.pr~nêWsJuv Tfnws, W4I~uy, NowmberaG4lnl *13 iClarke Hig,,h Schmool s nere were many young andthe show ing of the new Ridge Kinsmeni were busy voices singing out carols last Christmas light decorations that serving hot dogs an'd hot cider. Friday evening on the steps of have been- winning praise on the Ail participants in the the Orono Town Hall. lamp posts. carolling received a free hot dos- The event marked the Santa was in town for the and a drinks for thoir efforts. Lighting of Christmas in Orono occasion and the Great Pine U.C.W. report (Contlnued froin page 12) chairperson of the Ontario Provincial Interfaith Comnuttee on Chaplaincy, and is also a member of the International, Pastoral Care Counicil for Peace and Justice. He has recently returned from Czechoslovakia as a memiber of-the Working Committee of the Christian Peace Conference. Rev. McCurdy introduced the theme briefly by stating our need to be aware of other races and faiths smnce Canada bas become a multi- cultural country. There are now more Buddhists than Baptists in Toronto and more Muslims than Presbyterians. Arch introducedthe guests for each meeting. Speakig for the Jewish faith on Tuesday was Norma Weingarten who had been born and rased in Port Perry and Wednesdays guest was Laya Crust. We are respecting the request not to print the namnes of the ladies speaking for the Islamic faith. Each womnen capably and clearly answered four basic questions posed by Rev. McCurdy. 1 . What are the basic fundamentals of your faith? 2. What are the aspects, good or bad, about living in a pluralistic Society especially as a minority faith in a basic Christian society? 3, How does your faith impact on your daily living such as food, entertainm ent, leisure and humour? 4. HAow does your faith perceive the role of women? A wealth of information was provided by each woman in response to these questions and we discovered some similarities between the Jewish and Islamic faiths requires a very strong self- discipline to abide by the mnany laws. t became quite evident that their faith bas a great impact on their culture, and life-style. The number of questions asked by the U. C. W. members was indicated of the interest siniulated by our guests. At Newtonville Shirley Coyle of Newcastle explained the Bridgehead Trading prograni. The Sunday School at Newcastle use it as a mission project. Projects such as tea, coffee, candy which are made by Third World countries can be ordered through a catologue and the money goes directly to them. You may receive more information by co ntacting Shirley Coyle through Newcastle Church. 1Betty Turcott warmly welcomed Mary Howes, Conference President of U. C. W., to the-Tuesday meeting. Betty announced that the Hom of Africa appeal was stili on- going and Janiaica needs pili boules and good usable pencils at least two inches long. You may leave the labels on the pill botties or if you remove them the sticky remains can be taken off with lighter fluid. To initiate celebrations for the 3th anniversary of U. C. W. in 1992, a Songfest of hymns will be held at Centennial Church in Oshawa on Sunday, February 9 at 2:30 in the aftemnoon. Tuesday, March 3, 1992 is the date of the Annual Meeting at Harmony United. Be sure to share in this day as we will bc celebrating our 3th anniversary. Conference Annual Meeting will foljow on April 7 and 8, at Cambridge United in Lindsay. The Waterloo Conference for women will be June 12, 13 and 14. Marion Larmer of Blackstock, assisted by Leona Wanamaker, Kingsview, closed each day's meeting with a worship service on Peace. Eileen Burgess, Press Secretary, Oshawa Presbyterial U. C. W. Paul Quantrili picked for try-out -with Boston Red Sox This coming spring Paul Quantrill of Port Hope will reach the big time in the Bosox organization with a tryout for the big team. Quantrill will tryout-with, 39 others selected recently. Quantrili bas been on the move up in the Bosox organization over the past couple of years pitching this last season with the top dmn team of the club in Pawtucket, Rhode Island. Both Paul's father and gvrandfather have been on the Orono mnound at the local park for Kendal' baseball entries over years past. It was but a small ballot WMile Ward 3 in the Town of Newcastle had a great selection of candidates from which to choose for various positions in the recent election those in Port Hope had but a small ballot to contend with. With the mayor, reeve, deputy- reeve, school board members, hydro commissioners and water commissioners all gaining acclamations voters in the town had but one, snall ballot. Their choice was six councillors out of a slate of seven candidates. news repoi "The Future Starts Here" fým the Piindpal L.ast week was an interesding week and showed the many aspects of Clarke High School. On November 1 1 we held our annual Remembrance Day ceremony. At this, years ceremony not only was there the us"a Last Post, minute of silence and Reveillie but students and'a veteran of W.W. Il spoke of what war meant to many peo- ple - soldiers, civilians, old and young. In keeping with the Clarke High School tradition of giving to the coin- mnunity, students gave $882.00 in pen- nies in a penny parade challenge to the War Araputees of Canada. On Wednesday, Clarke High School Miusie Notes To promote a sense of band togethemess, the Clarke Senior Band conducted an overnighter on November 8, 1991. Together we battled, bananas, the acid swamip, and deluxe pizzas. We made a jal break, sang acapella, and were inspired by the northemn lights. We fought against Alfred H-itchcock's The Birds and the Count's excessive sheep counting. We also named Wayne BMais, our newest and young est memnber, Senior Boys Vofleyball team won their fifth consecutive "A" Central Ontario (C.O.S.S.A.) Charnpienship under the leadership of MIr. L. Lowry. On the saine day our Junior Boys Volleybal team won our first ever "AA" Central Ontario (C.O.S.S.A.> Volyball Championship. The boys under the coaching of MIr. Dobson swept through the final chamnpionship series with scores of 16-14, 17-16. The junior boys team can go no further as there is no al Ontaio at the junior level of comnpeti- tion. TIhe senior boys team is going on to the ail Ontario "A" Volleyball championship in Owen Sound tdus week. We wish our senior boys ail the very best. "Chubby Bunny". -Some of us even sacrificed sleep to reunite the fair prncess Buttercup and Wesley, save the life of the queen and redeem our country from amazonian spiders, with pancakes for breakfast, who could dream for a better nîglit. Thanks to ail involved. We hope to have a Christmnas ban- quet as our December Band Meeting activity. Poinsettia sales wiil begin this week. 'una voices FARM INFORMATION EVENI-NG Co-sponsored by IC n ronCop Tuesday, December lOth 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p-. Orono Town Hall Guest Speakers: OMAF- On Grip Update Deloitte & Touche Chartered Accountants on Farm Tax Planning CIBC Representatives wiIl be available to answer questions regarding investments, farm loans, etc. Everyone Is Welcome m