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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Jan 1992, p. 2

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- O~anoW..kfrThne., D*.emb.r *~,1~O1 ~==m country and arounci the worici. More and more we realize that we live in a global community and wbat were minor adjustments of the past to kick-start an economy are to-day ineffécitve to mccl the conditions of change. George Bush, president of the United States, is being advised dxat the traditional cul ini taxation is not going to work in the recession of this particular period. And it could be said if Brian Mulroney threw out thc GST tax and Frce Trade with thc U.S. it too would flot be somneding that would sec tItis country bound abead economically. We do not live iniisolation for we are part of a world community and this outside influence grows ever stronger with thc great shifts tiiroughout the woqd. Oftcn it bas been mentioned that governmenl, industry and labour must work together as bas happened in Germany and la Japan. Unfortuantcly these have been but brave words widx uitle results 80 far in this countyr. It wil take a concerted effort on thc part of the tbree bodies to develop a trust and a creativeness dxat could have some effects. GM Canada last ycar called for meetings with labour to prepare conditions in wbich th ecompany could compete with planst in other centres for car production. It apparently bas been a slow process and littlc outward appearance of great success. 'Me future docs not look that bright witb White and Perrault possibly to hcad up the Canadian Labor Congess witb predictions of greater confrontation from thc labor firont. Add to thîs thc fact that thc Rae govemment and business are on the outs at thc present Iixie. Any hope of a major thurst from thc amalgamnation of industry, govemnment and labor seems almost impossible. Industryi lthe engine of a vibrant economy and one party on its own is not about tc tuin the tables of layoffs and the negative spin- offs it bas to one of emnployment and thc positive spin-offs it would bave. It takes more dxan words to ensure the future of dis country. Wide open for suggestions Our Prime Minister has suggested in a TV interview that be is widc open for suggestions and dxat dxc 18 proposais as setfordx by bis government could bc boiled down. One dings is sure after listening to a TV prograin thcre are a lot of opinions and aken from ail parts of dxc country dxey arc most diverse and in many cases mixed widx great emotion. Wbat we heard could bardly be a basis of any formulation for a new constitution. t would almost make onc drow up dxir bands in desperation. Wbat can an individual do may wcll be askcd and dxe subject is getting to bc somnewbaî monotonous cspccailly whcn dxerc la definitcly no progicss to any form of agreemnent. Certainly dxc 18 proposais could bc rcduccd in number but a clear understandable manner is somedxing dxat dxc "average Jac" is seeking. t is a shame to sec dxe country bcing tomn apart and we do necd some solid words widx reasonable approacbcs to dxc discussion on dxe constitution. We are doubtful dxat a Canada-widc referendum wauld be of much value judging from dxc determination there exits la dxc various parts of dxc cpuntry. Surely dxcre is a cause to set aside bittcrness and reacbing back int history to point a finger against dxc other side. Let thcre be undcrstanding and a great compassion ta kccp dxc country togcdxier. Kendal 1News Wcll, bere we are in a New Year, 1992. I hope tbat you ail hiad a good Christmas anti a safe New Ycars Eve. My New Year bas starteti out better than the olti year entictithat flu bug that is doing fixe rounds, certainly got 10 me, I bave heard of s0 many people that bave bati it. I hope tbey are al recovcring and feeling better. This weadxer ccrtainly docs flot scein mucb like January wcatber. The last time 1 remember a new ycar startixxg like dis was in 1949. We werc up at Goderich and yau could stand autside wibh just a sweater on. 1 wonder if we sbould learri ta get used ta this kind of weadxcr or will it get back to what we cxpect wiriber ta blïlke, colti and sriowy. On Suntiay there sceed to bu eiiougg snow at the ski bill for one lift ta bc aperating, and there werc quite a number of cars in tihe parking lot. There was a gooti attendance at Cburch. We hati Rcv. E.C. Woatiland as thc gucst Minister. H1e spoke of haw be hati neyer had dxc apportunity ta prcacb in thre Newtonville Charge, altbaugb be was a Minister in Newcastle, andi visited witb Rcv. White and Rev. Tizzaid, bodx were fricrits of bis. H1e tld us that Rev. Tizzard bad been anc of bis recruits wben bc was a Minister in Newfoundland. Aftcr the Caîl ta Warsbip and tbc singing of thc bynin, "As Widx Gladncss Men of Old," the choir sang dxc lovely andxem, "Gat i WII Take Care of You." The children's bymn was, "Wise Men Secking Jesus". Rev. Woodlarid tld the children thre stary of a littleýgirl dxat Happy New Yeau! (gulp) P er liap s more this those past,_there is More Of a