Down Orono- Main Street to Remembrance Day- Service The Bowmanvile.Legion Pipe Day parade down Main Street to largest gathering to take part in Band leads the Remembrance lhe Orono Cenotaph to one of the the service of a number of years. The Salvation Army bands plays a big parade in the Remembrance Day service playing for thie hyrnns and during the laying of the. wreaths. Gû"ord's View by Gord Mfilis MPP Durham East "Loýoking back at Armistice Day" Before thc last war, when I was a young boy, my father used to take me to the Remembrance Day Parade in Brighton, England. We would muarch along the streets, and then stand with others, six or seven people deep, in front of thc War Memorial. It was a sight and a time. wo stir a young boy's hcart. Soldiers would march ran-rod straight with an air of bravcry that touched a youngstcr's dreams. There was the chatter of snare drums bouncing over the thudding bass drums, that matched your own heart-beat., These martial airs made us onlookers stand a litfle bit taller, a littie straighter, and they stili do Do you buy gas at XL gas bars? If so, the coupons you receive can bc dcposited at the Toronto Dominion Bank, Tempcrance Street, Bowmanvillc. or the Big Brothers office, 133 Church Street, Bowmanvillc. Wlicn the coupon%5 arc dcpositcd ini the drop boxes providcd the "po)ints" collccted arc donated to TFli Big Brothers of Newcastle. A contribution of merchandise ["rom XL gais bars is based on the number of "points" donated in the drop boxes. Rev. Clappison, Orono United Church, "Seek peace and pursue it." - Looking Back At' that now, ove, 50 years later. At the appointed moment of silence, old men stood still, with glints of gold and silver on their chest, flashing in the November sun. A single trumpet then sounded to moumn the thousands who could flot 'be present. But made being there possible for us. This coming weekend we celebrate Armistice Day here in our towns and villages. The pomp and circumstance thm so stirred a young. boy in Brighton'are now gone. W. don't find it anywhere anymore. One can't go baclc and that itself is a grace. Time has taken its toîl and the number of veterans that come to the Memorial Service each year are fewer. Those that remain are still proud, the lack of cispness in their Chuck Fogh, Promotions Specialist for Ultramar Canada which operates the XL chain, remarkcd "the XL Bonus Points Program blas been very success ful for us. In turn, wc would like to givc sonething back to the c<)nmunity and wc ledl thc Big Brothcrs of Newcastle arc dcscrving of our support." Big Brothers of Newcastle arc very plcased with thc support fromn XL. However, in order to make Ilhis Veniture a succcss, WC wil Piper for the Lame-nt .Umm lamie Douglas, Bowmanville, young piper plays the Lamnent during the Two Minutes Silence. A fitting touch for dhe service. Armistice Day5' step we do not notice, because tie men and women are friends and family. And so, this coming weekend, we honour our friends from campaigns in the North Atlantic, North West Europe, Italy, North Africa and the Pacific., We also honour those that gave their lives at Dieppe, the Defence of Hong- Kong, the Battie of Britain, the Battle of Ortona and thie Normandy Invasion. And wc honour the 27,000 Canadians who served in Korea. We also honour the Canadians who gave their lives in the First World War. Thousands neyer returned, but their contribution to the betterment of mankind can neyer bc measured - the way 1see it. need the support of the community. Nancy Scott, Executive Director of Big Brothers of Newcastle commented that "th1e community bas always been, supportive to our organization and 1 amn certain mhat they will help us out oncc again. Wbcre would Big Brothers be wiUiout commitment' from our community?" This canpaign is schcduled to run on a trial basis until Uic end of Deccmibcr. WC hope it will turn out to bc an ongoing venture. Salvation Army Band Guest Speaker XLGas Bar supports Newcastle Big Brothers k "s "A Touch of Class" Cleanîng Commnercial & Residential - Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Occasional - Bonded & Insuranced - Reasonable Rates For a Free and Friendly Estimate Please Cail 1-416-786-2399 FREE 6 oz. poipourri bagil 1%D con witheach Initial cleaning. i il for Senior Citizens"l oFmF XPIRES Nov. 30/91 L.------------------------------JL.---------------------------- J HîARýDWOOD DUTY PO ER T AT C TS I A L *Powerful 45 cc two-cycle vertical engine and availablq with 15", 16" or 18" bar; *Pro-Firem Electronic ignition for easy starts; *Lightweight- powerhead wveighs in at under il pounds; *Automatic oller; *Anti-viibration system for comfortable, extended operation; *State-of-the-industry safety features, such as inertia-activated chamn brake. IMFARM GADEN D, JOIN LDrERE SALES d& SER VICE 'Taunton Roed, West of Orono Phono 410-983-9119 Long Distance Phone 1-800-461-2120