NewtonviilieAUe by PeggC. Mullaj Yes! They are staff members Bender ("Worldly Ladies"), Nancy down at our own Newtonville Forrest (Karate Expert) al bave a Public School . .. Principal David spell cast upon them by Teachers' Gray ("Charlie McCarthy") and Aid Joanne Hulcio (as the resident colleagues Gord Kribs and Yvonne Wicked Witch). Students had a terrific activities were built around this Halloween Day at school on, special day for kids (of ail ages!) Thursday, as school work and Newtonville residents, "Mirmie" and "Miniature Minnie Mouse" (alias Tracy Dickinson and daughter Crystal, and "Zombie", Tyler McLean were among thxe over one hundred and twenty trick-or- treaters mhat haunted the roads of Newtonville on Halloween night. It was nice to see se many super costumes out, and no doubt an example of the hidden talents of many creative parents. 1 heard no reports of vandalisin. Candy apples, popcorn bails and homemnade fudge treats given te children were caringly wrapped and labelled with naines, addresses and phone numbers to reassure parents of their origin. Prom ail the ghosts, goblins, ninja turtles, cowboys and everybody else, tbank you. Little Scoops ... - Remember the All Candidates Meeting set for tomorrow evening, Thursday, November 7 th at 7:30 p.m. at the Newcastle Village Town Hall. - Polling station for this area will be at Newtonville Public School on Newtonville Road, just south of Hwy. 2. Poils are open from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Advance poli is located at Orono Public School in Orono today, November 6th, from 10:00 a.xn. to 8:00 p.m. VOTE on November 12. - Please take note that there will be a Remnembrance Day Service at the Cenotaph on Remembrance Day, November il at 11:00 a.m. "Lest We Forget." - Newtonville School children will be delivering items ordered from their fundraiser throughout the week. Mones should be ini no later tda Monday, Novemnber 18. - Congratulations to the Newtonville Harrier team. Our fine young athietes fared extremely well irf recent competitions! Three cheers for the five girls of the Atom team: Kathleen Nichols, Megan Carter, Bonnie Bragg, Shannon Armstrong and Stephanie.Boyd; Bantamn: Chandra Amodeo, Corine Teal, Pam Towler, Sha.nnon Hannigan, -Bailey Kelly, Ryan Muizelaar and Chris McLea. The Juniors: Stephen Grant and Jim Thompson. - Euchre resuits of Friday night, November 1, with 18 tables were: Winniers on the draw Eileen Stapleton, June Wilson, Bob Taylor, Helen McCavish and Bill Grady. Top scorers were Milford Simmnerson with 85, Jean Jilisen 79, Nettie Gordon 78, Joris Joe 78, Hilda Caswell 77, Lloyd Webb 76 and Hazel Murphy with a 75. Everyone invited to join in on the fun! Next party might November 15 at the Newtonville Comnmunity Hall on Church Street. - Time marches on! However, there's enough to of pit lef t to get those spring bulbs in the ground for next year's glorious pleasure; gîve it some thought and do it! Always happy to hear froin you. Take care! N Warming Italian Sausage Supper You cmn have this hearty and homey one-dish dinner on mhe table in less than a half hour after getting home. 6 bot or sweet Italian sausage (about 1 lb.) 1 tbsp vegetable or olive oil 2 small oions 1/2 head cabbage 1 cup 1/2 tsp 1/4 tsp 1/4 tsp apple juice îeaf thyme ground sage Sat Slice sausages in half crosswise. Heat oil in a large, wide saucepan placed over medium high heat. Add sausages and cook, turning often, until evenly browned. This will take about 5 minutes. Adjust heat if necessary to ensure even browning without burning. Meanwhile peel and thnly suice onions. Thinfly shred cabbage. It will mecasure about 10 cups (2.5 L). Remove browned sausages from pan. Add onions, separating into rings, to fat remainîng in pan. Then add cabbage and seasonings and stir until evenly coated. Pour in the apple juice and arrange sausages on top. Pour any accumulated meat juices into pan as well. Cover and cook over medium-low heat, stirring occasionally, until cabbage is almost done as you like, about 10 minutes. Then increase the heat to high and remove the cover. Stir frequently until most of the liquid is evaporated. Good with sliced tomnatoes. Serves 4 to 6 generously. YES! Get the facts. Let's TaIk. Cail the Ontario MinistiW of Health AIDS Hotline L Mainstreal An ove forec By Michael Wycks The state of the economy is a sub- ject on the hearts, minds and lips of Canadians everywhere. The hardships of double-digit unemployment, goug- ing taxes and record barikruptcies, to name a few, are delivering a decisive blow to the health of our economy. The quesion is, when will the economy pick up? The small business commrunity, for one, is anxious for reief soonier rather than later. The Canadian Federation of Independent Business conducted its biannual survey of small business expectations this summner and found many firms are simply operating in survival mode., "Wait and see" is the approach for small business owners as -*ost now consider the worst of the recession to be over, but only when ne w orders begin to arrive and a n improved cash flow results, will there be a strength- ening of capital spending and employ- ment plans. Encouraging is the drop from 78 per cent last November to only 15 per cent this lune in the number'of -n Canada 'rcast 'ast sma businesses expecting the national economy to weaken further by year- end. The proportion anticipating a e s -a p a g n ' Re-Elect George VAN DYK For SHydro Commissioner A3 years a resident of Newcastle. 25 years local businessman. " 19 years Broker-Owner of George Van Dyke Real Estate Uimited. " Hydro Commissioner for Town of Newcastle for the past six years. " Committee Chairman for Skate 88 (f undraising for the BoWmanville Recreational Complex). " Sponsor for variaus local sports teams for the past 19 years. " Committed to energy conservation. *Committed to sell hydro at cost. *Commited to keep operation costs to absolute minimum. AUTHORIZED BY C.F.O. Ec 1!7-