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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Dec 1991, p. 2

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.....-..n, ..... .......ed .. ...... I ~ 19 ¶ Some good things do filter through It is true that some good tbings do filter through and when it does it makes one feel great about he human race. A case in point has to be the fact that some 30 odd students at Clarke High School have taken advantage to -attend a two day event on instruction on the "Peer Education Program". They certainly have met a committed instructor in 'Don Smyth of the Parents' Against Drugs organization. Smyth is flot only committed to the program but he is enthusiatic about it and brings proof that it has worked well in some of the Third World countries. Not only is Smyth enthusiastic about the program but sees change ini Uic family structure and that kids of the early '80s are more conservative and showing care and concern for their felowmen and being part of a family unit . 'Mis is contrary to Uic voices of others but Smyth surely does have a good insight into the characteristics of the students as he draws them out ini his two-day sessions. A lot of credit goes to Uic students Uemselves who have committed Uemselves, through teamn units, to assist students of carlier grades to cope with Uice.problems on an unknown future or a Uiought-to-be unknown future. They should be well prepared after Smyth gets through with them. But it ail just doesn't happen by itself and one bas to bc m indful of the a contribution being made by the Ontario Masonic Foundation and Uic members of Uic Orono Masonic Lodge who have helped to make it ail happen here in Orono. It is great wc should live in such a community and that Uiere are those of Uic order, Uiose students in Uic local system and also for Uic enthusiasmn as cornes frvm Uic Uerapist, Don SmyUi and his association "Parents Against Drugs.". Coming te, a boiling point Listening to Robert Bourassa, Premier of Quebec, recently on television, spouting his views of the offer presented to Quebec by Uic federal govemment it was more than enough to raise our temperature especailly when he brought Uic demaise of Canada to Uic front if Quebec should leave on its own. It surely did not sound that he cared one iota about Uic rest of Canada and bis dlaim for change to the constitution is ail one-sided. It does not make tbings any better when lie calls for a better deal so Quebec may consider staying in as part of Canada. Fortunately there are, we hope, better voices to be heard from in Uic future and Uiat possibly could be Bob Rae, and some of the voices from Uic AStlantic provinces and also from Uic Premier of Newfoundland who bas been raUier quite of late. We shail hang i there wiUi some hope for Uic future of Canada. Comment ISWISHi! ZOOM! SINO! and 1* Fly by!l. not exactly a sootbing musical, 'Father Time' is playing, 'round this tirne of ycar, ch? Mid-Decccrber is upon us. Christmas wc know it is coming evcry ycar. lnvariably, corne Uic last wcck before Christmas Day arrives, there will be a multitude of things left to bc done, adding to the already lengtby list of chores, activities, events, and social arranging to bc scasonally organized. 1 did a littie Sunday shopping on tbe weckend at Osbawa Centre. To my surprise, I had to park some distance from the entrance way. Once inside, it was obvious that a lot of people looked forward to taking advantage of shopping on a Sunday too. Mind you, I wasn't overly tbrilled wben I took my place bebind thirteen other over-heated sboppers in the lie up to casb out - to a clerk that was pleasant enougb but sadly distraughtL . . . just kept telling myseif, after five, ten, twenty minutes bow glad that I wasn't tbere on a Saturdav. Kendal News by Phyllis Lowery Once agitin, nature gave us thev works, another Thursday nigit n snow storm, and then on Friday fog, rain and milder weatber. Skiers and rc tbe fathers who bave worked so rc bard to make skating rinks for their children must be getting pretty a ftustratcd. It doesn't do anytbing for the nerves of the people that bave to .I be out driving in all that snow 'and r fog. Kendal is ccrtainly blossoming out in ail its colours, the lights look a 50 pretty and certainly make one t feel more in thc Christmas rnood.r On Sunday we found our way t tbrough thc fog patches to Churcb, P thc second Sunday of Advent. Rcv. c John May, Supervising Minister of r thc Newtonville Pastoral Charge, c was thc Minister.n Following Uic singingof 'Hark, A Herald Voice is Sounding", Rcv., May gave Uic Cali to Worsbip, Uic