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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Dec 1991, p. 2

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- OronoWmeklvTtme. Wednesdw. Decembei~411Oê1 I Kendal News It's Not the Old-Mens' Club Looking around the table of new faces that have ap- peared for the new counicil and including those from the former group we could bc in for a somewhat new approach to municipal politics over the next three years. However we understand that change does flot corne easy. In total it is a youthful group and it was apparent on this first adventure to, the counicil table that there is an air of enthusilasm, excitement and possibly some trembling. The four new members corne te counicil with no ex- perience other than within their community groups. These four are surely untainted with the past trends in governing and the art of politics that has net been that well received as noted by Gord Milis in his homney address te the new council. Theirs is an oppertunity te help set a new patterni for the future in the political arena. A straight forward, open ap- proach that has been lacking. As Rev. Deug Hall put it 'Think, fer yeurself and the development of a caring seciety'. We do have high hopes for the new counicil frern their leader dewn. lime, of course, will tell but the beamning faces around the table te us said a lot on Monday. We mrust net ferget however there is twe sides te the ledger and as we expect henesty, openness and integrity frem our elected we must tgive the samie te them thus bringing benefit te ail for a caring society in the Townî of Newcastle. We have a part te play tee., Sem ester systemi cornes under rfre With three high schools in this particular area under the semester systemn, Port Hope, Clarke and Courtice, an arti- cle in the Toronto Star over the week-end became of some in- terest. The, artïie titled "The Struggle te Make the Grade"- outlines somte concernis new being expressed by Universities who are asking the Provincial geverriment te consider the re- quirement of full disclosure on student transcripts when seek- ing admissance te univer-sityý. Apparently the universities have cencerns of a number of trends te gain higber marks by the student which is being well used threughout the province. Among the concernis is a stampede te semestered schools in the senior years because it is perceived te be easier te get a higher mark in a programt spanning only haîf a year as opposed te the usual school year of September te June as is stili in vogue in the Bowmanville Highi School. In a full-year school the student carnies five courses, Sept. te June cern- pared with a typical sernester student who would have from two te three over haîf the year. The Universities are aIse concernied that students will take a course up te three times te impreve their marks and many attend night courses where again it is preceived that higher marks are available with less effort. A John Pudutti of the Sudbury Secendary Schiool states that students in the semester systemt fail te learn the time management skills needed te miaster the first year of university and its larger course load. This is a point that has ofteni been discussed in the past. Robert Crawford of Queeni's University peints eut ant înteresting statistic that in 1974 the average Hîgh School grad with an average of 78 percent dropped te 67 percent in their first year in University while in 1990 the High grad saw his 84 percent figure drop te 69 percent in the first year at Universik- ty. As a result of the swing te higher marks, some net substantiated, the University are now turning more te the whole student profile te decide wvho dees and who dees net enter their program. Waterloo's Ken Lavîg-ne, the assistant registrar of admissions, states, -we weuld rather put our money on the students that take five courses throughout a one school year. The semester system was a trend somte years ago but it did then and dees now appear te have some weaknesses. Letter to Editor: Dear Mr. Forrester: 'bis is in response te an article wbich appeared in tbe "Hello Newcastle" section ef the Orono Weekly limes en October 30, 1991; regarding a meeting between Messrs. J. Hale, S. Cureatz and ministry staff. I believe the article was misleading and requires clarification. Ini the text of the article it mientioned that Highway 2 was te be widened te 2 lanes. The existing cross section is already 2 lanes. MTO is doing some miner widening te the lane widtbs and at intersections but mhe overafl cross section will rernain the saine. Ministry of Transportation empleyees were in mhe Newcastle area te meet witb a borneowner affected by the Highway 2 reconstruction project. Mr. Samn Cureatz was there as a lawyer by Phyllis Lowery Well the weather this past week was certainly olie for the bookcs, cold, snow then inild and then on Thursday nigbl we really get durnped on, the driving was really 'bad. There was a car off the road on mhe top of the si il, visibility was very bad, and tiien on Friday it turned mild and tpe windwas' really streng, then te top it ail off, Saturday rnorine we had a severe thunder Stormn. It seemns every year, just when I put the~ Christmas lights eut on the tree ôrteur front lawn, mhat is die signal for it te get windy and blow them dOwn. Maybe next year 1 won't put aiY up and then we wen't get mhe wine- Sunday was diill but mild. There was a geod turfi eut for Churcb. Our guest speakgr was Mrs. Pat Beach, she is froeth e Greenwood, Mt. Zion Pastorgte. The Service epened with th@ singing of the Hymn, "The AdVÇnt of Our Qed." Following mhe Cal! te Wership, mhe Comment Jus hy. ;entirnental.