ORONO, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEM BER 18,199 1 Orange Lodge is honoured to make presentation Thnat GM Plant 2 possible closing cause for concem Early last week there were rumors that Plant 2 at the GM Oshawa plant could be axed laying off some 3700 emnployees permanently at the end of the 1994 model year. The layoff would affect almost twenty-five percent of the 17,000 who are employed at the Oshawa plants. GM currently operates four plants at its Oshawa complex, and plant 2 has been manufacturing the Buick Regal and Lumina four-door cars. This operation is expected to go to another plant south of the border at the end of the car year 1994. Although rumors persist General Motors insist that no decision has been made as to the future of Plant 2 in Oshawa. The Oshawa plant has been in a The Purpie Hill Orange Lodge Past Master, Anna Strike, Hospital portrait of HRH Queen Elizabeth Il L.O.L. 399 was pleased and Foundation Member, Tom Wright, and Prince Philip was accepted by honoured to make a special Treasurer LOI. 399, John the Hospital Foundation with presentation to Memorial Hospital Goulding, Master, with Hospital warmest gratitude. on Thursday, December 12. Foundation Chairman Tom Cowan. Peggy Mullan (1-r) Ron Therteil, Immediate A cheque for $1,000 and a Bsrink's guard kîIIed in O'shaâ%wa robbery Knob Hill Farmns Food Terminal in Oshawa was the scene of robbery of '- a BrinlCs pick-up resulting in the death of a Brink's guard and affectilng a gun shot wound to a by- stander. 31 year old guard .Malcom Richard Bridgman of Whitby died half an hour after the incident that saw two gunmen take off with a bag of money and the brink guards revolver. The incident terrified shoppers and staff who jumped for shelter in the crowded teninal about 4:.30 p.m. Saturday aftemnoon. The by-stander was it by a stray bullet as he walked through the parking lot but is in satisfactory condition in the Oshawa General Hospital. The bandits7used a a get-away car parked close to the terminal which was later found in the parking lot of K-Mart close to Jackson Avenue. The Oshawa Brinkes robbery is the eighth such robbery this year but is the first robbery resulting in a fatal shooing dating back to 1980. Earlier this year police foilded a planned attempt to seige a Brinks truck outside a Knob Hilîs Terminal near the waterfront in Toronto. Position to jockey for a new line to take the place of the present operation in Plant 2. Earlier this year the company, through a letter to employees and the union, sought support to be more competitive in making a presentation for a new product. The company sought some flexibility in its operation with the union. It appears that the process of some change in flexibility is still underway between the tw o parties. Topics under consideration have încluded improved quality, streamlining of the manufacturing systemn, a reduction in the hours of labour to builti a car, and a new agreement relating to local overtime. Overtime is a key issue in the local discussions with he Last offer and strike votes between board - teachers The Education Relations Commission has appointed a person to act as Returning Offîcer in the last offer and strike votes to be undertalçen by the, seco'ndary teachers in their collective agreement negotiations with the trustees of the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education. The supervised and secret ballot last offer and strike votes are to be conducted on the l8th day of December 1991. Previously in their negotiations, the teachers and school board have had the assistance of a Comrmission-appointed fact finder whose report, which outlined the matters in dispute between the parties, has been released to the local media. Additionally, prior to the strike vote, the teachers must have rejected, again i a supervised and secret ballot vote, the last offer received from the school board, Should a niajority of the teachers voting cast -ballots in favour of strike, they will be in a l-egal position to commence a strike five days after giving advance notice to the school board of such action. For further information, please contact: Mr. Garry Minnie, President, Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation, District 49 (416) 349-3454. Y'o ut h Centre Officially opened in Orono Last S aturday afternoon the followmig the these activities vithin TheOro Youth Centre bas Official Opening of the Orono the Centre located in the former gone through stages of organization Youth Centre was held wîth the Armouries building in Orono. since last August. Through the cutting of the traditional ribbon, A presentation of care T-shirts generosity of local cîtizens the compliments fromn the area was undertaken during the Centre is now furnished along with politicians and a social time ceremnonies. (Continued page 2) Vol. 55, No. 44 4Ora5oeeecftmes Servlng Orono, Newcastle, Newtonvtile, Kendal, Starkville Hppening.. ORONO TOWN HALL EUCHRE RESULTS The Orono Town Hall euchre resuits for Wednesday, December I lth are: High scoresi Charlie Campbell with 81; May Tabb with 78; Bemniece Moffat with 76; Reg Elliott, Velma Jakemian and Harvey Parner each with 74. Low score was Ray Goode. Draw winners Edgar Milison; Dora MacDonald; Bernfice Partuer;, Jean Jilisen; Shirley Moffat; Inez Boughen and Ken Gimblett. Cards on Wednesday, December i 8th at Oddfellows Hall. Next card party at Orono Town Hall on January 8, 1992. Ladies please bring lunch. ORONO SR. CEES CARD PARTY RESULTS The Orono Sr. Cees held a delicious pot luck dinnÉr followed by cards on December l2th. The winners were: Helen Couroux with 67; Hazel Pigott with 63 and Jean Allen with 60. Low score was Clara Meulman. Bingo Prize winner Charlie Miller. Draw prize winners were Minnie Taylor, Hilda Caswell and Edith Taylor. January 9, 1992 will be the next card party. NEW YEAR LEVEES Mayor Diane Hamnre is hosting the Towns New Years Levee on Sunday, January 5th in the Council Chambers. On Sunday, Janaury l2th from [bc hours of 2 to 4 p.m. Ross and Elaine Stevenson are holding similar event to be held in the Base Line Community Centre. 407 Public Meeting January 28th The Ministry of Transportation and Communication is holding a public meeting concerning the routing of the proposed new 407 Higwa. Te eetngisbe1Ihed in P