Oroo. WOUY TIm*aW........Q .be.3.#0. . . September 1949 This week fr. Stanley Chapman brought a-sample of fruit from a tree in his yard which we believe to be outstanding having grown in this district. The tree originated some four years ago when Mr. Chapman planted a peach stone. Since that time the tree hias grown to a height of eleven feet and this year it developed its first fruit. Dr. Edmund C._Syer, formerly of Hamilton, will open his new office in Orono within the next ten to fourteen days. Dr. Syer is the brothier of Ernest Syer, of North Orono, and his office will be FOR A FREE MARKET EVALUATION 0F YOUR PROPERT_ Y OR INFORMATION ON CURRENTLY LISTED' PROPERTIES PLEASE GIVE ME ACALL 623-6000 MOSPORT RD. - $1 53,900 r imaculate four bedroomn home, '~c room wih woodstove. located at the residence of Miss Sadie Brown, Main St. S., Orono. Mr. Donald Hamm bas completed a three weeks course of insurance, at Peterborough, prior to entering the insurance business. Mr. and Mrs. George Armstrong and family of Timmins, Ontario, spent a weeks vacation with the forrners parents, fr. and Mrs. J.E,. Armstrong. The members of the Park Street United Church Choir, their wives and husbands were invited on Wednesday evening to a oom -toast at the home of fr. and frs. Ervan Rainey. KENDAL HILLS 40 acre hobby farm wlth expertiy renovated century farmhouse, barns and drnveshed.,' $369,900 NEWCASTLE - $21 2,500 Unique century home with 10 run dog kennel, on 1 2 roiing acres. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Fagan and son, of Tilbury, spent over the Labour Day weekend with the later's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.O. Cooper. Dean West left on Tuesday last for Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, to train at the Detroit Red Wings hockey training school. Mr. and Mrs. Feuster and family moved to Orono last Friday, where they have taken up residence in Mr. Carl Billings home, which bas been occupied for the last several years ,by Mr. and Mrs. McGinnis and family. Mr. Feuster is manager of the Oronio Branch of the Canadian Banik of Commnerce. Service men of World Ward 2 can now receive *their service medals. The local post'office have application formns needed to enable ex-service men in obtaining their medals. In a quiet ceremony in the parsonage of Orono United Church, Beverley Jean Payne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Payne, Orono, becamne the bride of Charmes W. Disley Jr., son of Mrs. and Mrs. Charles Disley, Bowmanvjlle. The cerem ony was performed by Rev. A. E. Eustace and their attendants were Mr. and Mrùs. Donald Tennant. Mr. Hartwell Lowery suffered severe injury to both his heels when lie feli froru a ladder, crashing to the cemnent floor, smashing bones in his two heels, He missed a step on the ladder and having his hands filled at the time was unable to save himself from falling. September 1939 The pony which was won by Don Reid of Lindsay, in the draw at the Street Fair at Orono on August 23rd,- kicked little Audris Downey, two years old, on the forehead inflicting a nasty wound. Mr. Clarence Allin spent Sunday aftemoon with his uncle, Mr. R.J. Rowe, of Newtonville. Mrs., Marshall, of Toronto, visited ber father,' Mr. George Cooper, and aunt frs. M. Cooper, over the weekend and also took in the Sixth Line picnic. A number of our local young girls leave this coming week to train for nurses. Miss Lillian Allen will - enter the Bowmanville Hospital, and, Misses Enid Cobbledick,. Tbehna Myles, Ella Muir, Marjorie Sisson, Muriel Morton, and Miss Tapson will start training in the Whitby Hospital. Walter Carlton has started to paint the outside of the Town Hall. This year onl'y the windows and front doors, along with the cubicle at the side entrance will be painted. Park Board clears $524.20 at local Street Fair. A pretty double wedding of wide spread interest was held in Newcastle United Church on Saturday afternioon, September l6th, when Dorothy _Margaret Rickard was united in marriage to Charles Spencer Hogg, Toronto and Evelyn Bessie Rickard became the bride of Johin Francis Edwards, of Kingston. Both brides were daughters of W.F. Rickard, M.P. for Durham. Miss K. Foster spent the weekend at Guelph visiting friends. Sunday visitors of Mrs. G.L. Flintoff were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gilîs and family, Mrs. Fred Flintoff and Mrs. Frank Cooper. Cars coming into Orono early on Tuesday momning from Pontypool and Kendal had a light covering, of but nevertheless it's true, winters on its way. Kîrby United Churcb Anniversary services will be held On SundaY, October 9th, at 3 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. The preacher, Rev. W.C. Smith, of Courtice, will be in charge. Special tbank-Gffering. Tythe WANT ADS ' Reasonable & Effective1 MERVYN B. KELLY Barrister and Solicitor LAW OFFICE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE - REASONABLE RATES Free Initial Consultation 9 arn. - 5 p.m.> 623-4444 Evening and Week-end Appointments Available Corner Church and Temperance Sts., Bowmanville The CATERING CONNECTION ON THE SPOT CATERING Weddigs --Anniiversaries -Al Banquets CHEESE TRAYS - MEAT PLATTERS - SALADS Fred & Patricia Storsbergen OronO 983-9679 COMPLETE CAR & TRUCK REPAIRS DIESEL ENGINES - CUMMINS, DETROIT & CAT RADIO DISPATCHED TOW TRUCKS, MOBILE MECHANICAL SERVICE TRUCK R-R. 1 ORONO, ONTARIO 4 MILES NORTH 0F 401 LOB 1 MO ON HWY. 115&35 PHONE (416) 983-9151 Newcastle Auto Centre& Body Shop Expert General Repairs * Wheel Alignments Body Work King and Beaver Streets Open Mon. -Sat. Newcastle Village 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. L 987-7223 iSO9LD1 Cali me ta bu>' or seI . Orono and area 's real estate rep. KRYSTYNA JONES Tel: 983-9782 ,,M Neapple R5MR aIly Ltd aealor Tel: 576-3111 ORONO VILLAGE 2 ACRES... .$169,9001 Rie/max Cornerstone Realty 104 KING-ST. E., BOWMANVILLE SQEALLY STAPLES associate broker (Off ice and Pager)