Orono Weekly Times, Wedres.day, Nov.tbo 7,1"1- Chistian by Rev. Marg West Fear - Pain - Relief Last week we talked about and saw i the Bible how fear cant cause, pain. This week we will look a little- bit more into what the Bible says about pain and how we can get free of it. We saw last week that Pain was physical or mental suffering caused by mnjury or disease, or it could also be caused by tribulation. Tri bulation is having great misery or distress, or the cause of it, yet in John 16:.33 Jesus is sayig that He has spoken unto us, that in me (Jesus) ye might have peace. Then He goos on to say, "lI the world you shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; 1 have overcome the world." Jesus knew we would have great misery or distress which could cause pain. But He said be of good cheer. Why did Ho tell us to be of good cheer when we are in mnisery, pain, distress? Recause Ho has overcome the world. What does the mean? Jesus has overcome (triumphed over.) sickness, pain, distress, poverty, mental illness. Jesus' namne is above all these things. lI Matthew 16:19 Jesus says "He will give to us the keys of the kingdom of heaven; andi whatever you shaîl bind on earth will be boumd i heaven; and whatever we" lose on earth shal be lost in heaven." What on earth does Jesus mean, Ho will give us the keys? Lets relate this to the natural just for a minute. We all have lots of keys right? We have a key 10 our house, car, deposit box, safe you can name a lot of things we have keys for. Just as we need keys for différent things bore on earth, we also need keys to obtain things in the Spirit. If we neeti healing we need to know how 10 pray 10 receive healing. That's a key. If we need pence we need 10 know how 10 pray for peace. That's another key. If we need finances we don't pray for healing. If we need bealing we dont pray for pence. Jesus' name is the A round the Region Credit counseing service future ini doubt With a provincial cut of $70,000 in funding for the Oshawa and District Credit Counselling Service there is some doubt as 10 the continua- tion of the service for those in the Region. The service has a staff of six and a projected budget of $117,393 for 1991-92. The ser- vice had over 600 client in the past year . Seek tips on poachers The memnbership of the On- tario Hunters and Anglers Association are willing to assist police in reporting incidents of poaching within Durham Region and throughout the pro- vince. The 74,000 membership will k report through the Crime Stop- pers telephone numbers. It bas been said that poaching is on the rise and the use of the Crime Stopper telephone numers-Ml encouirre Corner catalyst we use in ail these things. His namne is the key, but we need to know how to use His naine in al our requests. You dont use the car key to get int your bouse. You have to use the right key. If you don't know what key to use you start by finding the right key. Where do you start? You start by asking Jesus into your life. Then you start reading His Word the Bible. In John 1:1 "It says in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." lI John 1:14 it says, "the, Word was miade flesh and dwelt amnong us." Jesus is the Word of God. Jesus is the Key. Relief is ini Jesus. Comments or Questions, write Box 179, Orono. Tuesday night bible Study 7:30, 983-5962. Watch Total Christian Television Ch. 49, Buffalo. Durham Agri-mNews.. Seed 191 walnuî, to a hîgh of $200 per coIIeêtTons weni bTo anr hectolitre for Russian olive. Thanks to aL Forst ana bynntTom Fiam Considering the scarceness of for your help an Foret Maa~emnb Tchn cin sed on many species our seed this year's colle( The 1991 seeýd collection year sawv the seeds of many tree species very sparse ôr, non-existent. However, of the i1welve species that Lindsay office had targets for, native tamnarack ând Europe larch were the only tWo for which no, seed was collectet- White'pine, red pille, autumn olive and red oel collections were al well below target levels, but we did collect some seed. For white cedar, white andj green ash, black locust, black wdlnut, nannyberry and Russian üoîwe we managed to corne near to or surpass our target volumes. Prices paid for seed ranged fromn a 10w of $25 per îîectolitre for black The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle wiIl be considering appointments to varlous Boards following is a list of the Boards and Committees and, pertinent information relative to forthcoming vacancies. COMMITTEE/ ROlARf Property Standards Comm ittee Newcastle Comrmunity Advisory Board Livestock Valuers Fence Viewers Pound Keepers Gamne Commission Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee Clarke Museum Board Bowmanville Museum Board Committee of Adjustment DESC~fRIPTION To review matters relative to the prescribed standards for maintenance and occupancy of property within the Town of Newcastle. To assist the Department of Commun;ty Services by providing input on recreational facilities, programs and services. To evaluate livestock damage caused by dogs and wolves. To arbitrate and settie fence disputes. To provide a f acility to house livestock until claimed by the owner. To buy and release pheasants and seli hunting licences for designated areas. To make recommendations on the preservation af structures of historical significance. To operate a museumn in the former Township of Clarke on behaîf of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle. To operate a m useumn in the former Town of Bowmanville on behaff of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle. To review mninor variances in conjunction with the provisions of by-laws passed under the Planning Act in respect of the land, building or structure or the use thereof. TERM 5 positions 1 yearterm 3 year term Ward 1 - 2 positions Ward 2 - 2 positions Ward 3 - 1 position 2 positions 1 yearterm 4 positions 1 yearterm 4 positions 1 yearterm 6 positions 1 yearterm 10 positions Term of Council 9 positions Term of Council 7 positions Term of Cou ncil 6 positions Term of Council FREQUENCY 0F MEETINGS As required First Wednesday evening of each month As required As required As required As required Third Tuesday evening of each month. As required As required As required mt very well for 1991.- Ill our seed collectors and perseverance with lctions. and Committees. The REMUNERATION $28.26 per meeting $1 4.13 per inspection $28.26 per meeting $1 4.13 per sub- committee meeting $29.51 per evaluation $26.96 per viewing None None None None None $28.26 per meeting $14.13 per inspection If you Twish to be considered for appointment to one of the above Boards or Committees, application forms for appointmnent are available at the Municipal Administrative Centre, Clerk's Department, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. If you are interested in serving on more than one Board or Committee, please ist these in your order of priority. Completed application forms must be received by the undersigned by 4:30 p.m., Friday, December 6, 1991. ~7NO~( Dates of Publication: Wednesday, Novemnber 13, 20, 27, 1991 Wednesday, December 4, 1991 Marie P. Knight, A.M.C.T. Deputy Clerk Corporation of the Towri 0f Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Li C 3A6 Telephone: 623-3379 P.O. 3617 "A Touch of Class" Cleaning Commercial & Residential - Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Occasional - Bonded & Insuranced - Reasonable Rates For a Free and Friendly EstImate Please Cail 1-416-786-2399 FREE 6oz. potpourri bag :: 10% Discounlt with each initial cleaning. i o eirCtzn OFFER EXPIRES NOV. 30191 111 L---------------- ------------- JL ---------------------------. BOARD AND CO MMUTTEE APPOUNTMENTS on 0 N OF 9 AST