4- OronoW..My TImes~ W.dneuday Navomber 20,1001 ______ Orono Tykes sta rt season - 2 teams The Orono Tykes have started their 91/92 season. Tbis year's registration was a great one, there was enough boys signed up to make two teasm, so to start off the season on October- 28th they bad an exhibition gaine against each other. The Orono Blue's team won over the Orono Red's by a score of 6-0. In tbe Blne's net for his first shut eut was Josh Brant doing a terrific job. The Blue's struck early in the first period witb an unassisted goal and bis first for the season by Colin Cureatz. Then Scott Wood took over by getting bis first career hattrick cf the year - second goal assisted by Matt Caruana, third assisted by Giencoe Hogle and the fourth ail on bis own. Mati Caruana ended the gaine with two unassisted goals. Red's goalie for the firsi turne was Jordan Beacock, who tried bard to keep the gaine under control. The Red teain showed quite a lot of spunk and determnination towards their fîrst outing. Good luck to al the boys. The first visiting tearu came from Newcastle on November 4th. The Newcastle # i team came and played the Orono Red's. The Red's goalie was Patrick Dewell wbo did a good job but tbey were defeated 5-3. Orono Red's Matt Caruana caine out strong ini the first period scoring the first two goals unassisted. Orono Red's third goal was scored by Kyle Moore, bis first of the season, assisted by Glencoe Hogle. Clood luck next time boys!!! On Novemnber 9th the Orono: BIue's teamnvisited the Newcastle # teamn in Newcastle. Matt Caruana started the first period by scoring the first two goals the second one assisted by Lee Alin. Newcastle # 1 teain keeping right up witb the boys, the Orono Blue's took more of a charge in the se- cond period, when Matt Caruana got his first hattnick of the year which was unassisted to keep them in the lead. in the third period the Blue's took full control with the unassisted 4th goal being scored by Glencoe Hogle, this being Glencoe's first goal of the year. Kevin Martin getting his first career goal, assisted by Bryan Bickell scored, the fiftb goal. Matt Caruana ending an outstanding gane scored the final goal, assisted by Cofin Cureatz. Another good gaine for our goalie Josh Brant. Way to go boys. On November 1ilth the two Orono teains battled out a well performed gamne. In goal for the Orono Red's was Lee Allin and Jessie Price was in net for the undefeated Orono Blue's. The first period was a ittie tense until Kyle Moore scored the first goal which was assisted by Chistopher Kirkbridge of the Orono Red's teain. The two teains battied away un- fil the third period when the Orono Blue's got their first goal which was scored unassisted by Colin Cureatz. Near the end of the gaine to finish it off Matt Caruana scored the unassisted w&inning goal. Final score 2-i for the Orono Blue's. Good work to both teains the boys are showing great en- thusiasm. WOBBLY TO THE CORE The day is bright and the sun warms my thoughts. FInie and piano smooth - dreams on Sunday. The telephone brought an opportunity ta help at town hall where 1 served ider and amazing shortbread cookies. The children giggle and they seem to grow like pumpkins. Perpetual smiles dance and eyes lit in a magical ight. I was introduced te one young guest who bas published ber writings and is currently wcrking on the fifth page cf a new work. Brin Rutherford is eight and a balf years old and attends Kirby Scheol in grade tbree. Her profific prose prods me into action. It's late that brings my attention ta keyboard and scren ta keep up with Brin. Saturday evening 1 was speechless in the presence cf other writers. A rocin ful cf creative individuals. The more I hear - the less I know (but you knew that.) I have their books and 1 toucbed those covers before I found sleep. Friday found me at a concert and ihe swect notes seemed te drift te the Santa Claus parade. 1 drove the med iruck whicb pulled a float. It was packed witb actors and actresses who are in the Bowmanville Drama Club's presentation cf Jacob Two-Two. Keep November 29 or 30 open. For more information, times and tickets. Cail (416) 623-0616. Wenesday evening found me at KaLhy Coatbam's kitchen in Orone. She and Resaline have put in countles heurs of their tirne and faith volunteering at the Armories. Like yonth, the centre needs some direction. Students; Amy, Mike and Ryau gave opinions on, Uic future needs cf Uic group. Last Thursday Mr. Cbew and 1 walked our lane and Iwished tothe sky for asigrithat all was well, Our four brown eyes blinked at the blaze of a meteor as it shot acrass the brillant night. Wondermcnt. Soon l'Il haul mny sleeping bag eut te the east field and watch for another meteer shower. I'm net sure if Mr. Cbow, the brewn blunder dog will share my awe. It's predicted te start at 3 arn. When 1 corne in, l'il listen te the mid-day reports frein Hong Kong. Anether prelude te a différent show. "Have te get back - back te basics." Hynins To The Silence; Van Morrison. Yen can always join the conversation, dial: (416) 930-2307. Better te fax: (416) 797-2417. (his writig is oftcn invalid,ed) With the election over, practical communication holds promise. Especiaîly Erin with her lessons and writings. Teach us well. To those who bave left - study. / steven. "Goed night swcct prince and fligbts cf angels sing yen to tby rest.1 Final scene