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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Nov 1991, p. 12

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Kendal Lodge LOBA and guests Members of' fle Kendal the coming ycar oiin Wednesdayv above with ,iLitors t'rom the LdeLOBA celebrated their eveinig of' last week. Tyrop.e Lodge as well members ixth anniversýary, and carried The memrbership is pictured from Western ipntario Lodges. out their eAction of' officers for Port Hope Public A boost to the Olympics in Spain defends kee-piflg band sheli Town residýflts of Port Hope have given stËoflg support to relocate and restiàre the 45-year old band(shell. The §upporters ot the bandshell waiti to retain the miemorial which was dedicated to those in the cofllmuity who had lost thleir lives in World War ii. The Architecturai Conservancy of Onitario, Port Hope Branch was responsible for organizing the MM group and as well support the restoration. Christiari Corner by Rev. Marg West Pain Hurts Pain cornes in aIl sorts of packages. It can be in our emnotions (mental illness), our bodies can have aIl kinds of pain. (headaches, back pain, pain pain pain) Its flot nice to constantly be in pain, pain causes us not to be able to function. If we have a headache we just want to be quiet and be by ourselves. Other kinds of pain cati be debilitating. We may even have to be bed ridden for rest or traction. Have you ever considered the fact that'pain cati be associated with fear. In Psalm 48:6 it says that fear took hold upon themn there, and pain, as a women in travail. The fear caused pain as a womnan giving birth. Now thaÊs no little bit of pain. Thaïs great pain. Webster says of travail: (referring to a torture device; very hard work, intense pain, agony. The fear caused pain like torture. "Pain is physical or mental suffering, caused by injury disease, tribulation." in saiah 13:8 again it is saying that fear caused pain. "They shal bc afraid, pangs and sorrows, shal Lake hiold of themn, they shall be in pain as a womený that travaileth." Maybe we can see in these passages of seripture that we need to try and get rid of some fears in our lives. Fear of flot pleasing others cati cause tension which can cause pain. When we are late for anl appointient etc. it causes tension - tension cornes pain. Fear of flot being up to someone elses opinion can cause pain maybe this type would be emotional hurt in our inner most being. God tells us in His Word Lo Fear Not. lsaiah 41:10, 43:5 (In these scriptures God is tll!ing us to fear flot He is with us.) Isaiah 43:1 - He's redeemed us, and called us by our naine. Isaiah 54:4 - Fear flot for thou shallflot be ashamed, nor confounded. God knew that fear was flot good for us. The only fear that is good for us is the fear of God and that is flot fear that causes pain. The fear of God is reverence toward Him and when we revere Goyd we have a fearless life. The opposite of fear is peace. In John 14:27 Jesus says, "He leaves us Fis peace, flot peace as the world give, let flot your heart be troubled, neither let it be. afraid." Trust in the Lord, and you can have a fearless and peaceful life. Remember Fear is the opposite of Faith. Fear is having faith in the dcvii. Comments or Questions, write Box 179, Orono. Tuesday Bible Study, 7:30 p.m., 983-5962. Watch Total Christian Television, Channel 49, Buffalo. United Way at 72% of target The Whitby-Oshawa-Newcastle United Way has reached 72 percent of its target of $3.25 million. Dur- ing the past eight weeks the United Way has raised a total of $2,237,433 which will be distributed' amongst its 41 a'g£encies in the area. It is expected to be hard slugging for funds to now reach the targeted goal. Last year the United ,Way camne up somne short of its total goal of $3 million. James Sa who will be com- last Wednesday evening at the pcting in the Disabled Olympics Kendal Hall bhy Sister in Barcelona, Spain, in June of' Terri (Ilftin (right) on behalf 1992,receives a cheqtue in flie ol the Loge She w,ýas assisted, amoutl of' $500.00 from i te by .W. Sisterci Marilyn Erwvift, Kendal Lod-ge LOBA. Griand Mlistress of the Grand The pýresentation was made [,odgVe oi' Onlario Es LOBA. U.C.W. hosts Interfaith One hunidred and thirteen womnen attcnded the evcning gathcring of' the ýOshawa Presbytcrial U. C. W. Faîl Regional Meeting which was held at St. Marks United in Whitby on October 29th. Ncwtonvillc United liostedthe day meeting on October 30th with nincty-four ladies preserit. The Book Room was a popular spot with an assortment of Christian material available for adults and childrcn. Second vice-president Bessie Vaneyk of Tyrone presided over the eveing'meeting and Shelley Wright, first vice president, from Kendron kept the program flowing oii Wcdncsday. Barbara Griffin, Columibus, led in a brief worship ser vice during whichl reprcsen tat ves ['romn each local IJl C- W. ofcred thieir monctary i for World Dcvelopmnent and Relief, A uite of siniging select ions f roti 'Songs for a Gospel People" w;os led by Bileen Burgess, I Linipioti, and accompanied by Joan Lane, Port Pcrry, at the piano., *Event President Betty Turcoit from Trinity churcli introdu.ced tlhe members of'the exceutive. There were reports oit finance, events for womeni, prograrn, and annual reports. On Wedncsday, time was allowcd for a couple of skits to be prcscnted. One skit eniplîasized the various- ways in which we communicate our faifli and thic other cncouragcd local groups to compîcte their annual reports enthusiastically and returfi thcm before the deadlinc to Shelley Wright. This would enable the executive to complcte their reports, compile the information into the Annual Report booklct and bc forwarded to Conference by January 13. The panel facilitator for thie lnîcrfaithi Event was Rev. Arch McCurdy from Toronto. lHe ik a Uni ted Church iinisieri and nIl imiie director of thie Pastoral Services ai Bloorview CldLrenis' hospital. Arch is tlhe pasi (Continued page 13) To my campaign team, for their com-mitment, support, encouragement and dedica- tion, and To al those who took part in the elec$ion process1 A very sincere "&THANK YO.U" 1 look forward with excitement and en- thusiasm to serving, the residents of the Town of Newcastle as Mayor for the next three years. Sincerely Diane

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