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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Nov 1991, p. 2

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2 - Orono Weekly Timea, Wedneaday, Novomber i3~i9gi O ru no '4eekf1y 'imes S $econd Cas6Mai!lflegisîraionNumber 000368 PublishÉ-d Every We Dneýýday at the, Offýce of Puiblicalbn 1;310 NIain Street, Orono, Ontario LOB 1 MO .Telephone 416S-983-6301.* Roy G. Forrester, 0vvnerýEditcor Subscription $14,00 per annum, You had tofeel good The Rememibrance Day service at the Orono Cenotaph on Sunday had rnany pluses through mainly the participation of many organizations and an apparent resurgence of gratitude and a possible pursuit for a binding peace throughout the world to-day. It was great to see both the young and the old out to take part and special mention could be made of the individual organizations, the Pipe Band, the Salvation Army Band and further let us give the littie Piper a big hand of applause for the playing of the Lament. The message from Rev. Clappison, flot too short but then flot too long, surely left something to think about for those in attendance that peace in this tirne and in this world rnust be one of continuai pursuit with the help of Christ. We left the service with a good feeling. At the crossroads Frances Lankin, inister of Health for the Province of Ontario recently stated that Ontario was at the crossroads as to saving the medicare system that we have ail so enjoyed over many years. She states it will take reformn. Her style of reform is not more money and, hospitals operating in a deficit position have since heen finding thîs' out. It is about time that the province did clamp down on a system that has fostered more doctors and more hospital beds as the criteria to better hcalth care. Lankin reports that hospitals and the district health coundil in the Windsor area have claimed at least 200 adute-care beds more than are necessary in the area. Studies are to be carried out in other parts of the province. Lankin states they will have to look at a better management of the systenr'. But is not only the health care systern that is at the crossroads one could well include the educational system, the municipal and regional systerns, ail depending on the province to bail them out when the coffers are depleted. t cornes down to - we have to do more with less and the current recession could well turnout. to be the catalyst to bring such a phiosophy into scope and mnto reality. It will take a strong stand on the part of the province, one which we hope it does take and if there are better ways let's get thern ino place and flot just talk about them as has happened down over the past decade. Take a firrn grip Bob Rae. Let us see your metal. On the constitution The constitutional debate has centred to a great degree on Quebec and that of a distinct society for the province but there is another plank in the federal plan that of a Council of the Federation. This body would be no mere consultative body but delegated certain powers that in fact would make it one more level of governiment ini Canada, sornething we need like a second hole in the head. Already wc -have two houses of parliarnent, ten provincial legisiatures, and who knows how many regional and municipal govemmrents. At the presenit time just taking three levels of govemmerint Iet alone the Senate, we find little agreement between the power appetites of these levels of governrnent. -Add another one and the- whole country will be further bogged down to rmoney grabs, hassle and nothing done. There is no functional reason why yet another level of govemnment should be on the table. And while we are oan the constitution let us have sorneone spell out exactly what powers will go with ithe the "distinct soçiety" clause. One can only get -suspicious when the meýaning is left in lîmbo or under the clause what one can or cannot do. Surcly it does have meaning and no one wants to wait untl the courts'rules the definition and meaning of the clause. We need to kniow where the Charter fits or does flot fit within the clause and we need to know what the clause allows and does flot allow. But where will these answers corne frorn. Certainly not the federal governiment who flot only rncssed up the Mecech Lake accord but at the present time has their second atternpt in even a greater debacle. Their committee are in such a disarray that they cannot even hold a Kendal News by Phyllis Lowcry Well wc have had our first taste of snow a hatle bit of it can stili be seen in shady places. Sunday was a beautiful surffy day and we had a good attendafiçe at Church. Once again we were pleased to wclcome Rcv. David mâcDonald to Preach for US. TheServire opcned with the singing of thg hymn, "Praise t he Lord, the