of Hanilet; William Shakespeare. Lette r to Editor Open letter to the residents of Orono re: Oronci Youth Centre. Do you recal *ýhat it was like te be a teenager? TlIink back to that ime when you might have been struggling to find your way, your place, your idelitity. That time when you might have wanted to be an adult, yet were still tied to your childhood. That turne when you might have thought that in- dependence was À pnize to bc striv- ed for, yet obedince was the oniy accepted and rew9aded behavieur. That turne wheri self-confidence was an absolute lecesity, especial- ly among your peers, Yet at that time in your ife you might have had to rely moFtly on bravade. That trne when you might have been told repeatedly that "these are the best years of your ife," and the implication that your problemns weren't te bie taken seriously only caused you more frustration and confusion. These statemerits only touch on a few cf the issues that can apply to teenagers wvith basicaily stable and bappy bornes. Consider, the burdens carried by those who have, for whatever reasons, bad to do without that support, or those that despite that support, have manag- ed te lose their way. 0f course there wil always be those who wiIl reject any kind cf helping hand, but sbouid we turn our backs on tbem ail because of it? We don't thinik so and I'm sure that a great many of you don't either. The donations that we bave received frein se many of you speaks volumes and we thank you for that. The Orono Youth Centre bas, for the past few months, provided a place for youth to meet, tice a week, and it has been an invaluable lesson in communication for ail of us. We, as adult volunteers, have learned to listen beyond- the bravado and carefuily cufltivated "attitudes". Most of the youth, for their part, have tested us to their- satisfaction and have corne te trust us enough te share somne of their confidences and cal us friends. Whatever their reasons for corn- ing, even if it's only initialy te get out of the cold, they are comning, and they're enjoying theinselves. So are we. They are inside, under the supervision of adult volunteers, net out in the streets looking for a place te meet their friends, and lcoking for somnething te do. They bhave, in fact, asked us repeatedly te open the centre more often, but we don't have the volunteers te staff the additional heurs. Your time and interest could mean a great deal te some of these youth. If you think you migbt be able te help -out, or if yen just would ike more information, please don't hestitate teoeail. On bebalf of the Orono Youtb Centre, Kathryn Coathain 983-8176 G M plans one week Iayott General Motors in Oshawa has planned a one week layoff for 3500 production workers at one of its car plants. The layoff s slated te start Nevember 25th. The layoff is due te the BALLS RADIO & T.V. REPAIR REPAIRS TO MOST MAKES STEREOS, COLOUR AND B&W T.V.s V.C.R.s P.O. BOX 27 R.R. 2, ORONO. ONT. (416) 983-5721 CRYSTAL PAGES 983-6150 We Buy and Seli Ist and 2nd TIme Around Books, Crystals, Stones, Greeting Cards, C.D.s, l3ooks-On-Tape Tumbling Service Available 5367 Main Street, Orono Pat Irwin Lycett 983-9605 Th e Cpraio e e- APPON NTM ENTS PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle wili be considering appaintments to the Newcastle Public Library Board pursuant ta the Public Library Act, 1984. The Board that is appointed will be responsible for the administration of public library service in the Town of Newcastle. Service is voluntary citizen participation and there is ne remuneratian. COMPOSITION The Board wil be comprised of up to 9 members ta be appointed on the following basis by the Council cf the Town of Newcastle: (a) Twe members shall be persans recammended by the Northumberland and Newcastle Board cf Education. (b) One member shall be a person recemmended by the Durham Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board. (c) the remaining members shail be perseps nominated and appeinted directly by the Council cf the Tw c ecate Applicants must be at least 18 years of age, be a Canadian Citizen and a resident cf the Town cf Newcastle. If yeu wish te be cansidered for appointment te the Newcastle Public Library Board, as one cf the members nominated and appointed by the Council, application ferms for appointment are available from the Clerks Office,,40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. Completed application forms must be received by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, Navember 22, 1991. f you wish te be considered for appaintment te this Board on recommendation cf one cf the School Boards, please contact the applicable office noted below. Northumberland & Newcastle Board cf Education 834 D'Arcy Street Cobourg, Ontario K9A 4B5 416-372-6871 Peterborough, Victoria Northumiberland and Newcastle Separate Soel Board 459 Reid Street Peterborough, Ontario K9H 4G7 705-748-4861 If yau are interested in being appointed ta any other Board or Cammittee orner than the Newcastle Public Library Board, please refer tc theseparate advertisement in this newspaper issue dealing with those appointments. ~~Ife Dates of Publication: Wednesday. November 13, 1991 Wednesday, November 20, 1991 Marie P. Knight, A.M.C.T. Deputy Clerk Corporation et the Town cf Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmnanville, Ontario Li C 3A6 P.O. 3614