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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Nov 1991, p. 2

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- rom ekyTma enpdy oubrnO O..n..We.........e ....... ...... ..d... ....W........ ...... ...... ...... ~1 0 M........ ............ ..... M The Canadtan 9Way The great Canadian Grey Cup extravagafiza is now history butI in our mnd ià was played the Canadian way in a the elements that are part of this country. The "Can- dyman", most evident at Winnipeg on Sunday, has suc- cessfully entered Canadian sports and can now roll up the wrapper on the 1991 Grey Cup which his team has cap- There has been much written that the event should have been played under a climatized domne away from the harsh elements that nature can provide at this timne of year in our country. Unfortunately such a decision would close out the Grey Cup to a number ofe teams and centres that are flot housed i a dome. Surely they are entitled to a turn of the Grey Cup being participants in the CFL league and part of the scheduzle leading ur, to the Grey Cup. The crowd did turn out at Winnipeg even thougli the temperature dipped to -16 clegrees anai above ail there has been a great interest in the 1991 edition of the event. Let it continue to be Canadian and when it cornes to the big event let ail centres be part of the happening either in climatized conditions or in the great outdoors which we feel1 just adds another dimension to the garne . The Socialist Conservatives It would seem that we now have in Ottawa a governiment of Socialist Conservatives after the goverfi- ment offered what civil servants are calling an iron-cladi job security plan - a sweetheart deal. The agreement is to be signed in December. The agreement calîs for displaced employees to be offered another job, federal, within ten miles of their cur- rent office and as well there are new restrictions on con- tracting out workc which shall ot result in the dispiacement of an employee. Further if the job transfer is to a lower paying job the employee will maintain to receive the higher rate that they had been paid. What a surprise from those free enterprise conser- vatives who have been calling for Canadians to be more productive and responsive to change. To be prepared to setforth in a changing world where mobility and job re- alignment and retraining is an intracle part of the whole process of remnaining competitive and thus maintaining a suitable lifestyle. How often have we heard it said that the individual today must be prepared for a job change at least four to five times during a lifetime. The federal goverriment rnay get away with the of- fer due to the atrision of 12,000 jobs annually but this is not going to be the case for private industry hiring even up- ward of a few thousand employees. Make no doubt about the federal offer of job security for their civil servants will, in no time, trickle down to private industry placing but one more knot in the tie that is crippling cornpetitiveniess and the opportunity to manoeuvre. The whole thing is not in character with Brian Mulroney and his feds unless, of course, it is the first of buying back into popularity for the next federal election. ias! ootball. just don't ;et it. IVve tried. But there's a men- tal block that won',, let me figure it out no how.ý Grey Cup weekend across the land is THE weekend in Canada (alông with the Stanley Cup playoffs , . . rnaybe) to let loose and celebrate; to pull together for a commron cause - to "hoot and bolIer" for Canada's teams. if tha's what it takes for. Cniasto be happy, indeed, to pll togethecr; to rejuïvenate any Nationalism at,-Lafil, sobe it. Politicians should take note. As Canadian Burton Cummi- ings moved the crowds with his stimnulating rendition of tbc Na- tional Anthern, ahl were toucli- ed. Chests swelled and heads were higli. The haîf-time show featured singer, "Ruba" roowerfullyj do- ing, -"It's a Miracle!" to a video backdrop of Canadian OIym- pians in competition, and a whole football field of dancers and singers in chorus. Again, strange and wonderful feelings of patriotismn surfaced. "If only. . ." 4 .when you wish upon a star, your dreamns corne true!" To wish for National togetherness, for support, pride and optimism for a unified and strong- Canada, with a *'True North Strong and Free" govelriment to match, eveni to somne degree as to what, was evi- dent inf Winnipeg on, Suniday, would be a red and white, oh-so treasured dreamn cone truc.. Peggy Mullan Kenclal News by Phyllis Lowery Sunday staWd out a cool clear, widy day at cliturch time. Later on it becamne clouÈ}y with a few snow flunries btut they didi't last long. Rev. John firown of the John Howard Society was the visiting' Minister. Rey , Brown has held rnany pastoral positions and at one time was the Minister i Port Perry United Church. lie now works with the John Howàrd Society finding homes for people in need or helps them to stay i tieir present home. The Cail tôj Worship was the lSOth Psalm. IThe opening hymn was "Rejoice the Lord is King." The choir sang "Why is He Precious to Me." The dhildrens hymn was taiçen fromn the old Hymnal, ,Wheil He Cometh." Rev. Brown talked to themt about Sunday School, he askçd them what they learned there, they told him they learned about jésus and about God. He then talked to them about the Hynin that had just been sung. He spoke abDout mec crown and asked them who w0)re a crown. Hie showed