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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Nov 1991, p. 8

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8m,(- Orono Weekly imes, WednesdayNtovember 27, 1991 Gord's View by Gord Milîs MPP Durbam East Wife Assault - It has to stop! For many years.,now, in fact langer than 1 cmi remember, some women bave been subject ta violence from their husband. It's sometbing that somebow bas always been there. Sadly, it's gaing on ini tbe 90s. This outrageous and brutal obstacle toaawamens full equality was unacceptable in the 30s, 40s, 50s and is totally unacceptable today., Physical violence wounds and scars, but sa does the emotional and psychalogical abuse suffered by many more women. in my owii mmid there is notbing worse for a woman than not even being safe in ber awn home - baw cmi a women take on alier challenges ii ber life if she is victimîzed by ber maIe panner? Psychalagical and emotional abuse includes tbreatening, insulting, belittling, cantralling wbere a womnen goes or wbat she does, these arecacmmon occurrences and tbey must be stopped. Emotional abuse doesn't leave bruises, cuts and broken bances. But the scars last much langer. Verbal and physical abuse tend ta go together - although we know tbat women can also bc Clarke High "The Future Starts Here" From the Principal Clarke High School Won! Last week in this column I reported Clarke Senior Boys Volîcybaîl team won Central Ontario (COSSA) Volîcybal championshps and would go ta OFSSA (ail Ontario) champion- ship games. Tbis past weekend, on Saturday, Clarke High School defeated Woadstock, 11-15, 15-2, 15-9 ta win the ali Ontario (OFSSA) champion- ship. Congratulations toalal the players and their coach Mr. Lyn Lowry. This is the first time in Clarke High School history that we have won a major team cbampionship. More informa- tion and pictures will in the paper later. On the academic front, in- terim repart cards go homne Wednesday. This repart gives a ma rk approximately haîf way through the first semnester. If parents or guardians have any questions please contact the Student Services Department by telephonii--g 987-4771. Remember Clarke High Schoal will be holding a gigantic Rummage Sale Friday, November 29th from 4:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. AIl proceeds will go ta Clarke Athletics. Ail students in the school have been asked ta, contribute articles ta the sale. Items will include used sporting equipment. Christmas crafts and collectibles. The general public is welcomne ta attend the sale. If you have any questions ar wauld like ta have a boath at the sale, please caîl Mr. Dab- son, Mr. Lowry or Mr. Skov- sgaard at Clarke High School (987-4771). Clarke Hîgh School has an active Parent Association. They made a survey of aIl parents. and below is a result of their survey: There were surveys returned. emationally abused without being physically assaulted. Taken together, these forms of violence add up ta an intolerable condition for hundreds of Ontario women fromt all racial, cultural, ecanamic and educatianal backgrounds. That includes womnen wbo have disabilities - women wbo are pregnant or elderly - wamen wbo are new ta Canada, witbout language skills or even knawledge of the law. The Ontario government is comxitted ta working against wife assauît for as long as it takes ta stop this crime. This year we are spending about $70 million on prograins and services. I today's world it saddens me ta know that we bave ta spenýd millions of dollars ta educate men in bow ta treat wamen. Shouldnt it be natural? Shouldn't it be the requirement of the very basic humnan bebaviaur? 1 can tbink of dozens of social pragrams where we could place $70 million if we could only get men ta act properly towards wamen. Public education is acritical part af stapping wife assault. Women who have been victims need services. But saciety desperately needs a lang-term investment in public education or the abuse will continue relentlessly. You can't Sehool News The majiority feit that the school was communicating well with the parents. Some feit there sbould be mare advance notice of school events. To help witb this, the school will send out a calendar of events for the next schooi year in August of each year. About five percent (5%/) felt they shouid have been informed that their chiid was having pro- blems before they received the progress report. Most of the respondents stated they would attend an evening at school if speakers were provided. Some of the sug- gested topics were substance abuse, young offenders act, career direction and special education. The majority of surveys did not seem interested in learning about support agencies outside the school system. A large ma- jority of surveys stated that summer scbool should be made available. Over fifty percent of respondents replied that they wauld be unable