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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Oct 1991, p. 8

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Board considering plugging holes in information data Last week in the Legislature, the Minister of the Environment introduced a Bill te create the Waste Management Act. This Bill lias been evolving since last November when the Minister announced she was suspending environmental assessment exemptions anneunced by the previous government on twe interim waste-sites in the G.T.A. This bill aise gives the Ontario Gevermrnent the autherity te speed up waste reduction efforts acress the province. The new legislation enables the Minister of the Environment te introduce regulatiens te, achieve at least a 25 per cent dut in the production of waste i 1992 and by up te 50 per cent by the year 2000. Last week, the Attorney General anneunced that lie will send a directive te ail Crewn Attorneys across Ontario intended te assist themn in ensuring mhat womnen who are victimns of sexual assault are treated fairly on the witness stand, and mhat such trials are conducted i a sexist-free environment. This directive is part of the Ontario Governmnents effort te protect women in the wake of the Supremne Court decision te strîke down "Rape Shield" provisions in the Criîminal Code. On anether note, a group of 42 business associations known as mhe "AIl Business Coalition" have released a report that allege that changes te the Ontario Labeur Relations Act will thr eaten as many as 480,000 jobs. This group based its views on a report of mhe labour representatiens on the Burkett Committee. This report is net govemrment policy, and their survey is based upon responses te a number of issues that are both higbly symbolic from management's perspective and are simply net being considered by mhe govermment. On resumption of debate by mhe Justice Committee on Menday afternoon, fellewing Question Period, 1 wili bring forward an amendment te mhe Cnmon Pause Day legisiation, Bill 115. The amendment will allow retailers te open on Sundays in December prier te Christmas. December accounts fer at least one quarter of total annual sales for many retailers - and often makes mhe difference between a profit and a loss of mhe year's business. Tihis past Friday, in addition te my regular censtituency day, 1 went te Manvers Townliall in the late afternoon, te conduct a constituency clinic for people New at the Clarke Museum and Archives "New at the Museum"' From now until November 15, Bowmanville Brandi 178 of the Royal Canadian Legion bas a special display for Remnembrance Day on show. The Legien are mhe most recent cemmunity group te utilize mhe free dispîay space at the museuns. If your group or school is interested i using the space please cali the museuin for more details. Space is available as of January 1ist, 1992 and booking fast! "la Repose, In Miniature: Due te the incredibie demand for mhe museum's feature collection and show "In Repose, Victorian Funeral Customns and Practises", we have instalied a 'miniature' version highligbting the best of tme collection in the temporary dîspiay gallery. This show received rave reviews whie it was on provincial tour over the past twe years as weil as coverage by local and national newspapers, a national magazine, T.V. and four times on CBC radio! "New Arrivais" From now until Christmas, recent additions te mhe museum's collections will be highlighted in the temporary gallery. Come eut and see what's new! "Attendance Records Smasbed Againl" Once again the mnuseuin has broken it's previous year end total! As of October 22, attendance bas hit 5211. And we've stili got tlree menths left mbis year! "Curater Appointed', The museumn is please te anneunce thbe appointment of Curator Mark Jackman te the Ontarie Museum Associations Sub-Committee for Professional Deveiopment and te Interpretation Canada's 1993 Conference Steering Committee. Mr. Jackman received these appointments in recognition of bis work in museelogy in Ontario and bis Outreach/Educational programme development. t1Dont Forget" The museum 15s open year round Tuesday - Friday 10 - 5 p.m., Saturday and Sunday Il - 5 p.m. Closed on Mondays and Holidays. Admission is $1. for aduits, 75C for seniors and 50e for chiidren/students. Ontario Museumn Association members and Bowmanviile Museum members are free! Upcoming .. Holiday workshops on December 7 and 8 from 1 - 4 p.m. .Holiday -Bake Sale on December 15 from 1 - 4 p.m. Planned shut-down a t Darlington Unît One at the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station was shutdown on October l8th as formerly planned. The outage is expected to last six weeks. The unit hart been operating at capacity or near capacity since September. Unit 3 is now expected te lie operative at the station in early 1992. Investigative work on Unit Ts fuel problemn continues. Unit 2 was the fîrst unit at the plant te lie breught into operation. unable te get inte Bowmnanville. On Saturday afternoen, 1 did mhe same mhing in Port Perry. 