~raqi~, Wo.t<IyTJn~ea~ Wedneoday~ Oo~o6er~O tWl - E "Maybe an idie dream" Over tie week-end reading an article on cross-country skiing in the Leisure section of the Star we did some idie dreaming of a few years back. TIhe article states it has been all downhill for cross-country skiing over the past tliree years in the southern part of Ontario whicli is more than true. If it goes on much longer we will be out of practice and more likely ou: of enougli steamn to even pusli along on the level. But those days of mhe twenty foot snow drifts along mhe sixth and seventh line of former Clarke are aà but gone. But they have been gone for a long time even before cross- country becamne a fad m tmese parts. 1The balniy days of late certainly does no: bod well for a good covering of snow this winter but there is always hope. Give us jus: one more winter of snow cover for a month and we could be satisfied. Certainly snow-making. is a continual thing even at the downhills as a: the Oshawa Club jus: east of Kirby. It is a sign of mhe times and possible of atmosphere warming. We would hope no:, but will have take what comnes. Going back to mhe article even cross-country skiing centres are taking to making snow- for their trails, in and around the Barrie area. Anything south of Barrie is aimost ruled out as of late. With the article a group are sliown doing their cross-country thing in mhe gre a: outdoors witli whips of snow clinging to the branches of the evergreens and flakes gen:ly floating through the air. We could almost hear mhe sound of die skiis swishing along mhe snow and mhe scene was mos: familiar as, it was a few years back in the Ganaraska. It would be liard to say how many enjoyable hours have been spent a: the sport and with the company we have liad on these outings. I would have to mention the granddaugh:ers when mhey were but sprouts of kids - determined and capable of keeping up wimh grand- dad. Maybe if we go back a few more years a number of ou:ings witli Sid Rutherford on niglit sorties along mhe trails of the quiet forest and wimh a full moon nostalgia takes over. Thils was especially true of one section where jus: off the trail white bircli became even whiter with a snow base and the liglit of the moon. It was sometliing to alWays cause a pauseand to enjoy. Back to reality - mhe first eight mornhs of this year were warmeron average mn the Toronto area for each monmh than any years since 1840, wlien temperatures were first tracked. How mucli hope do we have for the winter of 1991-92. Just George FACTORY OUTIET FOR: F IBROBEC FIBRELINE LEER PARIS 20th CENTURY TRUCK CAPS $450 + UP HOOD GUARDS $59 + UP SPARK HALOGEN DRIVING __________________________ LIGHTS $24.95 ____________ *WHILE SUPPLIES LAST* ONTARIO'S LARGEST TRUCK CAP CENTRE County administration building scrapped The Northumnberland County council lias completely voted ou: the $ 10.6 million administrative building mhat was proposed to be built in Cobourg. The vote went 45 to 5. The project which had been scaled down frous 77,000 square feet to 52,000 square feet by the Ontario Municipal Board was abandoned on-October lStli. Council was told by John Hubicki that it would cost almost as much to build the scaled down version. Council was also told if it now scrapped the project any attempt to build the building latter would require another Municipal Board hearing. Once again if's 'FaI", Mi fact as you read mhis, Halloween will be upon us, and as you know the- winter winds will soon be ruffling mhe girls skirts, almobugli come to think of i,very few ofthefair sex seem to wear theus these days. Everywhere you look, itfs slacks!! - Just like die Russians!-,(And yes, I- have been mhere, so I know of what I speak.) How's that for a, distortion of the King's English? Most of the swimming pools are now dr ained, and covered, (you'll be sorry if they're no:) and even the wonderful display of colours on the maples around the village, are on mhe wane. 1But it lias been a good surnmer and fal liasn't it? We've mowed our lawns twice (for mhe las: time, this month) and they still won't 11,seutle down" for mhe winter, but mhe grass jus: keeps on growing. I dont know what it is mhat Lynne keeps scat:ering over the back lawn, but it sure "meets makers specifications." We have two chipmunks out back, who we feed regularly and it still amazes me liow many sunflower sèeecs mey can pack into their pouches and carry off to winter storage. - Tha: reminds me of a marine I once knew, who could ea: a pound of peanuts a: one sitting, - of course they only drawback was mhe fact that lie was mhen constipated for a week (and everyone suffered!). As mos: of you know, I no longer bave a car. (Lynne does, - I don':) and s0 we visited a "dealer", incidenta.lly mhat title is misplaced. He (or she) doesn't do any dealing - you do! 'ou could move the "rock of ibralter," more easily mhan you can have a car salesman agree to your price! Here with the voice of exýperience. The suile on the dealer's face told me that he didn't think J was going to order one, he was right, - I didn't!,. The evenings are drawing ini, these days, and it.is usually dark quite early. Its thattime of year wlien folk appr eciate a warm house, and a good book. If this is the case, I suggest you visit the Book Store, riglit across from the SheIl garage. Take my word, that it is well worth the effort! Opened recently by Pat Lycett, there are books for almost every taste, and they wont cos: you an arm and a leg! The official opening of the store was lield on Tliursday (las: week). I was invited to attend, but unfortunately a prior appointmen: in Oshiawa prevented me being there. I noticed in last weeks 'Timnes" that Remembrance Day services a: the War Memorial will be lield on Sunday, November 1lOh at 1400 Hrs. I missed it last year, but hopefully I will be there this year. (I have a lot to remember). And so in closing, May I remmnd you aIl, that you only have nine weeks left before Christmnas! Isn't that a happy tiiought? But as "Scrooge' would want to say, "Humbug"!). Its being so miserable that keeps me happy., Just George $800,000 Cost to taxpayer Norhumberland's County cost of plans for the propose 'd administrative building whicli bas been trashed has amounted to $800,000 for architect and legal fees. It bas been spent for "not. DU rh GANARASKA LEATHERCRAFT 15 pleased to annoumce the GRAND OPENING 35 "15'Of their Authorized Wicx d: Tandy Dealership Kirby Fr1., Nov. 8th-- 6 - 9 p.m. Kiby7TOnRd Sat., Nov. 9th - 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Taunton Providing Custom Leatherwork Orono or everything you need to Do It Yourself Dan & Bey. Stacheruk 35/l115i 3847 WiIcox Road, Orono, Ont. <1)983-9540 401 Watch for next weeks Grand Openlng Speclala