware for IBM-PC and Compatibles. Thousands of titles. Phone, Fax or write for FREE Catalog to GD Software, 1330 Home Ave., Thunder Bay, Ont. P7E 387. Phone (807) 475- 9466. Fax (807) 475-8274. BUSINESS FOR SALE AMBULANCE SERVICE FOR SALE in Saskatchewan. Over 900 cals annuaîly. Municipal cantract, gav't subsidy, goad rates. Base and residence incuded in sale. Revenue approximately $500000 annualy. Assets for sale approximately $200.000. Sale prioe is $650,000 firmn. Apply for more details ta: Nipawin Ambulance Service (1983), PO. Bax 2350, Nipawin, Sask. SOE 1 EO. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES THE ORIGINAL'JUICEWORKS" VENDING Machine. Eam cash profits daily, vending fruit juices. OId South, Dew Drap. McCairis, Sunkist, Uiptans. Investments tramn $14,995. Infa Canadawide 1-800-465-5006. EXTRA INCOME! Graw baitwarms in your basement or garage. Odorless operatian. Low inivestmnent. Market guaranteedl Free information. Early Bird Ecaîagy, R.R.#1, Smithville-, Ontaria, LOR 2A0. (416) 643-4252. EARN EASY MONEY - assist us in advertising log homes. Na selling involved. Information package. Pacific Western Custom Log Buildings, Box 267PR, Atikakan. Ontario, POT 10C0. (807) 929-1129. UJNLIMITED EAIRNINGS seîing 10K jewelry. Profit naw fram high pre-Xmnas demand. Easy, fun, ful/part-time. The Goldc Discavery, 14335-47 Ave., Edmanton, AB, T6H 089. (403) 434-2550. Music by your host S-PARKY Ail Types for AIl Occasions 983-9600 ORONO FUEL & LUMBER LIMITED P.O. Box 180, Station Street Orono, Ontario LOB IMO ALISTAIR ROZARJO FREE ESTIMATES Telephone: 416) 983-9167 Residence: (416) 983-5344 Mark M. Stapleton festoration & Z1<procfuction 6720 Leskard Rd. N., Orono 983-6098 We specîalize In Historlcal Restoratîon and Reproduction of Century Homes. Also ail types of General Carpentry. I_ MRRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. ýerAptf-qýr -_- _&Established in 1881,, SPE-ARRANGED AND PREPAID FUNERAL SERVCES AVAILABI.E Mangar's Auto CîÎ"entre COMPLEUE REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES & MODELS 0F FOREIGN & DOMESTIC *CARS* VANS * BUSES * TRUCKS Used Car QI~~2 Sales Rad Shop & Oiginal Muffler Shop è353 Safety Inspections Tow Service 93~ lO Propane & Natural Gas Brakes or Tune Ups 983-5487 Body & Paint Work 17NUS.Oo SAutomotive Parts 17MI t rn Preprietor: Mike Mangar Llc,,CL.A.B..NGSp.S6a.S6b.,Iasp. Af f ordable Dream Vacations! 0e Free Vacation Planning Services' a Discount Cruises 0 Charter Vacationrs 0 Airline Tickets 0, Honeymaon Packages e Hlotel and Car Reseyvatiq ns PERSONAL & CORPORATE TRAVEL SERVICES Travel Agents International We're with you al the way 68 KING ST. E., BOWMIAN VILLE Over 300 Agencies in North America 623Q600o 1 tbsp vegetable oil 1 lb. lean pork, cut into thin strips l medium onion, chopped 1 clave garlic, minced 1 cup chicken broth 1, tsp dried thymne leaves_ 1/2 tsp dried rosenmry leaves, cru.mbled 1/4 tsp peppier 2 medium pomates, cubed 2 medium carrots, sliced 1 can green peas, drained 2 tsp flour 623-5480 4DIvIsion St. Bowmanville Vour ,ad ccould appear in community newspapers in Ontario, or right across Canada, or any ïndividual province. Space is Limited, so Caîl This~NwpprTdy