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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Dec 1991, p. 4

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WUWKq IffU~ WUUflUU~7~ ~ ~ a> From inA round Home Winning Uic Gold in Uic Great Pine Ridge- Kinsmen Volîcybal Tournent of November 27, was the Pines Junior Girls Volîcybal Team. Mr. Staples wiUtam (1-r) front row: Christa Robinson, Katarina Hartmann, Cindy Ross, Diane The Pines Sr. Girls Volleyball Jenikins, Shelda-Marie Woods and team reccntly won Uic Gold in their Lisa Taylor. Back row (1-r) Amanda arca competition. Rogers, Jenny Ellis, Georgina Three cheers for these Katsiapis, Jenna Brandsc, Reagan dcfending Charnpions! Merrill, Julia Turner and Christina Reed. Report from gueen'g from Gord Mils MPP Dirham East Council, S;cugôg Council, and the Fromn December 9th until the Township Of Manvers. Christmas break, the Legisiature 1 couldn't get to the Inaugural will be in session daily until Council Meeting of Scugog midnight. When we hecard this last Council, or of Manvers Township, 1 week some mnembers heaved a however I did send my good heavy sigh, The bright spot is that wishes to ail council members and 1 January follows, and the to the Mayor and Reeve Committee's are flot scheduled to respcctively. I intend to continue commence until the week of My cordial rlationship with al January l3th. elected officiais, and to continue to In January, 1 will be leaving the share information, with a high Justice Committee to join the dcgrcc of candor and opcnness. Legisiative and Regulations We ail face difficuit times ahead, Committee. Our task will be to transfer payments 1 to bring.about changes i the conduot municipalîties, grants to schools of business both ini the Legisiature and hospitals, no doubt will have and in Comniittee. The aim is to to be trinimed. However, i a spirit introduce new rules aimed at of cooperation I'm sure we will making business mun smnoother and pull through this worse recession perhaps more amiable. I will also in the lustory of Ontario. join the Precincts Committec which On Thursday, Financial formulates policy in the day-to-day Institutions Minister Brian running of the Legislature. We are Charlton delivered to the also task ed with comiag to gripsý Legislature a reform package on with the essential repairs and auto insurance which is both alterations to thc "Pink Palace" comprehensive and innovative. which is showing signs of decay. "The Road Ahead" provides tic Last week, 1 was honored to people of Ontario with the most have the opportunity to speak to generous and equitable accident both Durhamn Regional Council and benefits in Canada. It keeps auto the Newcastle Town Counicil on the insurance premiums affordable, occasion of their Inaugurai Council ailows more people to sue for pain Meetings. The Inaugural Council and suffering - ýand puts safety in Meeting is an exciting time, and for the forefront for the insurance those who experience it for the first indus try, government and the drne, it is a special time in their life. public. The decision by the I'm looking forward to working governiment flot to proceed witli closely with ail the new members of public auto insurance did flot put Regional Council, Newcastle aside Uic responsibility to ensure Ontario March of Dimes partners with Mount Lawn Gardens The Durham office of the Ontario March of Dimes and Mount Lawn Memorial Gardeis in Whitby arc working together Uis Christmas to bring to you their Christmas troc of Memories campaign. A large Christmas troc (donatcd by Mount Lawn) will bc crcctcd just outsidc or the Memorial Garden's chapel. Thc public is cncouraged to support Uic March of Dimes by purchasing a Christmas ornamrent from ic donation centre set up inside of the chapel. Thc ornament May bc placcd on the trce in mcmory of a loved one or simply in support of Uic Marci of Dimes. Mount Lawn staff will also be at hand to answer any questions Uic public may have about its services. The event will run from Decemiber 6th until December 23rd. The opcning ceremonies for the event will take place on Thursday, Decemnber 5th, at 10:00 a.rn. Mr. Ross Batten, Dcputy Mayor of Uic Town of Whitby will cut Uic ribbon on thc tree to signify tic beginning of Uic canipaign. For more information please contact the Ontario March of Dimes office at 434-5280 or Mount Lawn at 723-2633.. sPark Ontario drivers arc better scrvcd by Uie auto insuranCe SYstem.' On Friday evcning, my staff and I marked Uic end of Uic weck- long White Ribbon Campaiga against violence against womcn, by handing out leaflets and white ribbons in Bowmanville,. Ahl of us must join in stopping violence against women, until it is no more. Until ncxt wcek - be kind to cach other and feel better. A couple of weeks ago we did report a number of appearances of birds from the north that were appearing in Uic Orono area and included the Snowy Owl, the Hawk Owl and'Uthe Roughlegged Hawk as three such birds at Uiat particular fime. Mrs. Bill Tamblyn tels us Uic Snowy was Uiere for only a day and as far as the Hawk Owl we haven't seen'it since and rcally didn't expect Uiat it would hang around the back of the printing office. There is a report frorn Port Hope that Snowy Owls have been frequcnting Uic downtown area of late and from Uic report it w7ould appear Uire is more than one. The story wc like Uic best is about a Short-Eared Owl that was found inside the Mathews Convcyer plant i Port Hope when the plant was opcned for work. The Short-Earned spent most of Uic day watching Uic activities of ic operation from i perch on top of a crane. The Humane Society did capture the bird, eventually, wiUi considerable case and~ placed it outside. It is flot unlikely Uiat Uic bird could have been a resident but ic breed does generaily spend ic summner farUier norUi, ý There is another movernent fromt norUi to south and it cornes about wîi the Annual Rebekah Bazaar and tea held last Saturday. Rena and Len Pears left their perch along the river in Peterborough to play Uieir part in, Uic event. It seemns that Uic organization, did once again, do well wiUi Uieht bazaar and there certainly was a lot of comradery at the tea tables. Thiis event seemas to be a must for a lot of people in thc comniunity and as well visitors from farther parts. Things are going to change around home for Uie ncxt couple of weeks due to another movernent to the south and this tirne to the Florida area. WiUi Jhm, Nancy and thc kids about to spend Christmas in the souUi and especially taldng lots of lime for Disneyland Uic Forresters in Orono becomne keepers of thc two dogs. There is a great différence Ln age wiUi Uic youngest possibly a year and hallf and the other a couple of years in its teens. Fortunately thcy both like going for waiks with Uic old dog plodding along at your heels and the other here, there and every where. We will have to introduce Uiem to Uic Ganaraska although Uic old dog has been there some years ago. The old dog with its droopy eycs reminds me of Peter Lougheed who was the former Premier of Alberta. If the dog could speak I'rn sure he would even sound Uic sanie with a droîl. Howcver Uiey caa 'De part of Uic Sunday trip while 1 await Uic, full recovery of Bill Bunting who, ]rn glad to report is doing real wcll in Uic recovery . BUILDING SUPPLIES "rAl Your Building Needs"l 5% OFF Pine and Mahogany Tri m Season 's Greetings to You and Yours ~i1 I 164 Baseline Road, BOWMANVILLE oshwa- 623-6341 1 asn Hwy. 401 4x8ln ner Wall Panelling 4 colours to choose f rom Reg. $8.99 Special *0$7.99

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