Almfighty." Following the Cali to Worship, the choir sang, I Walk With His Hand in Mine.' The childrel's hymn was, "Jesus Loves Me," I thought that I knew that hymn by heflrt but suddenly 1 realized that thc words in the Hymnal we now use, were totally different. Why do they do that to such beautiful old hymns? Rev. MacDonald based the children's story on faith. He told them that faith is what we hope for, what we can flot sece. He then brought out a sm-iallchair, he asked them would it hold hlm, he started to sit down but then he stood up, he said, how do I know that it is safe? He saidi that if he sat on it and it broke, theyi would laugh at him. He told them that a man told hlm that it was safe, but he didn't knov the man and whethcr he could tru that man. Hei looked under thc chair thc makers namne, but he didn't know whether to1 trust the maker. How would he know1 if it was sale? The children told himn he would just have to sit down on itt and sec what happencd. Rcv.( MacDoniald told thcm that wasN having, faith. Havîng faith in Godc and trusting His word is vcry important. The Psalm rcading was no. 95,c verses 1-72,.t Rev. MacDonald read fromt Exodus 3: 1-12 and Colossians 1: 3-g 20. The hymn "Jesus, Wherc Ere Thyn People Meet' was sung. The Sermonv was titlcd, "When God Confronts Remembrance Day Service (Continued from page 1) Band played thc lamnent during Uic observance of the two minute silence. Rev. Clappison of Uic Orono United Church spoke that it;,ras a time, to remrember those who hlad dicd ini baîtile. Clappison spcaking of Rememnbrance Day as a symbol questioned that such cxisted anymore anid that we do pay a prie for the sins of nationalismf. He spoke of peace and frecdomi and Uic necd for reniewal. He said peace could mcan -many things as it relates to November 1i1lth, thle quality of 1life iný our homes, ii- our mnunicipalities, ini our country and in Uic world. Peace among nations is flot possible by itscîf, lic said, "we necd help, wc need Christ in our hearts". "Look around you", said Clappison, "seck peace and pursue it, go on to make a difference". "There is nio peace among niation.s unless thecre is peace ang mcgiiie and'unle-ss there is peace wfi Christ"', said Uic speaker. The gathcring was invited for coffee and cookies at thie Oddfellows Hall following the service. Us." Rev. MacDonald told of a man who always had wantcd to go to iEurope and visit alI Uic great places Lof Religious happenings. When he fînally did this hie camne home vcry disappointed because hie found'that they wcre just places, buildings. He then reaiized it was'the person and the people who had made these Places special. Like thc burning bush that Moses saw, that bumcd red did flot burn up, it was there that God challcnged Moses, it was there that ,Moses made his cornmitmcnt. If wc were to go and find that bush, it would be just an ordinary bush. Moses hiad three things Awareness, others might flot have' scen the bush, but Moses heard God's voice coming from it and was preparcd to find God. Some people have said that God came to them and led thcm out of dangers, that is their Faith. Awarcncss of God can be found in ahl things, in ail the world around us, anywhcrc you are prcparcd to bc aware of God. Recognition .. . God is ail about us if we but look, we mnust be able to recognize God. Moses did. Obedience . . . Moses was obedient. He did as God said. He obeyed God's command. Obedience is very important, from Uthe c are bori wc muast lcarn' to obey, to learn the limits wc can go to. The limits of good and cvii, wc must live within these limits. Our parents set the limîts at home, laws are limits. God sets limits. We must obey them willingly and chcerfully. The service closcd with the singing of "Lord, Spcak to Me." ,As I sit here finishing off this column, Monday moming, I look out thc window and it ccrtainly looks like winter has come to stay, snow on the ground and more falling. Oh wcll six more months and it will be warm wcather again. 11 ORUNO, ONTARIO St. Saviour's Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. Douglas Hall 987-4745 SUNDAY SERVICE and SIJNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. OROMO PASTORAL CHARGE Rev. Fred Clappison Supply Minister Marlene Risebrough, Secretary Church Office 983-5502 UPCOMIWNG SERVICES Sunday, November 17th Klrbyý United Church Service and Sunday School 9:30 a. m, Orono United Church Service and Sunday School 11:00 a.m. EXPLORERS Wednesday, November 13th 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Upper C.E. Hall For ail girls ages 8 - Il years 983-5009 New ...e C'*LOTrHTIQUE Norman Rockwell Collectables TUDOIR MINT The fellowship of the Rinig Hobbit FIGUINES AUSSIE Shampoo & Conditine Now Here! 'J' 0 - -- mmàý

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