> , v i-7i, 7 l' IT lULI~JL - rono We kylmes, Wededy coe O 91 HELLO NEWCASTLE! by Pegg Muflan Landfî*ll proposai stirs controversy, Rick Lovekin, a Haldiman d Township resident, has told Haldimand council that thie proposed counîy landfill which wouldrneighbour his property, could be il legal. He and mnembers of a citizen's group contend that a former agreement between Haldi mand and Cobourg is still in effeet even though waste management bas been taken over by the counity-. The agreement between Haldimand and Cobourg as the siteý would take only Cobourg garbage. The agreement still stands states Lovekin. (1-r) Candidate for Local Transportation Engineers Garth Councillor Ward 3, Jim Hale, Sam Knaggs and Anme Cataford. Cureatz, with Ministry 'of In the works, is a proposed plan to improve and widen portions of highway two from Cobbledick Road to North Street in Newcastle Village, by the Ministry of Transport Ontario. MTO owns this particular piece of property and the Region of Durham is handling the contract. t has flot been officially approved as yet. The plan is to widen highway two to two lanes, providing better visibility. t will also improve and crate higher standards in curb, and gutter conditions at this location. Reviewîng the proposed plan last Friday, October 25 at the eastern point of the stretch were Jim Hale, with Sam Cureatz who is involved with MOT in a legal capacity. Its Fail, and it's Halloween in the Count ry! " No doubi everyone who has ever travelled along Hwy. 2 in or out'of Newcastle Village has noticed and admired a particular home on the south side . . the Taylor's. Thank you for keeping in touçh, I always look forward to hearing from you. Don't forget the "Ail Candidates Meeting" coming up on November 7th at 7 p.m. at the Town Hall. -Keep cozy, as we close out October and head into some definite November changes. Corne Spring or Fall, Thanksgiving, Halloween or Christmnas, this is a home that tells it ahl, in the most charming of ways. ..Just another example of country life and the joy of it ail, inside and out. I WARD 3 NEEDS EXPERIENCED, KNOWLEDGEABLE, PROFESSIONAL REPRESENTATION 0F VOUR VIEWS. VOTE REGIONAL COUNCILLOR FOR WARD 3 AUTHORIZED BY C.F.O. FOR J. BLOGG "Sit 'n Sip" (1-r) Corinne Teasdale, Paul and Judy Snell, Gail Brennan and Pattie Sharpe. t was a long time coming, but it turned out to bc everything and more for Paul and Judy Snell at the gala grand opening of their "Sit 'n Sip" Doughnut Shop, Saturday, October 19. "We had set the officiaI opening ror 8:00 a.m.," explained Judy,-"little did wc know that some folks would bc here before eight, and that we -would bc comlctcly scbId out or our donuiîs by 10:00 a.m.! The Snclls werc rather ovcrwhclmcd with the enilhusiastic response thicy rcceivcd on thcir vcry first day. People whg stopped iflt( the shiop thiroughiouitihe day, were warm and totally understanding of the fact that they would hiave to wait a spell for the shelves to be restocked. Many enjoyed coffee and a complimentary piece of "celebration cake" regardless. "Sit 'n Sip" is open from 5:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday, from 5:00 a.m. until 2:00 a.m. Fridays and Concern expressed over welfare payments Suggestion have been made that Northumberland County social serviccs departmnent miay be giving welf-are paymecnts to a famiily whose annual incomec is $35,000 from a Saturday, and on Sundays, from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. They -are located in the "Gruffies" plaza on the north side of Hwy. 2, just east of St. Francis of Assisi School. Congratulations Paul and Judy Snell! Our wishes for continued success in the Village of Newcastle. fuIl-time job. Under a new program that was started October lst people may receive assistance through a wage supplement. A two-parent family with three children under 13 years and where rent or mortgage payment are more than $1 ,000 a month would qualify for a $169.00 supplemnent. Rolph Hardware 5337 MAIN ST., ORONO 983-5207 l' 1 -- 1 , 1 -m