- d' -la«' - e ro4shaghiF 9for Service Directory El /IC The Shop APPLE BLOSSOM *We Donl Jusi Speoa.ze» WWake Sveiy Oce, .pecia Main Street, Orono 983-9155 WeDeve Newtoniville, Pontypool, Oshawa and Places In-Between With Flair" For LADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 Orono Electric M.d ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES COLOUR TVs- HI-Fis Sales and Service Hotpoînt - R.C.A White Westinghouse Frigidaire - Whiripool Wood s Freezers MagîC Chef Hoover 983-5108 (416) 623-8161 Jo-Elen Sportswear & Gifts Suppliera of Teamns, Schools & Clubs Corporate Gift Packages 43 King St.W. Bowmanville, Ontario LiC i R3 J, Wayne Aasen Jim Couch AUCTION Sellilng Most Anything Anywhere 987-1548 FOR-NIK Auto Body and Collision Quality Body Work and RefinisIhing INSU RANG E QLAIMS FREE ESTIMATES R.R. 3 Newcastle, Ont. Phonie 987-5071 FLOWERS PLUS FLOWERS GIFIS and CRAFTS 46 King Street East Newcastle, Ontario Betty Lycett 983-5908 Wiida Mddeon GRUNDYS Country UphOlstery Quality Work In Upholstery R.R. 2 Orono, Ont. 983-9874 Bryon Grundy ALL STEEL BUILDING Factory Clearance 21Îx24%, 30x4O', 40'x75', 50'x 100', 60'x 100', 75'x 150' We can erect or deliver ta site Supply is Limted Please Cal 983-5872 or Fax 983-8179 Uni FREEZER BEEF Naturally Fed Beef For Your Freezer Cedar Valley Farmi Walter Stapleton 983-5244 tSn Xmnas wrapping paper. wooden picture framnes, and more. Available at wholesale prices. Caîl 983-8162. 6,13, ac The Side Street Cafe King & Beaver Streets Behind ILaundiromat Newcastle Village 987-4222 PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY, CLINIC 5 George Street, Bowmanvi le, Ontario- 623-4473 Barina Home Check -Vacatiorn Home Checking -Let us malke pour home look ived in Vedding Day GuiftSiting -Reliable References - EONDED Barb Shetier-Jna Cox NEWTONVILLE (416) 786-2996 MacGREGOR Auction Service Estates, C onsignments, Households Bankruptcles, Farmis SoId at your location ot at ours Storage & Trucklng Cail for a Free Confidentîal M. MaeGregor 416-987-5402 Junior West 416-983-5556 -rue. ~u '4'- mc- 1~ SIDES OF BEEF -$19 custom cut, wrapped, fro Government Inspected Beef aged 21 days. A]s fronts and Hinds availab CARTWRIGHT FAR? 983-9471 Found October 3th, g gray/white male kitte mnonths old, Best Road ar Conc. area. If owner or w, to adopt please call 983-5: 6, Free Kittens, part Persiar 983-8149. Self-contained, four bedroomn apartment, many extras, country home, $975.,00 monthly, utilities included. Commuting distance Oshawa, Lindsay, Peterborough. Cal 885-8212. 3,3,6,ap Apartment for rent. Available December 1, street-level downtown Orono. Tastefully decorated, ideal for a single person or a couple. For viewing call 983-9279. 6,13 ap Rural Orono, 2 bedroom, rec roomn, garage. No pets. References. $700 per month plus heat. First and Last. )Reply c/o Box 212, Orono, LOBiMO. 6,a c Havîng celcbrated my 8Oth Birthday 1 would like to thank ail those who came to myý celebration at the Oddfellows Hall i Orono. Thank you for aIl the nice cards and gifts 1 received. A special thanks to, miy two daughters Audrey and Lorraine for getting this party up for me and special thanks tthe Rebekah Lodge for catering. Thanks again. Clare Martin 6,ac The Smuk famnily would like to thank our relatives and friends for sympathy, flowers, cards and support during the loss of ou? beloved husband, father and grandfather Adoîf E. Smuk. 6.ap DECORATIVE ART STUDIO (416) 98,3-~ Complete Line çf Folk Art SuppliesI and Classes )0 lb. The family of the late Cecil ozeT1. Stapleton would like to l. express our thanks and so appreciation to our relatives, ble. friends and neighbours for MNS their express ions of sympathy, floral tributes and memorial 13, cpn donations in the loss of our dear husband, father, I grandfather and great- grmndfather. Special thanks to Rev. Bryan Ransom for his comforting words. Also thanks .entle ta the Canadian Legion, en, 6 Bowmanville Memorial id 7th Hospital and Dr. Cunningham. 