Donate to Hospital o, daio M r. 0o ug James, representative be used ta purchase an Infant ofthie Memariai Hoaspital Founda- Resuscitatar c/w W armer for the tian, happiiy accepts a $12500 che- haspitals 0bstetrics departmeflt. que fram Mr. Cary Kuipers, a The presentatian was made last mem ber of the Memariai Hoaspital Friday marning in the haspitals Harvest Bail Cammittee. baard raam. T he proceeds t ram the Bail wil Letter to Editor Dear Roy: Well another Election has come and gone leaving a few thoughts in its wake. Here in Clarke the only two candidates to run wvithout the help of election sîgns won. It is refreshing to see this type of courage of conviction in politics, refreshing indeed when we see it pay off.- Congratulations both to Anti Dreslinski and David Scott for tak- ing a stand. Clarke voters also took a stand on another issue, the naine change. Clarke voted to k-eep the naine "The Town of Newcastle", but alas we are part of a large whole and this larger whole feels dif- ferently than we. Next thing you know, we will be asked to help pay for this foill. Well that's democracy for you. As long as it is our money we mnight just as weil participate in the process. 1 think there is a way we can keep the costs down, keep the naine of The Town of Newcastle and make almost everyone happy. Why ca n't we simply switch the names of Bowmanville and Newcastle? We would then have in the "Town of Newcastle," (a really big "Town of Newcastle") and a smaller village of Bowmianville. Think of the cost savings on sta- tionary alone, not to mention the trucks, tire halls and road signs. 1 arn sure the people of the old town of Bowni.-nville would wlcome the change and overlook the smal costs and inconveniences associated wiîth it. No more missed or late deliveries, no more idlentity crisis, no more bus loads of hockey players ending up in the wrong town. Ail at a cost we can afford. As with any change, there are problems, the people who live in the village of Newcastle might not be as happy with the change as the rest of us. After ail they voted not to change the naine. Although one wonders why with ail those errant delivery trucks and hockey players roaining their streets., Perhaps as an incentive the -costs assocîated wFith this-change could be omitted front their taxes. One other problem I1 see is with The Bowmanville Boosters, they will have to change their naine. This could be a good thing, as they would become the Town of Newcastle Boosters. As such they would be seen as boosting the en- tire Town and flot just their own interests. On the other hand they may elect to follow their naine and move to the- new village of Bowmanville. This in, turn would boost the local economy, truly a wifl, wiflsituation. One final nlote this whole pro- cess could cause some confusion. This would 1 an sure would only be temnporary, thiings would settle down nd get back to normal, say in 17 or 50 year5. Kristin McCrea YWCA winter program soon to be available Children's craft prograrns are al ,,full" for the upcoming classes. Thank you for pre-regi-stcring to al who are participating. Therc is, still roomnin' t'le following adit classes: French Heirloomn Sewing. Novemnber 28, Decemnber 5 mnd December 12 at the Bowmanville High School. Sculptured Lampshiade, Techniques, February 13, 1992. Gardening with Perenn)iials, March 25, 1992. New Winlter Programmng (January - March) will soon be available, Flyers will again be d istributcd through the elementary schools (Puiblic and Separate School systcmis). Pîcase bc on the lookout for this programi information sheet during the nionth of December. If you do not have school age children, you cmn obtaini your copy by gctting in touch with our office. Visit us at M3 Chiurch Street, Bowvmanville or phonc 623-99)22 (YWCA). e... ~*~.***y Gord il viswgning c rime ou t u - ay back from "On the w, Gravenhurst" Last Friday, I was in Gravenhurst to attend a Solicitor GeneralsCrime Prevention Awards Luncheon. My Iole was to deliver the key note spedh on behaîf of the Solicitor Generdl the Hon. Alan Pilkey, and to present awards to people.who made a-commitment to the improvemefit of the quality of life in the coipmunity through crime prevelitioli initiatives. On the drive back to Orono, I began to think about ahl of the communities in Durhaml East, and what we and our neighbours could do for each otfier through crime prevention iililiatives. 