thern a rohi with the Queen on it and they said she wore a crown. It lias ptecious jewels on it. Only important people cm weiar one. Rev. Brown then told themn that, they were the precious jewels in God's crown, we are alI God's treasure. The Psalm reading was Psalm 93. The readings were frorn Jeremniah 23: 1-6, Revelations 1: 4- 8 and John 18: 33-37. Hymn "Jesus Shall Reign" was Sung. Rev. Brown titled his Sermoni "Christ the Kig". He spoke of being a student at Dalhousie University and rernerbering exactly where lie was when President John F. Kennedy was shot. As a child lie remernbered the day they camne to school and were told to sing the strange new words, God Save the Qucen, to the song they had always sang at opening of school. He remembers the words spoken by Queen Orono group with Ministryî (Continued from page 1) therefore force many of the laid off ernployees to apply for Unemployment or welfare, not a very cost-effectïve solution. Others spoke about the historical aspect of the Nursery, how it has been part of this conimunity for 70 years, is a major tourist attraction in the area, and its used for educational field trips by local schools. It was also noted tliat it is a major green belt for the village and surrounding lmnds, mnd contributes enviromnentally and cost-effectively to the "greenig" of the surrounding countryside, having shipped out for 6 million seedligs last year alone, most of them to its 2200 private landowner customners. It seemed obvious to many of us that the operation could bc made even more cost- effective if the cost of seedlings was raised from 10 cents to 20 cents, but we were told there would be a hue mnd cry from the public if this happened. Another suggestion was mnade for more advertisirig to the general public, as a way of stirnulating sales Of their nursery stock. The Ministry reps noted al! of these argumrents, but Allan stated that Lhe Province has "found itself (Continued page 10) Elizabeth, when il was said the Royal family should leave the country, for safety, durig the 2nd World War. She said, the children cannot leave without me, I cmn not leave without my husbmnd, and the Kig will flot leave London. Thisis the last Sunday of the Churcli year. We can al remember past events like these but we se em to have become cynics, we dont believe that mny of our leaders will leave mny great effect on us. In Jeremiali, God scolds the sheplierds and tells them ithey have scattered His flock, His peopleamd driven them away. But He also holds up a ray of hope. As in our church, when things are going wrong, there is a ray of hope, someone or something mhat brings unity. Rev. Brown spoke of lis visit to John Wesley Chapel, of the painting that hangs mhere of London after the great fire. The buildings were about 4 stories higli and covered with a layer of fog and mhrough mhe top of this fog there were more spires of Churdhes than lie could take mhe time to count. This was the artist's dreamn of the future. Pilot asked Jesus, are you the Kig of Jews. Pilot is each one of us,' how we think of Jesus. Our belief as dhldren, when we accept, our questioning as teenagers, mnd our Faith as mature adults. Jesus said, corne to me as a child mnd you will be received. John wrote to th7e churdli at a very troubled time, the Lord answered him by saying, 11I arn the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, tie whidh is, whidh was mnd which is to corne. Christ made a kingdom, he made us ail priests, not necessary to become ministers, -but he challenges us to have Christ wimh us, i our homnes, communities, our society. We need to put our Palmh to work, take stock of ourselves. The Service closed with the singing of 'Jesus Shall Reign". It was a real pleasure to walk into Church and find Mrs. Rowena (Tizzard) MacNair sitting there with Keith mnd Heleni Wood. She will be visiting tmem for a week. Rowena and her late husbmnd Rev. Aubrey Tizzard were valued members of tIe whole Newtonville Pastoral Charge for 7 years and were greatly loved by ail. Rev. Tizzard was our Minister mnd was always there for us in tirnes of trouble and times of happiess, amd C'omment Lori Ioads a Jingle Bag with Gund and other Gifts for Christmas 1ORONOS ONTARIO many have memories of lis poems and of, Rowenas beautiful smnging._ We hlopv bli' wii njoy lier VISît and corne back again soon., Monday, December 2nd is the Official Board meeting at 7 p.m. Newtonville Church. Sunday, December 8th, don't forget the Turkey Supper, to be held i the Churcli, serving 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Come on out and enjoy supper and tien to go on to Orono and see the two Christmas movies they are showing., Make a niglit of it. Sunday, December 22nd the Sunday School will be i charge of the Service.-Plan-to attend, it is always delightfui. Did you hear about the two shepherds? They sheared and sheared alike. St. Saviour's Anglican Church' MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. Douglas Hall 987-4745 SUNDAY SERVICE and SUNDAY SCH-OOL 9:30 a. ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE 1ev. red Qlappiso Snpply Minister Marlene UPCOMINGiSERVICES Snundav. Dicember uit Klrby United Church Service and Sunday Sdhool 9:30 a.m. Orono United Churcb Service and Sunday School, 11:00 am. EXPLORERS Wednesday, November 27t1 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. UpperC.R Hal Fr-ýau gizs ages 8- 1ilY"a 1 .

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