'illing Special thanks to the 5249i Newtonville U.C.W. for the 13 cpn lovely lunch they provided I following the Service. We would also like to thmnk the Durham Regional Police for their escort. Appreciation is i.Cl also expressed to the staff of 6,ap Morris Funeral Chapel. Your support meant sa much. 6, nc Grist Mili Auction Centre Newtonvilie Friday, November 8th 7:00 p.m. Selling the equipment, furniture, and contents from a private home. Bolens ST11lO (1l h.p.) riding mower with grass dumper; Columbia 16 h.p. riding mower; utility trailer, Mastercraft 8 h.p. tiller; 1 CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST - [VS EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. THINK BIG - CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. MOBILE HOMES MOTOPHOGMES MOTORHOMES MOTOPHOM-,,ES Inventoty iU iduno'n Sale, 40 units. New ard i se Ail sîzes and maie Ailprices siashed. Cali 1-800 263- 7855. North Etock RV. Port Peny. Ont. .VACATiONÎTR AVEL SC-UTH CAROL NA -MýYRTLE BEACH RESORI, Oceanfrocnt condos, hnuseikeeping provided indoor pool, saunas. ,-nns Golf and vacation packages; w nierrentais from $ý4Dû/monm. Frabrochure: 1 8005 FLEA MARK ETS ABSOýLUTELY 'A rEAL 'PLEA MARKET. Smeths Pails, every Sunda y eur round t50 inside ht.s Semehi for evtoel(Et2 283 8448 CALABOGI E PLEA MARNET openSundays, 10 apte Antiques, P.cîbe , ots canon anoin spac analaibleusiness o)pportunîns n -urmailocatod in the feart f tounste (613) 752 2418, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 716 RIINLJICWOKSVNFlINO Machine Eam crash profts d-il, -anina ritjîo ODSo h Dem Dmýp , cC,.însSnksLpton le- hnut foi $14985. ]lofe Canadawicfe 1 8W0-45006M SPECIALTY JIEAND IEA aautrn Business. Naturaf, 1)00% pre stals.eo ..V.ton Ca e amoei Oothe poptentiol Lttie compotition. Gocc fumîlphusîness Retmn1-c (504) 743- 5393. VIDEO SUPER STORE Contents: 6,050 maies. Nintendo and l3enesis, VCRs TVs, racking, coonitars. comnuters. As saor tamrap n o --ur location. (519) 654- 3565. TOTALLY TROPICAL I NTERIOPS repaires consultants Esasive fine of silR plants neo trees through home parties. Ecalent poteeiai Juin our teara todap. Cal Lois collect (403> 7641-2663. SA LES HELP WANTED MAKE YOUR FORTUNE froru peopl e 'ecinq books. Nem Markasing reakthmaagh. 618 bllion boni, business marketing new books round fluor npportunitp Huga prohsi nesimenti $120.1804550 MAKE A FORTUNE ,.kng . orher ppi, -ho utimata funoraîsirng mol s reatîng hundroEds aI ien opportsniliawmihrcadibJy iGH INCOMES Uîgentlp nead salas people.I8063t0 CA REEFR TRAINING CR86 car.eer uide ta hone-study orspnac Dioioma c.ams A orîng ice4on, OOKeeapin.Busînns, Coomeîology, Elotonico. Lagal/Medîcul areiary, Pspcay ,,,,nl rato (SA> 2632Ae VodaWt, a 1nt. 00 850-1572 IS TRUCKINC, FOR YOU Lts disceas i;trou, g entenoed prograrun and Creoi:t CussCail ila t-800265-7173 Mathel Tra--irSpsîam, LEARN AUCTIONEERING iai te Soalwtbenm ntanei School nt AujcioeaeingHeniccass 9avmer815 Informaiîon, contact S.ouhmastern, aniaSciol0 Aactioneeing, R R 95, Wooastck.Ontaria Ha4S 7V9 (519) 537-2115. FOR SALE PARKAS BY POLAR T005, Ondrafied, radîtianalI woonduSaIle w th antan shahi, Ina tnhab.nd appimueS Ottawa Congrens Cane.t Noverntber 14-24 or (613>8320- 6025, >13>ý68208ý11 YîIUR DUO ILL STAY HOMEî w-th oarHiSa -Electranic Pence Salaimzîngl HPumaneJItfi mrks i's nutasight FAC, RRe1 'Bancroft, Ontanio, KOL 100 Fo (613) 332-'3-5, 18500J NO LEASH. BA RN CLEANER ,ýCHAIN Hook & Eya. Super Tugh und Pînila frnm $7 998111 Complte Cleanars usoShîp ýnn(where Husky Purm qu opment Aima, Ontna. (519) 846-5329 INVISIBLE PENCINO The orginl n ponndng containrueipter0-Oar150000DO -sgtunS ahi-nd MUSICAL INSTRUCTION HOW 0W O LAtY POPULAR PIANO Hemhome tdy course Fsi-syvmathod Gurunteedi FREE informnation Wnita Pouliar Mu-sînoo'13 