choir sang Uic Andicm, "Everswetct the Mercy." Aftcr the announcements, a group from Uice choir, Bey. Stacey, April Switzcr, Elaine Catbcart, Ron Phillips and Don Peddar say, "Hark thc Herald Angels Sing." Cbad Switzer led Uiechcildren i ligbting the Advent Candle. He U askcd tbcm if they rcrnembered wbat season wc arc celebrating. The said thc bîrth of Jesus. Wbat candle did Uicy ligbt last Sunday and wbat candle arc tbey lighting this week. Is it Peace? He asked thcmn what Peace was, they said not arguing, t flgbting, just being quiet. He askcd 2 thcmn who they could caîl on to c bring about Peace, the answcred, > God, their parents, Jesus. Rose e Maiins lit Uic candle of Peace. r The children's byrnn was, "Away in a Manger." Rev. May -1 told the cbildrcn of Uic Grumble 1 Box. He askcd Uiema if Uicy knew ' wbat grumfble is. Do Uicy grurable. 1 We all grumble. He told tbcm about a family namned Smith. At Uieir home cveryonc grumble, thc food wastoo bot, too cold, meals too carly, too late, no matter wbat anyone did it was not right. Mrs. Smith was tircd of all the grumbling, cvcry meal was one grumble aftcr another. So she made a box witb a slot in the top, and every Urne someone grumbled, thcy bad to put a penny in dic box, at thc end of the week there were 200 pennies. A penny isn't wordi mucli these days, but imagine if you bad to put a loonie in Uic box evcry ie you grurnbled. Mrs. Smith remcernbered a passage frorn the Bible that said, "God said to do tbînigs without murmurinig." That is why she made Uic Grumnble Box, to remnind Uicm. Maybc wc should al put a Grurnblc Box on thc table, if With time rusbing on, 1 for one was totally pleased Uic stores wcrc open Sunday, as Uis wcck would bave been out of Uic question. Sunday shopping? 'Right" or ."wrong?" . .. Himm, it shouldn't bc such an issue. t is neither right or wrong, I dare say. Convenient, is Uic word that imrnediately cornes to mind, and yes, I'd bet, for thousands of others as well. Peggy Mullan we had 10 put in loornes perbaps we would stop grumbling and the vorld would be a happier place, more peaceful. The Prayer of Invocation was read i unison. Rev. May led in the reading of Psalm 126, God's Words vere taken from Malachi 3: 1-4; and St. Luke 3: 1-6. Rev. May titled bis sermon, "God is Coming", he said bas God not already corne? he spoke of how we have al bhanged and are cbanging. When he was a young Minister, he served on afour point charge, he bas served threc and two point charges, and now be is at one Church. He said the he welcomed the opportunity to >reach once again at a tbree point charge. At one trne he travellcd as nany as 100 miles to get to the one churcb. He has gone from many miles to a short distance, we ail go through changes. History is noving, it is not just going around in circles. In the churcb, we do not preach enough about Christ's ..oming again. In Jesus' time, two nen worked in a field, one was taken, two wornen worked in a mili, one was taken. The taxpayers didn't wvant to pay the bigb taxes, are we mny different, our way of life may have cbanged, but we are not s0 lifferent frorn those days. He told, us of Bro. Lawrence, who at 17, feit the cali of God, and spent bis wbole life in the kitchen of a Mvonastery, because lie felt, that was how he could serve bcst. Sometimes we look too bard and we miss God's corning. Many imes opportllnities comes to us and many times we miss the' comig of God. Unless we watch, we. ray miss Him. Be ready to experience Christ's coming, in nany unusual ways or rnany ..omrnon ways. Communion followed, the EIyrn was "Hark the Glad Sound." Thie Services ended with the simging of "The Race That Long in Darkness Pined." 1St. Saviour's Anglican Church M]ILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. Douglas Hall 987-4745 SUNDAY SERVICE and SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. ORONO PASTORAL *CHARGE o Rev. Fred 'Clappison Supply Mnuhdter * Marlene 'Rlsebrough, UPCOMING SERVICES Sunday, December 15th Kfrby United Church White Gift Sunday Service and Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Orono United Church Christmas Cantata Service and Sumday School 11:00 a.m. EXPLORERS Wednesday, December llth 6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Upper C.E. Hall For al girls ages 8 - Il years C.G.I.T. Meet Tuesday Evenlngs 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Orono United Church Wenda holds BABAR - by Gund to be won by some lucky boy or girl .December 24th. Stut y ;ý, Bm.c ORNO OTAIO98-50 ..................................... Au

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