1iîntend te meet with constituents at tiiese two locations on a regular basis. la addition te mhese two locations, 1 intend te expand my accessibility te everyone furtber. 1 will bce conducting constituency meetings in Brooklin and in Ashburn as a part of my outreach program te serve everyone better. Notification for ail meetings, including the times and dates will conte te those living in mhe areas through regular mail. On Friday niglit, 1 was pleased te attend the Convectien at Bowmanville Higli School, te present Ontario Scholarship awards on behaîf of the Minister of Education. t really is wenderful te see such super student develepment through Our school system. The staff are te bc cemniended for their persenal dedication in furthering first class education. On Sunday aftemoon, 1 bad the pleasure of presenting a Commemorative Scroli te Mr. Oscar Wollstein, from the Premier of Ontario, on the occasion of Mr. Wollstein's 90Lh Birthday. Until next week - please be kinid te each other and feel better for it. Special event for Remembrance Day The Bowmanville Museum bas a special display of military artifacts for Remnembrance Day with the most dating back te Worid War 1. The display contains old photos, pestcards, memnorabilia and souvenirs. The display wiil be on view during the montb of November. Trustees vote against a raise The trustees of the area Separate School Board have decided against a two percent raise in mheir pay. The two percent increase had been proposed te start December Ist and weuld have increased trustees pay te $7, 140. Cases of rabies double in County The number of cases of rabies have doubled this- year in Northumberland County with 46 animais testing positive. Most Of tme victimis have been cattle bitten by rabid foxes and skunks who have been in the advance stages of the disease. Youth up on more charges A yeuth charged with the possession of a lethal weapon durin.g a skirmish at mhe Port Hope Higli School is now up on charges of break and enter when lie broke inte a Haldimand Township home and stealing a handgun. He wili appear in court Nevember Smh and is now being heid in custody at mhe Brookside Youth Centre in Cobourg. Board committees and administration are te report to the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education trustees on the need of updating the recordmng and storage of financial, personnel and historical documents. It bas been estimated it could cost the board upwards of $40,000 a year for a better information centre. Documents are presently stored at a Grafton location, the building_ which aise bas been said te require some $1 30,000 in updating and improvements. It is being considered that the board sell the Grafton building and locate the storage area in a new building or rental nearer the board' offices in Cobourg. The new premnises bave been recomrnended te be double the size of the existing building. Oshawa SkiuClub SKI SWAP Saturday, Nov. 2nd at ONTARIO MOTOR SALES 140 Bond Street West Oshawa Bring in items to seli 9 - Il a.m. Sale fromi 1-5 P. m, Cali 725-8890 No Retailers Allowed r George MooreI 1 Newcastle Hydro-Electric Commission, Background: - Born, raised and continues to reside in the Town of Newcastle. - Married with two aduit daughters. - Member of Ebenezer United Church - Property Chairman for the Board of Stewards. - Journeyman Electrician - 19 years. - Past part-time firefigher - 18 years. - Owner/Manager Moore Electric - 17 years. - Member of Bowmanville Rotary Club for 14 years and presently on the Board of Directors. - Member of "Skate 88" fund raising committee for the Bowmanville Recreation Complex. - Newcastle Hydro Commissioner - serving as vice chairman for three years. Objectives: - Encourage the continuation of the prompt and eff icient service already provided by the Newcastle Hydro Electric Commission. - Conservation of Energy. - Remaining environmeritally conscious. - Strive to keep the electrical rate increases at a minimum. On November l2th Re-ElIect Authorized by the C.F.O. for the ereMoeCmag

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