* 'mid and cempassienate. 'lihe charactenistics ef Christmnas; faftliiliar feelings tbat always and forçver corne witb Christmas time, have started te tingle and warm Our bearts. With those feelings, cernes the unselfish desires te give; te one another, te the necdY. Fer some, reality is harsb. Christmas will ibe the saddest and ioneiiest timne of die year. 1Because of tbe wenderfully hurnane job undertakeii tirelessly, year after year by various erganization s, mnany people wili bave a Christmas, "gathered" as it niight be, by stranigers. Soon we will be caugbt up in tbis Christmnas season. Along with aIl the fanfare, expense, planning and secializing that gees witb this happy time of yea, we wili try te grasp on te and share - even a little, spirit ef tme seasen, ef the love, and compassien; te rek indle and rediscover the true rneaning ef Christmas. Unless we have actually seen the wonder on a child's face when an unexpected tey arrives, or the joy on a rnother's face when a festive gift basket is delivered, we just do net knew te what extent our seerningly trivial donation bas meant. A hlte dees go a long way. 1 knew. I have bad that certain wonder on rny face as a chiid. 1 can remernber whlat it was like, as if it were yesterday.. ...opening the door te "Christmnas in a basket .. ." brougbt te us by a kindly man from the cburcb; a turkey, cookies,treats and mere. I thought it was Santa bimself. Peggy Muilan representing the bomneewner and bas net been retained by the Ministry of Transportation as mnigbt be inferred by yeur article. Yours truly, D. Garner, P. Eng. Manager, Eng. R.O.W. choir sang, "From the Manger te the Cross." The Children's Hymnn was, "The Church is Wherever Ged's People Are." Mrs. Beach spoke te the children of the changing of the seasons. Spring - new life, Summer - warm and flowers, Faîl - cool and barvest tirne, Winter - cold and a time of test. This is the first Sunday of Advent, the beginning of the Church year. The Sunday te light the first candie, die candle of Hope. Long ago the people used te ligbt larnps and carry tbern with thern wherever mhey went. Mrs. Beachled the children in sintging, "Tbis Little Light of Mine." The Psalrn reading was Psalm 25: 1-10. The readings were: Jererniah 33: 14-16; lst Thessalonians 3: 9-13; Luke 21: 25- 36. The Hymn "Cerne, Thou Long Expected Jesus", was sung. The Sermon was titled, "Hope". Out of chaos cornes Hope, today begins a new year in mhe Cburcb. Advent is a season of preparatien, the candles are usually violet, or blue. This is a seasen ef waiting fer Christ te corne. Jererniah was very young and inexperienced, but God chose him as bis messenger. Paul in bis letters cornpiimented bis people, for the way they lived, in love, how they took care of eacb emher. Others spoke eut against each other, but look around yeu at this turne ef the year. People are cheerful, friendly, caliing eut te each ether, they are less cencerned with power. We see the children of the poor, mhe bungry, tbey become important te us. In Ged's timetable of the year, be believed Qed overcamne the werid, se we believe we cari rely on Ged's care, His judgernent. He gave His sen te lead us and die for our sins. The Service ended witb the singing of, "On Jordans Shore." Serry te hear that -Fern Foster bas the flu, and we ail wish ber a speedy recevery. The syrnpamhy of the cemmunity gees out te tbe Cowan family, on the loss of their mother, Vilda, Mrs. Brooks Cowan. Sunday, December 8th, Rev. May will be with us. It wili be Cemmunion Sunday. The Turkey supper will aise be held at the Church on December gth. Serving 5 te 7 p.m. Corne one corne ail. On Tuesday, December 17 there will be carel singing in Kendal, meet at the Church at 7 p.m. and, foiiow mhe carollmng. Ail are invited back te the Church for refreshments. A wornen received a list from her docter of féods she should flot eat, at mhe bottom of mhe forbidden food list it said see mie other side for foods she should eat, die other sie was blank.. St. Saviour 's Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. Douglas Hall 987-4745 SUNDAY SERVICE and SIJNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. ORONO PASTORAL Rev. Fred Clappison 'x Supply Ninister ~' Marlene %~ j Risebrough, 983-5702 Church office 983-5502 UPCOMING SERVICES Sunday, December Bth Kirby United Church Service and Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Orono United Church Service and Sunday Schooi 11:00 a.m. EXPLORERS Wednesday, December 4th 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Upper C.E. Hall For ail girls ages 8 - Il years Ce leD rat e thie Hof1iday Season. together with Carlton Choose from a variety of Christmas Cards and Toys etc. to -set the Holiday Mood Select your Photo Supplies now while supplies are ample Kodak Cameras, Film, Duracel Batteries at Special Prices-- ORONO, ONTARIO 983-5009 &mm *ýe«,,,,ý1- ýýý

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