4~ 109t )~ Thre Deja Vu Choral Ensemble It seemed as though the 1991 Christmas Season was officiaily brought te life on Sunday, December lst by thre joyful voices cf thre nine ladies cf thre Deja Vu Chorus. In their fifth year cf performing, the Ensemble is led by Cathy Masulka, with Sharon Perkins on the piano. They are based in Oshawa and are very much in demand at this festive time cf year! Sponsored by the Newcastle Village and District Chamber of Commerce, thre Deja Vu Choral Ensemble presented a simply marvelous concert, singing numbers from "Christmas is Coming, Let it Snow, Christmas in Killarney te a couple cf pepular songs fromt Les Miserables." Tnere were wonderfui solos and duets that brought even more delight te the over one hundred in attendance. Closing with an Austrian Carol, "Be Merry Good People" and a medley cf "A Tiny Child Will Come," "Sleighride", I Wish You a Merry Christmas" .and "Til We Meet Again'", brought a multitude of smiles and grand appiause. Yes, the spirit was definitely in the air - from the gorgeous poinsettias from Flowers Plus in the village to the happy melodies that mixed with the warmth and charm cf the Town Hall in Newcastle, were ail ingredients for a ioveiy country Christmas event. Thanks te all members cf our very own Newcastle Village and District Chamber cf Commerce. Littie Scoops.. Hustle and bustie were Willemns, Willie Eeuwes, Marie definiteiy words of the day, Speziale and Dennie Radcliffe, particularly i the kitchen! (i-r) Liz were ail smiles anyway! 1Every year, corne thre last Saturday cf November, thre CWL (Catholie Women's League) hoid their annual Christmas Bazaar at St. Francis of Assisi in Newcastle Village. The success of the 1991 event was inevitable; there were tables cf ahl sorts of interesting, tempting and unique items, collected or handcrafted by varieus ladies. Visitors aise rmade sure to stop te indulge in lunch as well. "A fine event put on by a really nice group of gals!" NEWCASTLE! MUz byr PeggyWani Kendal Hall News - Remember! Pon-perishable foods and ne«<v toys may be dropped off ai Matthews and Associates in NeWcastie Village in time for Christiis . .. with many, many thanks. - This Friday, winniifg B.I.A. bucks will ie drâwn in Newcastle. Be sure to get yôllrs in! Prizes wil be awarded in $15.W; $50.00; and $25 .00 sums. - Sunday Shopjping went over pretty good, 'round these parts 1 understand. Sourlds like a fair and fine idea, particffiarly at this time of the year. . . sensible too, since se many folks really notice how fast the time gocs, and just how littie of it they piave left te finish whatever shoppitig is left. - lst Newcastle Scouts Ladies Auxiliary Bazaaf, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Saturday, Deccrnber 7, at St. Francis of Assisi Separate SchOOl, Newcastle Village. Admission $1 .00 or returnabie bottles. Tea Roomn, White Etephant Sale, Craft Tables and se-veral raffles. Al proceeds back jute the Scouting movement. - The Optimistg are all set and "spruced up" by the Town Hall in Newcastle, sellifig Christmas trees. Stop by and havd a look. "Have a cheery week, I look forward to hearittg from you, 983- 5301 or 786-2964! Thanks. A Christmas g iflof entertainment St. Paul's United Church of Bowmnanville presents, once again this year, a Performing Art Series which includes three individual professional shows tLdkng place ini the Bowmanville High School theatre. The schedule has now been set with shows on March 4, March 26 and on April 29. Being that it is aimost Christmas tickets for these events could weli maire for an ideal Christmas gift for those mnterested in the performing arts and a good evening of entertainment. The March 4th show has Michael Ross present Hieronymous Dutulus. Ross is billed as a l7th century Swashbuckling Ministrel who wili charm the audience with a high- spirited show thiat is funny and stacked with magie. 