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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Nov 1991, p. 10

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10- Ororïo T.sW.ndy 4em>r89 Gord Mils, M.P.P. Durham Hall on Sunday with many in East brings greetings from attendance. It was a grand the provincial gavernment and opportunity for many ta renew Bob Rae, Premier, on the acquaintances which had celebration, of the 5th been buift up over anumber of Anniversary of the Orano Girl years of Guiding in Orono. Guide mavemnent. The The plaque was received by presentation was made at a Pamela Werry, on behaît of tea held in the Orano Town those involved in guiding. Gord s View In Praise of municipal candidates, - from Gard Mils appropriate, ta jot down a few MPP Durham East words of praise toalal those, "In praise of municipal municipal candidates who have candlidates-" offered thenselves Up for election. As the local election heats up, 1 Elected people, and those that thought it would be a good idea and attempt ta assume mhat mantel, are rLocal Happeningis Damage Washrooms at Fair grounds Mark Stapleton reports that damage has been donc ta the new Orono Fair outdoor washroomns constructed carlier this year. The door knob had been knocked off with a cernent block with cntry then bcing made into the washiroorns. Paper towcls had bcen set on fire on the counter which bad ruined the counter top. Estimated damnage at $1,000.00 Christmas Craft Show at Town Hall There are 24 exhibitors for the annuai Town Hall Craft show at the Town Hall ta bc hld November 15, 16 and 17. Look for ncw features this year with a nurnbcr of new e-xhibitors. The Lighting of Christmas The Orono Downtown Business Association is Jiolding the annual Lighting of Christrnas in the downtown on Friday evening, November 15 at 6:30 p.m. Caroiling wil bc the big feature. To be unveiled in near future The Orono DBIA will bc unveiing their new Christmnas lighting in Uic downtawn very shortly. Funding bas corne from the UBIA and a number of ailier organizations in Uic community. More later. Those involved are thrilled with what will bc a ncw Christmas look in Orona. Plan to fight back Brian Coldin made a visit ta the office on Monday outlining what he catis fears bing generated for Uic srnall non-conforming businesses in thc community. He said Uic Wood incident was an good example but Uere could becrnany more such undcrtakings. "Ites us majority against Uic minority', he states. 'We have ta protect ourselves and city laws arc not good out bere". Coldin makes thc point Uiat the country bas been built by srnal non-conforming businesses and there is nced for Protection. He said Uic backroorn shaps and outbuilding shops have been a mainstay in the economy. "Wc intend ta, attend Uic al-candidates meeting and express aur concemrs, he said. Coldin said Uicy are organizing and anyonc intercsted in bcing part of the movement could give hirn a caîl at 983-5669. Everything confidential. A quite Hallowe'en Hallowe'en passed on a quiet note in Orono this year wiUi the streets desolate downtown by tcn-Uirty. That's not ta Say the youngsters werc not out in force but they make a bec-lîne ta Uic Orono Estates wherc Uiey can caver Uicernost homes in Uic least of time. Thcy catch on fast in Uis day and age. Wc heur reports of 180 visitars andl over frorn the Estate residents. regularly maligned with regard ta thc amount of effort they put forth ta the job once they have been successful. The conlmentarY Often conveys an impression that politicians are simply free-loaders on the public purse whose main interest is ego gratification. 1 don't believe this ta be truc. In fact the generally low opinion people have of politicians combine ta discourage ail but a handful of our citizens from thinking about runnîng for office, Not naniy people outside politics could take Uic cndless criticisrn. Much of thc sniping about thec expenditures and life styles of politicians may bc good small tak in Uic local coffec shop, but is otherwise unjus tified. If the costs of politicians are calculated on a per-hour basis, we ail get gaad value for aur money. Once they are elected, al politicians at ail levels of govemment, grapple with a proccss full of stress, frustration, and on Uic odd occasion, find great Satisfaction when a solution is found for somte difficult problem. 0f course, Uic public always observes that politicians once elected, do not always do what they had promised ta do. Once this happens the electors caîl them incompetent, gifted with lousy judgeent,11 and Of course some unprintable descriptions. More cornmonly, the explanatign for dieir actions lies i th vey lmited range of choices that are open. Most cases, in tryîng ta respond ta public expectations leaves no choice other than ta pursue multiple objectives. For example, anc persan's intolerable bureaucratic burden is another's environumental protection. As we ponder who ta give our X ta, remembér that ahl those who are successful will face severe disruptions ta their persanial life for ic sake of serving us. Ahl of us, 1, think, have an obligation ta show that we have smail measure of undcrstanding Uic issues that elected people regularly have ta, deal wiUi. If. we make public life s0 unhearable that people like us, shun politics aitogether, we will ail be ic worse for it - Uic way I sec it. Hlouse, ire damage set at $120,000 A bouse fire in Hope Township caused $120,000 in damage. -It was caused duc ta a lawnmaower repair. H-ouse owner Maurice Cruse suffered leg burns and smoke inhalation front Uic gasoline fire whilc Weston Bannister, a visitor ta ic home at Uic time of Uic fire, suffered facial burns and was treatcd and kept in hospital overnight. GOVERNIUENT UO«NCED RESIDENiAI, CO~JMERCIAL LA WN pRoFEsSIONALS &Y8R *COMPLUE LAWN PROGRAMMES WIrHi GRÇATER SAVINCS DRI VEWAY PROTETION ASPHALT SEALING 983-52967 %rgn77 On November l2th VOTE and ELECT GLENN PEARSON for HYDRO COMMISSIONER *Member, The Great Pin-e Ridge Kinsmen *Parade Chairman, 1991 Heritage Week *Chairmnan, Newcastle Community Services Advisory Board *Appointed to the Public Relations Committee of Memorial Hospital *Comm itted to bringing hydro rates to you at an ABSOLUTE MINIMUM by STRICTLY controlling operating costs A=TORRZD BY IIIE C... FOR GLENN PEARSON ANN DRESINSK Regional Councillor 1Ward 3. Committed to: " Sensibl e municipal spending " Always mindful of the taxpayer " Strive for dloser ties with existing small businesses and industry - the job creators in aur communities. " To an united and open Council. " A review of the Off icial Plant as it affects the communities within the Town of Newcastle. " An awareness of the environmental impacts of council decisions. " Fuli time representation at Regional and Local Council. " Keeping in touch and being available.

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