- Crono W.eldy Tintes1, Wedn.sdmy1, ~.camber4~ 1*~1 Newtonville Alive (Continued from page 5) Chr. n~ Corner supporîiug the Salvation Armny Food axid Toy Drive. Non- perishable foods or new toys may be dropped off iu thc front hall of Uic school. Pick up 15 scbeduled for Decemnber 17th. - Organizers of Uic "Ncwtonville Community Christmas" are seeking talexit! Anyone fancying taking part should cail Debbie Dunhani at 786-2194 ("Dont be shy. . .") Date: Suuday, December lSîh ai .6:30 p.m. ai the Newtonvilie Hall. - A challenge bas been put oui to ail adulîs to be a Block Parent. Cali 723-9125 and get ic details to wmn dinner for two ln Jane 192. (1-r) Joaxixe Cleveland- of Whitby Hospital. t was a rather Newtonviile, wiih friends Kein Campbell and Jeaxiette Saunders. A week ago Sunday, Joanne Cleveland beld ber annuai Chrisurmas Crafi Open House and Sale here in town. Anxong Uic many folks who stopped i were these two gals who work with Joanne ai - Euchrc resuits from Friday, November 30Ui came inl :e iis: on the draw - Olive Little, Carl Todd, Isabel Waters, Jean O'Neil and Charlie Fixie. High Scores - Leta McAllister wiîh 87; E. Robinson with 83; Fran Dart 80; Myrtle Aildred 78; Charles Siapleton 77 and Veima Jackson 75. A fine tume was truly bad by ail! Gjord's Vievw by Gord Milîs MPP Durhamu East Walk-in-Clinics Since my cîccîlon 10 the Ontario Lcgislature many thiigs have changed lu my life. Onie-of Uic changes I was forced te make was te change my doctor. The change was rcquircd because my uew job demanded for me, more accessible medical care outside of the regular office hours mesi family doctors kcep. In order t0 have medical care I was forced 1te m 10 Uicheucw wave lu medical carc - The Walk-in- Clinic. Some folks have labcllcd them, raîber unfairly I ihink, "Doc's - in - a Box" anid "MacMedicine." Whatever you care te cal thcm they are a serieus atiempi te fil the growing xiceds of a communuîy. Pcrbaps the growth rate of Uic walk-in-clinics is ixi part due 10 the nine t0 five mentality shown by mosi doctors today. It seems 10 me thai mosi people, when tbcy gel sick, want te be ireated without having te scbedule lime off work. Taking ime off from work te visit Uic doctor coss everyone money-employers and employees, at a ime whcu most people cant afford it. Because of ibis, mauy people are using Uic bospital's emergeucy warm and remiunscent visit for Keixi Campbell to swing by Ncwtonville.' .She livcd here witi ber parents twexty-five years ago. Joanne seuds ber ibanks 10 al fortheir patroxiage, wishiug ber friends and ncigbbours a very Merry Christnmas! - "Here we go-a-carolling!" Al welcomc to mcci ai Ron and Arlene Phillips' about 6:50 pin. on December 18, to strolUic streets of Newtonville siuging Christmas carols. - Special holiday hugs ibis week to Barb and Samantha for just being you (ihank you), and to Rob and Denise on their wonderful ucws (congratulations). ward for what ails ihern that rightly should be îreated ai tbe doctor's Office. I'm sure that there are lots of folks who go to the emergexicy ward and feel a trifle guilty about being there. But whai's their choice, when ou a Friday uight or a Saturday moruiug tbey arc faced wiîb a raging flu bug, or an upset stomnach. Tbe people who I bave spoken with have told me ihey want medical services ai their couvenience, flot the doctors. I îbiuk weCcould do with a local walk-in-clinic iu Bowmauville. If we could gel one I arn sure that it would take the strain off the hospital cmergency services, and Uic cosi of trcating People would bc less - Uic way I sec ht. Revolution is nation's best hope-F. Mowat Farley Mowat has said that a revolution is needed 10 save Canada from domination by the United States. He said Cana- dians shouid perform acis of mîschief to paralyze the federal goverumefit. Mowat states he has no con- fidence that Canadians will take up the challenge but rather will sit back and let the country die. by Rev. Marg West Psychic - Seul What's the ditTerence? 1 was deeply grieved li my spirit axid saddened to sec ihat we have a facility available for psychic and soul rcadings here in thee utile village of Orono. I gucss-I shouldn't have been surprised, thc dcvii bas been deccivmg people for centuries ini evcry place andcountry of the world small or large. A physic is a spiritualistic medium. Spiritualistic or spiritualismt is the belief that thc de ad conununicate with thc living. A medium is thc person claiming to reccive communications front thc dead. (Websters) 'The soul is our niind, will and emotions." lu Leviticus Chapter 19: verse 26 - "You shallflot cai anythiug with Uic blood, neither shall you use enchantmeuî, nor observe the times." (captivate put a speil on) People who get into soul readings get capîivated by it, ihey are held captive. Thcy bave to kecp gomng back. The fact d thUey kccp going back again and again helps Uic physic financially. The person who is captivated, is bcing cursed by God, as well as the person domng Uic rcadings. Now look at Leviticus 19: verse 31, "Regard flot themt that have familiar spirits, ueiUier seek afier wizards, to be DEFILEDby Uiem. I AM TH1E LORD YOUR GOD.