10B1054 Elln Kaon, CVtY loi LINGERIE SXOTIC UNGORI',E 8D heaufll igio5s. pages colour catuog'ua oaing -ue o. PrenIc. maîf]self-addressd, stampecl eneaiae ta Marhei Asoiates, PO. Boa 252; Grimisbp, Ontairoa L3M 1 MO. MORTGAGES FASTMRTAE Avalabie for Homenwniersi Pap buils, creout curds! Enemple: Borrom $10.000, m-puy $124. montnlp- Ho Ouafiiping Husseini Culi f niansîcon Finanoni f416 650-455 buspu 1-800-28-1429 OUT 0F TOWN P ROP ERTIES PROPERTIES TO) BE SOLD for unpaîId faes, mo LandSaauiabîfîtp Forinformaion on hnîh tente Proprien Depi CH, Boa 5380, Ste F Ottua, .K2C 3J 1 STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS- ALL MODELS -Poud 0fcf f we cant bant pur beni deal. TaRe Seivery in sprîng. avoîd increases, 25n3() $2374 Other sîzes anaîfýbla. Pionee/Econospan 1-830-668-5422 THE6 LAST STEEL BUILDING YOU LL EVER NFES Future Steai Buildings hs the mý,eonîza lau.-, tn uffordable. top quality. Arch'St yle Steei Building Why puy more? Cuil f 800-668-8653ý BEST BUILDING PRICES -5SaielStmuîtmIf Type noi qu.nuet --2x48 $92.40x64 $8556 50a88 $18331. 10.120 $21 270 n on-expardbilanS(s), ta, sîzan ualbe- lmi t-,a- Paragan 24 H.-ru1-200 A-Z FR6 ENG BUILDINGS INC, Hew typas, teel/wcaiune, fdîgFor i-e .ale ,ûon& unmm nl 4161 826-1794 -- er m eend Prabînohura G(p-e STEEL BL DING SALE 20IX30 $,2632 2b5X26 S$3762. J3340 $5008, 4()E0S$7071 Prîce ccIuu 5I Enmlî nd AIt ~e Pnced tatciur Caîl 1-6,00-668 433à8 or (4161 842-2100ID Your ad couid appear in communily newspapers in Ontario, or right across canada, or any individual province. Space is Limited, so CaîlTisNwpaperT1od y. ron CARD OF THANKS Ariens 5 h.p. snowblower; lawn mower; Stihl blade; weeder; 10 in. table saw; chainsaws; power tools; garden lawn tools; new gas BBQ; new patio set; chesterfields; sofa bed; 3 pe. bedroom suite; dressers; small wardrobe; color T.V.; occasional chairs; tables; appliances; household goods; tools; hardware, and other good articles. Terms: Cash or Good Cheque with I.D. AUCTIONEER Frank Stapleton 786-2244 Sunday, November lOth 12:00 p.ni. Orono Town Haill (Main St., Orono) An outstanding offering of fine quality antique furniture in origin al and refinished condition; plus a large selection of collectibles; old toys; dolîs; glass and china etc. Partial list to include refinished pieces; oak ice box; Oak index file cabinet; oak chest of drawers; pine washstand; pine kîtchen table; Oak Office desk; parlour tables; child's high chairs and desk chair; original condition pieces include Hoosier cupboard; 15' oak church pew; 3 washstmnds (Pine, Maple & Butternut); pine spinining wheel; maple buffet; walnut wardrobe; 'book cases; pine blanket boxes; cedar chest; child's desks and primitive rocker; old toys and dolîs;, Orono crcam can;- numerous ail paintings; smail pine corner cupboard; china & glass etc.;, new violin; 2 guns, Savage 20 gauge 311 double barrel shotgun, Winchester 22 serai auto; 3 h.p. Johnston outboard (rebuiît) plus many more pieces. These are only a few of the many fine articles that will be offered'for auction. A musE- be-there event for those interested in antiques and collectibles. (Note: Fall & Winter Location and Time) SIALES Sunday, November 24th and Sunday, December 8th MacGregor Auctions Mike MacGregor 416-987-5402 JunIor West 416-983-5556 6.ac STAPLETON, Ceci N. - At Memorial Hospital, Bowmnanville on Wednesday, October 23, 1991 in his 98th year. Cecil, beloved husband of Mary Esther "Essie" (Coatham). Loved father of Ray and his wife Dorothy, Glenn and his wife Shirley, Genevieve Martinell and her late husband Dick. Loving grandfather of 12 grandchildren and 8 great- grandchildren. Friends were able to caîl at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmmavîlle on Thursday. Funeral service was held in our chapel on Friday at 1 p.m. Interment Orono Cemetery. Donations to the charity of your choice would be appreciated. 6.ac 1