ta help plan in- terest groups for parents. A suggestion was made that the next school newsletter, it should be mentioned that Clarke High School bas a cal- urmn in the local newspapers. The Parents Group would like ta tbank al who completed and returned this survey. Musical Notes What time is it? It's time for the Clarke music department to get down ta- the mare seriaus business of the season. First of ail, the grade ten music class has been preparing for the upcom- ing Intermediate' Band Festival ta be held at Cobourg West this Friday, the first Festival of this school year in the "Celebrating the Arts" project. Secondly, thase 'seriaus' students going ta change public attitudes about, wife assault in a day, a week, or even in a year. It is1 a long pracess, but it is urgent if we arê seriaus about stopping the violenice. People must understand that wife assault is a serious crime - thgt it is a way used by some men ta e,#ercise power and contrai ov er the womaIi with whom they live. This year the public educatian campaign bas thé theme "No man bas the rigbt ta aSsault a women." One in five men admits ta, using violence against thle womhan he lives witb. Fram thiA it is easy ta understand that wife assault is destraying the liv@s of bundreds of tbousands of wpmen and their cbildren. It is deeply upsettiflg ta realize that family mempers, co-workers, neighbours or friends are committing this terrible crime. But it is far more ddvastating ta aur communities - ta the entire fabric of aur society - if we continue ta se wife assault as something that bappens ta ailier people. I would like ta emphasize that no man bas the rigbt ta assault a woman, and none of us has the moral right ta ignare the reality of wife assault - tbe way I sec it. see the celebrated play " Les Miserables", will have their musical and dramatic appetites appeased and their curiosity quenched, when they finaliy make the trip ta Toronto on December third. But mast im- partantly, painsettia sales started Navember 21 st and can- tinue until December secand. If yau have _lot been cantacted by a Clarke student and would like ta arder a beautiful poinsettia for the holidays, please contact the schaol 987-4771. "Scbool Reach for the Sky" Clarke High School started competition in School Reach recently and bath the In-. termediate and Senior teams had strong showings against Courtice and O'Neill. As well, Clarke competed against Cobourg West in some exhibi- tion games. The Cobourg West team was a participant in the provincial playoffs last year and are still an outstanding team. Clarke lost some close games but still came away with valuable experiiences. The Clarke teamn will be play- ing Bowmanville Hîgh School and Courtice High School in upcoming league games. Clarke High School will also send a team ta the upcaming Eastern Canadian Academic Decathion. During last years Champion- ships Clarke garnered 5 in- dîvidual medals and just missed havîing the team attend the Canadian Championships. This year Clarke team expects ta be highly competitive. With the ex- perience they have gained they should easily accomplish that goal! COMING EVENTS November 29th Rummage Sale Deceniber 5th Pain settia Pick Up December l2th Dessert Concert December I3th Dance December 2Oth Last Day of Classes CRYSTAL PAGES NO G.S.T. 983-6150 We buy and sel lst and 2nd Urne around BOOKS, CRYSTALS, C.D.s, STONES, CHRISTMAS CARDS, BOOKS-ON-TAPE, CRYSTAL SUN CATCHERS FEATURING Fabulous Austrian Crystal Jewellery and Exotic Jeweilery from NATURAL STONES of your choice. PSYCHIC AND SOUL READING AVAILABLE Store Hours: Thursdays, Friday and Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m 5367 Main Street, Orono pat irwln lycett PORT DARLINGTON MARINA HOTEL Holiday Calendar SSunday, Dec. 1 - from 10:30 a.m. Family Buffet Breakfast 's Fun and Cames Santa arrives at 11:30 Friday, Dec. 13 (P.D. Day) from 11:30 a.m. Family Buffet Lunch S Chiidrens' Coloring Contest Santa Arrives 12:30- p.m. Christmas Day - 4 to 8 p Turkey, Hamn and Beef Bfe with ail the trimmings ($16.95 plus taxes) New Year's Eve (a) Main Deck Dining Room (from 5 p.m.) SCandelight Roast Beef and Lobster Buffet John McKenzie Entertains at 7 p.m. $25.00 per person taxes included. ffb)Upstairs in the "Bridge" front 8:30 : S Chef's Cocktail Buffet and Dance (Hats, favours and Midnight Buffet) Cash Bar Lited Tickets - $25 .00 per persan (taxes incl) 0(c Downstairs in the ý"Brig" from 8:30 p.M.,. Live Band - "The Chili" Advance Tickets $7.50 per person. At the door $10.00 (Midnight Shoaters) N wYear's Day (Wednesday) « Breakfast Buffet 9 to 11 a.m. ($4.95 plus taxes).M Brunch Buffet 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. $9.5 pus axe Roat BefDinnier Buffet 4 to 8 p.m. $15.50 plus taxes SLake Road off Liberty St. South, 4 Bowmanville ReservationsAppreciated 623-4925 GIFI AVAILABLE

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