(4 - Orono Weelcly TImes1 Wedneuday~ December 4 IO#1 k _____ Orono Novice team are tournie "A!' finalists The Orono Novice have been busy the past couple weeks and have provided their fans with some impressive hockey. On Friday, November 15 they were in Stouffville and came home with a 3-0 shut out, Orono scored twice i the first period, the first goal coming from Brandon Caruana, unassisted and the second from Greg Shetier, assisted by Chris -Bouley and Greg Bester. The second perod was scoreless. I the mhird period Greg Sheter scored is second of the game assisted by Andrew Beacock and Paul Landers. Oroxio gave Stouffville a chance to get on the scoreboard late in the third period as Greg Bester served time for a tripping penalty. The team and goaltender Mike Gibson were up to the challenge and bung on to their 3-0 shut out. The result of Friday night seemed to prime the boys for their tournament in Manvers on Saturday. Tbey came borne proudly displaying their 'A' Fnalist trophies, the reward of a day in whicb tbey defeated the Oshawa Bruins 4-2, the Peterborough All Saints 1-O and lost a bard battle to Omemee 4-0. In the first game, against tbe Oshawa Bruins, our boys took an early lead on a goal from Andrew Beacock, assisted by Greg Shetler. The Bruins came right back to scor e two of their own. Tbe second period was all Orono as tbe boys put togetber three unanswered goals. The first was by Andrew Beacock from Paul Landers, then Tyler Robinson, unassisted and finally Greg Shetler fromn Andrew Beacoclc. Both teams played a strong third but, the scoreless period gave Orono a 4-2 win. I their second game Orono was matched witb mhe Peterborough All Saints team. This was tbe most closely contested game of the day. Tyler Robinson opened the scoring for Orono, unassisted and it turned out to be the only goal of the game. Both teams played well but the good defensive work by Orono and sorne key saves by Mike Gibson preserved the shut out. The best effort award went to goaltender Mike Gîbson in tbis one. The stage was 110W set for mhe 'A' Cbampionship against Omemee. Our luck in the past bas not been good against Omemee. Tbey have a very strong team and our boys were fully aware of this. Omnemee scored late in the first period to take the lead but, both teams bad their chances. Ornemee came on. a little stronger in the second period to score 2 goals and with one more i the mhird mhey wrapped up mhe win by a 4-0 score. Despîte the loss our boys played well and mhey knew it. There were no beads hung after mhis one, for the boys bad kept pace with mhe power bouse team hin me league. It was a good day formte kids and mhey~ treated mheir fans to some fmne hockey. Special mention to Andrew Beacock, wbose bard work won hlm mhe team MVP aller the final game but, congratulations goes out to ail the boys on their performance over the weekend. On Friday, November 22 Pickering was i town to challenge our Novice team. It was another close match for the boys but, mhey came out on the losig end of a 4-2 score. Orono's Jeff Tbornpson started mhe scoring early in the first, unassisted. Pickering tied things up bowever, before the period ended. The second period was closely contested, Pickering getting the only tally. Orono worked bard in the third to corne back but two more Pickering goals and two Orono penalties was too much to over corne. In tme last second of mhe gamne Orono did finally bit mhe mark with a nice, short banded, goal from Andrew Beacock, assisted by Tyler Robinson. Third period penalties went to Jeff Tbornpson for interférence and Paul Landers for trippmng. On Sunday, November 25 Orono was on the road to visit Omernee once again. It was yet anomher battle i wicb oui boys came out on mhe losing end, mhis time by a 4-1 score. The first was a sc saw match, bomh teamns unable to score, Initme second Brandon Caruana scored first for Orono, assisted by Mike Garlick. Omemee came back to score tbree before the period closed. The tbird again was close but, Ornemee scored late in mhe period to ice mhe 4-1 victory. Witb eacb meeting Orono cornes dloser to Onernee. Don't give up boys, you may do it yet. On Friday, November 12, Manvers was in town to challenge oui boys. Orono came out on top of 3-O score i this one. Our boys put the