-- A person wiUi a familiar spirit is one who knows your personal weakness; the weakness lu your- family line, becauise ic weakxiess- is a spirit. If your father beai up your moUier it's possible you beai your wife. (familiar spirit) If you have lust anid cheai on your wife probably your father or grandfather had the same spirit. It's a spirit îbat's passed down because it's famniliar wiUi your family Uine. Wizard is one who is supposed to possess superuatural powers, - a sorcerer. Sorcerer: a magiciaxi, wizard, or enchanter. Sorceress: a womnan who practices sorcery or magic, a wiicb. A witcb: is a woman supposed to be lu contact with EVIL spirits and to possess supemnatural powers;, a sorceress, to fascinate, cuchant or bewitcb. (Websters) Bewitcb means to cast a spell on, 10 cbarmn. Wby auyone would waut 10 have someone cast a speil on themt and pay for it is beyoxid me. In Leviticus Chapter 20 verse 27: God is saylig that "A maxi also or womaxi that baUi a faxuliar spirit, or that is a wvizard, shail surcly be put to death: Uiey sball stone Uiem with stones: their blood shall be upon them." Our laws today do flot permit tbis kind of judgcment, but thcy shall still surely die (spiritually) li fact Uicy are already dead in Uiir spirit. Inx Galatians 6.7 it says, "Be flot deccived; God is flot mocked: for School raises $1000.00 through concert The renowned Christian ,cou, "The Ambassadors" performed a benefit concert in support of the Durham Chris- tian High School Tuition Assistance Fund. Over $1000.00 was raised through the atten- dance of over 200. whatsoever a maxi sowcib, that shal he also reap." In Numbers 14 verse 18 the Lord is longsufferiug, anid of great mercy, forgiving iniquity and transgressioxi, and by nio means clearing the guilty, visiting the îniquiiy (sn) of Uic fathers upon Uic childreu unto Uic Uird and fourth generation." If you are practicing tis type of hilng (soul reading etc. anytblng to do witb the occult) or have been gomng to a psychic itfs a curse that.'s passed on three or four generations. But God is iongsuffering and full of mercy if you repent (turn away from) the -sin of being iuvoived and ask Jesus mbt your life thc curse is removed. Jesus dicd on Uie tree (Calvary) so we migbî be free from sin. Jesus became a curse for us (cursed is everyone who bangeUi on a tree). Galatlans 3:13, "Christ baUi redecmed us from thc cuise of thc law, bclug nmade a curse for us: for it is writîcxi, curscd is cvcryone Uiat hangcth ou a tice." Repent today Jesus is Uic Way. Bible Study, Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. 983-5962. Comments or Question, write Box 179, Orono. Watcb Total Christian Televisioxi Ch. 49. CRYSTAiL PAGES NO G.S.T. 983-6150 We buy and seil lst and 2nd trne around BOOKS, CRYSTALS, C.D.'s, STONES, CHRISTMAS CARDS, BO0OKS-ON-TAPE, CRYSTAL SUN CATCHERS, FEATURING Fabulous Austrian Crystal Jewellery and Exotic Jewellery from NATURAL STONES of your choice. ]PSYCHIC AND SOUL READING AVAILABLE Stor e Heurs: Thuredays, Friday and Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m 5367 Main Street, Orono pat irwln lycett 983-9605 PUBLIC NOTICE REGULATIONS FOR 1991-92 1WINTER SEASON December 1, 1991 to April 129 1992 Area residents are hereby advised of the Provincial and Municipal Regulations applicable to the 1991-92 Winter Season, December 1, 1991 to April 12,1992, as follows: The Hlghway Traffic Act (R.S.O. 1980): Section 147 (10) prohibits the parking of vehicles on any highway in such a" manner as to interiere with the movement of traff ic or the clearing of snow from the highway. Section 147 (13) provides the authority for the removal -of any vehicles, at the owner's expense, found to be causing an obstruction on a highway. Section 157 prohibits the depositing of snow or ice on a public roadway. Town of Newcastle By-Law 91-58: Section 4-6 (i) prohibits the parking of vehicles on any highway for a period of longer than three (3) hours, and is also applicable to overnight parking on any road under the jurisdiction of the Town of Newcastle. Dates of Publication: Wednesday, December 4, Il. 1991 Walter A. Emas, P. Eng. Director of Public Works Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street BowmanlIle, Ontario LiC 3K6 P. 0. 4080