4OronoWeekI lime, W.d.sday Docober 4, 1991 - I Gramma Mayor with some of tribe To participa te in National Day of Remembrance Graniia Mayor Diane Harare witb some of ber grandchildren at the Inaugural meeting on Monday bolds a lot of future in ber lap. The Mayor and her coundil will1 no doubt have some effect on that future i what is expected a caring society witbn inte Town of Newcastle. STARKVILLE CORNERS by Bey H-iggins During .tbe weeks before Christmas, 1 will be speaking witb people who have stories of Christmas Past ... A Starkville resident remembers the excitement of the Cbristmas Concerts that took place in the Starkville Scboolhouse over 70 years ago. Families would travel to tbe concert by horse and cutter. They.kept warm snuggled Up under a large buffalo robe. The school was always festively decorated by the children. Eacb year, the teacher would choose two boys to go out and cut a tree, and when tbey dragged it in through the school doors and set it up, it was a bappy time. The children then spent the afternoon decorating. The seating for the concert consisted of makesbift benches from planks laid' across blocks of wood. The children would perform a play, sing carols, and at tbe end of the eventing, tbere would be a gift from the teacher under tbe tree for each student. Sometimes there were gifts for the adults, too. One year, there was a beautifully wrapped gift for a rather stem chap. A group of boys crowded around to watcb him open it. Wben he bad talcen the wrappings off,,there was a matcbbox. When he opened it, out jumnped 3 or 4 little mice whicb began scurrying tbrougbout the schoolbiouse. Soon there was bedlam. Women quickly lept up The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education will be participating in the new memorial day on December 6 designated by the federal parliamnent as a national day o f remembrance and action on violence against women. It was on December 6 in 1989 that a gunman killed 14 female students at Montreal's Ecole Polytechnique. "In remnembrance of these womnen and to respect their efforts to succeed in non-traditional roles, we (the Board Office) will lower our flag to.half-mnast on this date," said Dick Malowney, Director of Education for the Board. In addition, Malowney said the Board will join "Wbite Ribbon Week' whicb runs from 1 to 6 December and will display a white ribbon on "our front dor ... as a symbol of the truce and the cail for aIl people to lay down their arms as a show of commitment to non- violence between their brothers and sisters." Tbis special week is being promnoted by Metro Men Against Violence and by York University and Men's Network. Malowney said that all schools will be asked to participate in both onto the plank benches to keep their, long skirts off the floor, while boys busily tried to catch the mice. Needless to say, the stem cbap was flot amused, but everyone else sure was! Catherine Stewart of Kendal recalîs attending the Starkville School Concerts. One snowy nigbt, she and ber brother Neil walked througb the fields ail the way to Starkville to enjoy tie concert. But wben they came out to head for home, the weather had changed and a blizzard awaited them. A Starkville resident insisted they flot attempt the long walk home and offered -them shelter for the night wbich tbey gladly accepted. 4* , Capture tie essence of the season with fragrant flowers and festive greenery. Its tbe nicestway to warm the bearts of family, friends-and associates with genuine holiday spirit. ei~ Mixed Holiday Planters Silk Centrepieces Poinsettia Pots Spreading cheer in -and around Newcastle, Orono, Newtonville, Wilmot Creek, Bowmanville FLOWERS PLUS 46 KING ST. E., NEWCASTLE 987-1500 dhe remembrance day and week and a package of suggestions for schools bas been prepared. These include lowering school flags to half-mast and making daily announcements 'on the issues of violence and acceptance of others." The Board will also be honouring and remembering Jack MacLean who died recently. MacLean, a senior citizen and a student in the creative writing class at the Brighton Centre for Individual Studies, wrote a poem called "Dissipation" about the Montreal incident. "Jack was an engineer wbo always wanted to be a writer," Malowney said. "On November 21, he was asked for bis A<) re TW permission to distribute bis poem to die schools ini our Board as part of our activities conimemorating this remembrance day. Jack was thrilled at the prospect of baving bis work sbared witb others students." Dissipation A mother's bitter moan of grief, A father's anguished whimper, A family weeping in disbelief; At the senseless loss of a cherished daughter. Conceive îfyou can this sinister scene, On thatfated December day; 0f a crazed and murderous Mark Lepine, Stalking hisfemale prey. (Continued page 12) Town of Newcastle By-law Enforcem ont Division Franklin Wu, M.C.l.P. Direct'or of Planning & Development Dates of Publication: Wednesday, November 27, 1991 Wednesday, December 4, 1991 SANTA VISITS the CO-OP December l4th from il a.m. to 3 p.m. Corne to the Co-op Toy Department EVERYONE IS WELCOME AT THE CO-OP Durham Farmers County Co-op Hwy. 115 & Taunton Rd. ORONO Have A Merry Christmas Th e * B B -ofth TON EWCASL PUBLIC NOTICE TO ITS CITIZENS REMOVAL 0F SNOW AND I0E ON SIDEWALKS Please be advised that By-Iaw 87-197 of the Town of Newcastle requires that every owner or occupant of every building in the Town must clear or arrange to clear ail the snow and ice from the sidewalks abutting the property within 24 hours of a snowfall. In the interests of, public safety your co-operation in this regard would be greatly appreciated. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter please contact the By-law Enforcement Division at the Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperanceý Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, 623-3379, Ext. 239. 1 P.O. 31461