4 - Ororto Weekty TIm.e~ Wednemday, Oscember ~ 191 'The Future Starts Here" From the Principal Scbool ended 1991 with our annual talent assembly, a highlight of any school year. Mr. Matsusakis class (OAC-B) won the door decorating contest with honourable mentions to Mr. Skovsgaards class (11IE), Mr. Roche's class (1 1C), Mrs. Cripp's class (OAC-A) and ,Mrs. Ortbachs class (9B). .On behaîf of the staff and students of Clarke High School I wish you "Merry Christnia and ail the best for 1992 to ail our readers." Cla rke Classes begin January 6, 1992 at 8:55 am. Final Examinations for semester one begin January 20, 1992. Clarke Grads Returu to Discuss Post-Secondary Institutions Ov er the past week, twenty-five Clarke graduates returned to the school to discuss post secondary education. Monday, Decemnber 16 was designated College Information Day. Grade, twelve students applying to community college for next year had an opportunity to discuss with graduate students RePort college programs in Law and Security, Outdoor Recreation, Health and Fitness, Business, Graphics and many other programs. Graduate students returned from numerous community colleges including Durham, Fanshawe, Centennial and Seneca. Thursday, December 19, was designated 'as University Information day. OAC students applying to university next year had the opportunity to discuss university courses and, university life with many of our grads. This provided Clarke students with an excellent opportunity to find out first hand what it was like to be a student attending a post secondary institution. The program appeared to be a great success in that it helped, ePase anxieties of our graduating students. The information and direction received from our graduates will prove invaluable to our Clarke students as they prepare to further their education. COMING EVENTS January 6th - Classes Resume January lSth - Career Fair January l7th - School Dlance "Hair Wth Flair" for LADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 fl-ig h Schoo( *SEASON'S GREETINGS to ail my customers and triends. C. W. Lemon: SmaiI Engines: .......... .