'Me magie is mindboggling. The March 26th show is calied Repercussion performed by four percussionists presenting works of Bach te Bartoir, to salsa, marches, ragtime, jazz, traditional african music and even to works of symphony orchestras. This group played in Newcastle Village somte years ago and were a reai treat for ail who were in attendance. The final and third show is biiled as "The Gents". Here again it is top entertainnient through a six-voice maie a cappelle ensemble who will deiight their audience. Aiso included in the concert is a 30 minute presentation cailed the Reluctant Dragon with pianist Peter Tiefenbach. This story revoives around a saint, a boy and a dragon and the bond of affection that grows between the three. Tickets are available from Doug D)eweli in Oronio 983-5339 or Janet Rice at 623-260 1. The price Certificate to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wilson on behaîf cf the Kendal L.O.L. 405, it was their 5Oth Wedding Anniversary. The Men's Lodge will be meeting on Wednesday December 4th and the Junior Lodge meet on Thursday, December Sth. Thre Ladies Lodge will be meeting on Thursday, December l2th. Dont forget thre Turkey Supper that is being put on by the Men's Lodge, this is being held at the Kendal United Church. Supper will be served between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Tickets can be had at the door. One dollar of each ticket will be given to a needy family. Don't forget the date, Sunday, Decemnber 8th. Côme on out and supporttire Lodge and enjoy a real good meal. Phyllis Lowery PUBLIC MEETING COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT POLICIES FOR THE OFFICIAL PLAN 0F THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE Notice is hereby gitven of a Public Meeting to bo held on Mondiay, January 6, 1992 with respect to proposed Community Improvement Policies for the OfficiaI Plan of the Town of Newcastle. The Community Improvemont Policies for the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle, once approved by the Town of Newcastle and the Ministry of Municipal Aff airs, will form part of the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle. Community Improvement refers to activities (private and public sector) which rehabilitate or redevelop existing neighbourhoods to accommodate the social and economic priorities of the Town. Community improvement policies integrate many activities with the overaîl community planning process. Within the Town of Newcastle, the following areas are proposod as community improvomnent areas: 1. portions of the Bowmanville Urban Area and the Port Darlington Area, 2. portions of the Newcatle Village Urban Area and the Bondhoad Area, 3.the Hamlets of: Orono, Burketon, Newtonville, Leskard, Mitchell's Corners, Kendal, Haydon, Enniskillen and Hampton. The Public Meeting for the Community Improvement Policies, as required pursuant to Section 17 of the Planning Act, will ho held as follows: DATE: MONDAY, JANUARY 6,1992 TIME: 9:30 A.M. PLACE: COUNCIL CHAMBERS MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATIVE CENTRE, 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE The meeting shahl be open to the public and any person who attends shalho afforded an opportunity to make ropresentation in respect of the proposed Community Improvement Policies. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to theproposod amendment to the Officiai Plan of the Town cf Newcastle is available for inspection between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at the Planning Dopartment, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanvîlle, Ontario or by calling Bob Russell at 623-3379. Dated at the Town cf Newcastle this 28th day of November, 1991. ~)THE TO WN OF ---\ý ý O N TA R i10 Date of Publication: Wednesday, December 4,1991 Franklin Wu , M...P. Director of Planning and Development Town of Newcastle 40 Te mpe rance Street Bowmanvilte, Ontario LI C 3A6 PLAN4NING FILE: 0PA92-N/001 CLERKS FILE: D09.OPA.92.001 P.O. 3148 On Friday, November 22, there were 9 tables of euchre at the Hall. The high score was taken by Dean Poiley, with a score cf 96; 2nd high Mel Switzer with 88; 3rd high Alec Moffat with 86; 4th high Richard Lowery with 80. The draw was won by Debbie Green, next card party wiil be on Friday, December 6th. Everyone welcome. On Wednesday, November 27th the men heid their Scariet Meeting with 25 members present. Two members cf the Port Perry Lodge received the Scarlet Degree. On Sunday, December lst 2 members cf the Ladies Lodge and 3 members of the Men's Lodge met te make plans for the annual Bowling toumament, which will be held in February. On Saturday, November 3Oth, Bro. Wayne Lowery presented a . ..... .