pressure on to score twice in tme first. Scormng was Andrew Beacock, assisted by Greg Shetier and Justin Standeven, unassisted. In the second Greg Sbetler got mhe lone Orono goal, asssited by Tyler Robinson. Initme mird period both tearns bad their chances but, Orono's Mike Gibson closed mhe door to hold on to is third shut out of mhe season. Serving time for mheir infractions were Corey Tufts, slasbing; Greg Rester, slashing and Tyler Robinson for booking. Anomher great outing boys. Keep up mhe good work! Update rep ort on activities of the Orono Orono Red's poalie Michael Gray bad a busy Monday night in net as mhe Orono Blue's won over mhe Orono Red's 7-Q.- The Orono Re-d's keeping in close touch with thie Orono Blues in mhe first period anly allowed two goals to be scored. Curtis Robinson scoring bis first goal of mhe year started off the OÈono Blues wimh assistance front Matt Caruana and Kevin Martin. Thle second goal scored by Matt Calana, assisted by Bryan Bickell. I the second period the Orono Blue's let loosê w ith Michael Knapp scoring hig first goal of die year witb CurtiË Robinson and Bryan Rickell #ssisting. Matt Caruana mhen tooli charge scoring the fourth goal witli assistance fron Jordan Beacock qnd Jessie Price and Kevin Martin #ettmng assists. With the or@no Red's still figbting initme id period to get a goal against the ofono Blue's goalie Glenco Hogle theý' bad no success, but get credît for wrymg bard. Matt Caruana having auother outstanding game finished the game by scoring tbe last two goals, the last one assisted by Bryan Pickell. Congratulatiox's Olenco Hogle for your first shut-Out of the year. Great game boys and we will see you again on Friday, November 29th for another battle against eacb other. Orono Tyke's - Rçd's have first win 1On Novemnbef 28tb we bad a happy team of bDYS. The- nigbt started witb the CWPno Red's getting new sweaters and socks sponsored by Dufferin Aggrfgates. Tbey then went on the ide to play the undefeated orono Blue's tearn, and ended with a 2-1 Oîn. The first period was exciting witb lots of actiO11 but no goals. Early i the secord period, the first penalty of the ydar was given to Glencoe Hogle - two minutes for tripping. The Or&ono Red's taking full advantage of this opportunity Christopher Kirkbride scored bis first goal of the year wbich was assisted by Kylé, Moore to give thern the lead. U~te in the second period Matt Carrana, assisted by Colin Cureatz scored the tying goal. As the competition stayed tigbt and each team n ying their hardest, Tyke teaim there was less than two minutes left in the game when scoring again for the Orono Red's was Cbristopber Kirkbride, assisted by Scott Wood and Lee Allin to win the game. Orono Red's winning goalie was Matt Gregg who had his share of Scored First Goal of the Vear Scott Wood Scott Wood, 7, son of Marie and Glen Wood, scored bis first career goal on October 28, 1991 and made it into a bat trick. Scott plays for tbe Orono Tykes - Reds and wears the number 15. Congratulations Scott. work and did a good job at it. Orono Blue's goalie for the first time was Kevin Martin, good try Kevin you almost did it. Good game to ai l tb boys and good luck next tme. .Mâtt Caruana Matt Caruana, 6, son of Sharon and Dennis scored bis first two goals on October 28, 1991 for mhe 91/92 season. Matt plays for the Orono Tykes 'Blue's and wears mhe number 17. Congratulations Matt. TheCoportin o.e TONOFNWCSL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PUBLIC NOTICE CONTACT NUMBER FOR 1991-92 WINTER SEASON December 1, 1991 to April 125 1992 The Public Works Department can be contacted for emergencies relative to road maintenance or conditions at the following-telephone number during the 1991-92 Winter Season: ALL AREAS...........................623-3379 Walter A. Evans, P. Eng. Director of Public Works iVJv~s(fe Town of Newcasde 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Li C 3A6 Dates of Publication: PO.4080 Wednesday, December 4, 11, 1991 'I Head Coaches (six) required for the Town of Newcastle Basebali Rep Teams sertd resume detailing your experience, background and any coaching qualification before December 12, 1991 to: T.O.N.B.A. P.O. BOX 346 BOWMAN VILLE, ONT. Li C 31 ATTENTION: COACHES SELECTION COMMITVEE ---l r- -----------