lump in oui throats as we utter these tiaditional, hopeffl' sentiments to one another. Though in sincerity, they are spoken with shakY undertones Of economic desperat1on. 1991 was a yeai that lcft us with a huge sigh of telIief,. good riddance. Howevér, the new year enterc without celebration and firQeworks, but wtth tender, delicate, hopes of just geting through these difficuit times. forever holding on to the thought that just maybc it won't last much longer. Lt also bas to be a time for counting our blessings. ...and that task may be more difficult Io do now more than ever before; but if we maintain to cherish wbat we really have that counts ii, dxc long mun, we will fmnd promise and hope for the future. So 1992, rcady or flot - Lets have it! Peggy Mullan Kendal Hall News The last card pýrty of 1991 was held on Thursday, December l9tb with 9-1/2 tables ffl play. 'Me higb score was hcld by Jean Allen witb 79; 2nd high Alec Moffat 78; a tie for 3rd and 4th -71- The draw was won by Ivison 'ramblyn. There were 3 special Clxristmas dîaws. These werc won bý, Emima Spencer, Cbad Switzer, and Margaret Todd. On Monday, Dcember 3th thc Royal Arcb meetin$, was beld, with 30 members prescflt. There were visitors from Peterborough, Reaboro, and Hart.iey Lodges. The Degree was conferfed on a Reaboro and Hartley memibc-r was baving a birtl¶day, when she got up in the momriffg of ber special day, she wanted to open ber presents rîght aw'Y* 11cr mother told ber that she would have to wait until the afternooP, she began to pout. 11cr grarimoiJer said that she could open the prescrit from ber. t was a 'beautiful drP-ss with buttons from thxe ncck to thc hem. The littie girl went to ber ËDom to put the dress on, arid whefi she carne back she said that there was an extra button at the top. lier graridmothei undid it for ber andi she diti it up again. It stili endcd up widx an extra button. 11cr mothei unditi it, and dxen diti up the bottoin button andi then thc littie girl did up the rest andi al dxc buttons wcrc in dxc rigbt boles. Wc cari learix from this story that if wc s tait out îigbt arid continue on, some day wc will be able to ta-ke thc place of our eiders, become leaders, teachers, prcachers. Followirig the Prayer of Confession, Rev. Woodland led in the rcading of Psalm 735, from the sinal ymn books. The readings wcrc froin Matthcw 1: 18-25 anid Psalm 46. The bymn "Guide Me, O Thou Great Jcbovah" was sung. The Sermon was titled, "God la For Us." AI]l hrougb dxc Scripturcs, these words aie exprcsseu in mnany ways. God is with us always, Goti is for us, God loves us. No matter wvhat the ups or dowrsin l oui life, God is witb us, if we believe in Humn, Gati is dxcre for everyorie. If you have somctbing la the past that is holding you bacit froin bcing the person you shoulti be, remember God is for you. Be awarc of His presence, talk to lm, have Faidx, and Trust la Hum. No expectations arc too great, if we know GotI is for us. Start theNew Year widxFaidxlin Goti. The Service cnded witb the singing of "Wbat Friend We Have I Jesus." Remember next Siunday will bc the annual Congregational meeting, following a pot-lunch lunch. Ladies please brin g sometlxing. Ail reports On Thursday, January 2nd the Junior Lodge met. The lst card party of 1992 was beld on Friday, January 3rd with 10-1/2 tables i play. 11gb score Charlie Stapleton, 88; 2nd high Lloyd Webb and Debbie Green tied with 85; ncxt bigb Dave Spencer 83. The draw was woni by Carl Todd. The men of the Kendal Lodge will be going to Oakwood ta bclp with the Blue Degree. The Ladies Lodge will bc meeting on Thursday, January 9th. Next card parby, Friday, January 17th. Sec you there. P. Lowery shoulti be handeti in by Jariuary, 15ffi. 1 would be plcased to report aniy items that dxc Kendal aiea residents would like to bring to my attention, eidxer write to me at R. R. 1, Orono or phone me at 983-5477.. Culinary Critic: One evening 1 made fried cbickcn and usedthebb drippings for gravy. I kept addirig flour and water to thickcri it, then I askcd my busband to baste it anti tell me what was missing. H1e was quick to reply, "The walipaper." P. Lowery Gondo singles proposed Newcastle (Continued from page 1) company bas however listed a number of conditions providimg the proposai does proceed. The rnauer bas been referred back to staff for fuither processing and a report back to the general purpose committee. St. Saviour's Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. Douglas Hall 987-4745 SUNDAY SERVICE and SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 arn. ORONO PASTORAL SCHARGE Rev. Fred 1- Clappison Supply Minister Marlene Risebrough, Secretary 983-5702 Church Office 983-5502 UPCOMING SERVICES Si>nday, .Ianuary 12, 199,2 Klrby United Church Service and Sunday School 9:.30 a.m. Orono United Church Service and Sunday Sehool 11:-00 a.m. Miss Sophia Cooper holds Babar won at Christmas Thank you ail for your entries 'Thie 1est to you. it19.92 UW-5009:1 UMUNU, UN IAHIU Il--

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