1 said to myself, i'What about Neighbourhod Watch." Neighbourhood Watch benefits an Cameco workCers, Port Hope agree to. settiemlent Although agfçenent by Cameco workers was reluctant eighty percent have agreed upon a new wage settierfient and some improvements iii benefits. The workers gre to receive a four percent increâSe retroactive in 1990, a 3.3 percent in 1992 and 3.5 percent increaso ini 1993. entire comnmunity through working together to increase neighbourhood awareness. We can ail watch out for suspicious characters, note vehicle registrations flot known in the area - and most importantly of ail - care for the frail and elderly. Commnunity spirit is at the very heart of the crime prevention, it helped to foster stronger community links, with people working together and getting to know one another. t helps pull people fromn diverse backgrounds in the pursuit of a common goal. Neighbourhood Watch can be for ail of us a whole new way of life. We can through membership, teach each other simple precautions to beat the thief. 1Ithink all ofus can stand somne improvement about security measures in our homes. Ahl of these things makes for OPP to eliminate $16 million deficit The Ontario Provincial Police across the province and in this area are cutting back on mileage by ten percent during each shift and are to reduce overtime so that the OPP can eliminate an anticipated $16 million deficit this year. The Cobourg detachinent of 30 officers are expected to cut back on 500, hours of overtime from September through to the- end of December. Emergency cahis will stili be a priority but grouping of other calis will be attempted along with a greater useof the telephone. Reduce road sait in Welcome area The Ministry of Transportation and Commnunication is reducing the percentage of sait with sand from 15 percent to 5 percent to be used i the Welcome area in sanding Highway 2. Even some new wells drilled i the area over the past couple of years are contaminated with road sait. This is the first attempt in Ontario in reducing sait content. The Ministry said it wili flot affect safety on the highway., mF-MORIAL HOSPITAL FOUNDATION- BOWMAN VILLE THANKS THE FOLLOWING CONTRIBUTORS FOR THEIR GENEROUS SUPPORT 0F THE ANNUAL HARVEST BALL, OCTOBER 18,1991. >'llouise Fashions, Bowmanville p, & P Food Stores, omnil Auxiliary - Memorial Hospital Bowmanvflle @alderson Cheese, Newcastle pramble Bush Florist & Garden Centre, Bowmanville peckers' Milk, Newcastle peckers' Milk, Orono pevs Floral Designs, Bowmanville Bandstra's Floral Boutique, Bowmanville Bowmanville Golf Course & Country Club powmanville IGA Mr. Eric Bowman powmanville Area Medicai Association Carnation Flower Shop, Bowmanville Co-Operator's Insurance Çlaudette Pool & Service, Courtioe Çhlld's Ladies Wear, Bowmanville Cockerham's Ladies Wear, Bowmanvîlle Cody's Restaurant & Deli, Bowmanville Co-op Durham Farmers, Orono Colonial Tea Shop, Bowmanville Qanadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Bowmanville Qanadian Imp erial Bank of Commerce, Oshawa Chartran's Mens & Ladies Wear, Bowmanville Mr. & Mrs. R. Coombes, Bowmanville Decorating Pen, Bowmanville Evergreen Lawn & Garden, Orono Flowers by Jackman, Bowmanville Flower Plus, Newcastle Fairwind Antiques, Orono Mr. & Mrs. V. Fletcher, Bowmanville Goodyear Canada Inc., Bowmanville Gould's Cards & Gits, Bowianviile Hay, C.W. Bookseller, Osh'ýwa Hoopers Jewellers, Bowma~nville Mr. & Mrs., J. Hunter, Newcastle Lange's Photo Lab lnc., Bowmanville Leisure Lady, Bowmanville Limelight Dinner Theatre Limited, Toronto Mcçrimmon's Antiques & Art, Newcastle Mulder's Furniture, Bowmanville Marigold Motors, Bowmanville McDonald's Restaurants, Oshawa Morris Funeral Home, Bowmanville Newcastle IDA Pharmacy Newcastle Golf Course Ltd. Mr. & Mrs. D. Noble, Newcastle Newcastle IGA, Newcastle Lumber Ltd. Roy Nichols Motors, Bowmanville Norm's Delcatessen, Bowmanville Novico Hardware, Orono Newcastle Guardian Drugs Olde Tyme Feeling, Orono Orono IGA Pizza Wagon, Bowmanville Proctor & Gamble mnc., Toronto Port Darlington Marina, Bowmanville Roots Hair Design, Newcastle Rickaby's Ltd., Bowmanville Royal Alexandra Theatre, Toronto Rekkers Garden Centre, Bowmanville Mrs. Shirley Robson, Bowmanville Mrs. R. Sedgwick Stratford Festival, Stratford St. Mays Cernent Corp., Toronto Pauline Storks Fashions, Newcastle Stutts Pharmacy, Orono W.H. Smith lnc., Toronto Mr. Donald Staples, Orono Mr. Merle Slute, Bowmanville The Velvet Bear, Bowmanville The Fumiture Store, Bowmanville The Apple Blossom Shop, Orono The Village Bake Shop, Orono Van Belle Florists, Courtice Valeo Draperies, Courtice Mr. & Mrs. Don Venn, Bowmanville <Weall & Cullen, Markham Mr. & Mrs. W.R. Walters, Bowmanville White Rose, Unionvilie 'I Ct=unijtjes. -know some Of you will sMY, "It caf'tappen to me." Some will say they Pv taxes for police protection and ex1ct it. Others will Say, 1 kflow th- is a problemr, but 1 cant do anythir, about it." How many will simPlYmy, 1I don't want to become invoNd., 1 believe thaivolvemnent is the corner stone for Leç foundation of a community attitua, that says 'We can prevent crime.'* How do you fee. about the idea? Should we ry to get something started? If yý,u would like to be a partuer, ciii mry constituency office at oui new Bownianville nuniber 697-150'.. Let's get together and crack crime ini our community.