~. *5W '5 'fi ~ .~. k *m~@ Wwkiy Th~ws, W~4~~uy, DomJ~w U, 19~1 v Christm--as Hope kn T.S. Eliots play, 'Murder in the Cathedrai", Archbishop Thomas Becket in a sermon preached in Canterbury Cathedral on Christmnas rnorning 1170 asks these questions: "Does it seern strange to you that the angels should have announced Peace, when ceaselessly the world has been stricken with war and the fear of war? Does it seens strange to you tha: the angelic voices were mistaken and that the promise was a disappointment and a cheat?" Good questions in 1991, too. According to Eliot, the archbishops test for his Christmas sermon was this: 'Glory to God ini the highest, and on earth peace goodwill toward men." (Luke 2:14). That is from the hymn of the angels which shepherds are said to have beard while watching their flocks by nigh: at Bethlehem . Can we hear the angelic message through the diii and crash, the dissention and disputes of our day? An individual must be out of touch to speak of Peace in our century. Reports from abroad - Yugoslavia, violence persists in the Middle East and South Africa. Every day we witness on T.*V. mnan's nsani:y through the chatter of machine-gun fire, exploding bornbs, and threats of racial blood baths. Canada i:self seems to be embarking on a road to break-up and perhaps even violence in the flot too distant future. Well, at least sorne commentators are raising the possibility of civil strife if Canada breaks up into two opposing factions.'On top of all this the recession, teenage violence fueled by drugs threatens the social fabric of the nation. People are hurting, and hurting bad. It would seem that only people ike ourselves - the well -fed, the materialistic, have the tirne and strength to discuss whether the angels can still be heard singing their angelic chorus: "Glory bc to God in the highest, and on earth, peace among men with wvhom le is well pleased.", We escape into sentirnentalism whenever we simply stand around the manger scene gazing upon a helpless Child. The Babe, we must remember, grew up to be a Man who turned the world upside down, and brought- a new dimension into the life of the world. We see life and experience life through that new dimension. A realistic perspective of Christmas for our time cones to us through the ancient prophet, Isaiali: Streng then the weak hands, and rnake firrn thefeeble lcnees. Say 10 those who are of afearful heart, Be strong,fear not! Behold your God.. He will corne and save you. That passage from Isaiah 53 came out of a very difficult period in the history of the ancien: Hebrews, a tirne when their moral was low and when they were about to give up dhe struggle for the good life under God. It is understandable that the Christian Churcli, early in history, appropria:ed this hope as expressive of the meaning and comung of Jesus Christ. Whatever else Christmnas rnay be for the Christian, it must be a festival of hope, the kind of hope which can face life's terrible facts and stilI carry on. Christian hope neyer suggests that there -will be no great difficulties ahead for mani -but it does declare that in the long run there will be no defeat of God's good purposes for man. This Christmas, if we listen carefully through the ears of faith, we may hear the angels singing, "Glory to God i the highest, and on earth peace among men with who hie is well pleased." The peace of God is a work in our midst in înany ways which by and large goes unnoticed. Our churcli members are conistantly giving of t1ieir time and talents to help others. The elderly are being cared for, concern and love expressed for those who are passing through dark times. Your churcli is also seeking ways in which to serve the youth in the comrnunity. On top of aIl this thie Orono-Kirby Pastoral Charge reaches beyond its borders to help the needy through other agencies such as the Salvation Army. We also support the Mission and Service Fund of the United Church of Canada that in turn supports ministries in Canada and around the globe. United Church Womnen help in many ways: Support Quin- Mo-Lac, Denise House, Mens Hostel, The John Milton Society, Alcohol and Drug Concemrs, local church expenses, C.G.I.T. and Explorers. So you see, your church plays a vital role in the life and work of Kirby and Orono, in promoting the peace of God. Each -and every Sunday the people of Orono-Kirby attend services of worship. Kirby 9:30 a.m. and Orono at il a.m. We trust these services of worship are relevant and helpful. If you and your faniily do flot attend a church we invite you to join our growing farnily. 1The newly formed C.G.I.T. (Canadian Girls In Training) will conduct the Christmas Eve Service a: Orono, 8-pm. There will also be a Christmas Eve Service at Leskard Church, 7 p.m. Ini this age of turmoil and strife we need to see and hear the Peace of Ood. It is a peace diat steadies the soul and enables one to look beyond the presen: strife to a better day. This is so because in worship and service one participates in and grows in the Peace of God - "the better way" becomes a present reality!!0f course, the strife in the world continues unabated, troubles abound - personal and socially - but you, my friend, have become part of the solution and have cone to understand and live within the grace of God's peace. by Rev. Fred Clappison I-Iere's to a season of unendingI delights, as well as a holiday that's merry and brîght. Letters to Santa Claus To Santa Clause you lcnow its that time now you know when you go ou: and deliver toy's to children alI over. Is it cold up at the north pole? Are you busy? do you think I was good this year? Do you think 1 should get some of what i wanted? I really think this is going to be the best year ever at christmnas. So are you getting ready. You know if's only 7 more days untill christrnas eve and 8 more days untill christmas. Well got to go because computers are just about finished. Love Rebecca Jean Jackson. Along with the ~ 4 magie of the season, goes our expression of friendship and Vthanks for your very special patronage aâHair With Flair Shari, Lisa and Heather I Greetings & Best Wishes for the Holiday Season tram The Board of Directors and Staff of the Clarke Museum and Archives, Town of Newcastle "Thankyou for your continued support." HAPPY HOLIDAYS Donna Robins, Chairman; Mark i. Jackman, Curator& Administrator; Pauline Stephenson, Administrative Assistant;. Shirley Moffat, Registrar Beaver, Michael Sharpe 5, of Orono, was honoured and congratulated by his leader "Rusty" a: the lst Newcastle "Beaver Investment" ceremnonies held December 4th at St. Francis of Assisi School. Mom, Dad, big brother Paul, and Santa are very proud of Michael and send their love and congratulations! CHRISTMAS GREETINGS "on, Crystal Pages Dear Santa How are you? I arn fine. For Christmas I would like Baby Alive, Domino Rally, Magic Copier. And for rny mom I would like a plate with me my rnom and my dad on it. Two, one for my, mom and one for my dad. And two sweaters with boons on them. I hope you get fat enough for Christmnas. Love Shanda. P.S. Please a little sornething for my hamster.