III }~.- .~fIYUU~~I7 * IEII~g ~ ~ Queen's Parký Report (t-r) James and Madel aine Jolinston and Denise and Rob Bryan. Friday the l3tli, in December of 1991 will certainly go down infixe Jolinston family diary as being a very memnorable and wonderful dayI This was the day James and is wife Madelaine left their farm, eight miles outside of Belfast, Northern Ireiand, to arrive in Canada for fixe very first tinie! Thxe two weeks and two days of this, their 1991 Christmas vacation, would be full of the warmest memories one could wish for. James and Madelaîne came to visit with their youngest of five chiîdren, Denise Bryan and hier linsband Rob,, here in Newtonville. The Jolinstons flew over the ,Atlantic with some genieral, but rather vague pictures about this Land of the Maple Leaf. Rob and Denise would soon show mum and dad the reai meaning of "big!" And the joumneys began . .. a trip to Niagara Fals, Fort Erie and then to Windsor to visit a dear Aunt of James'. Perlxaps a chuckle now, but when the foursome tried to cross the border just to be able to say that James and Madelaine had actually set foot in the United States of ,America, they were refused entry! Well, there wan more than just a wee sign of an Irish temnper brewinig as far as James was concemned; and it was best decided that they all retreat back to a more receptive homeland! The Johnstons and the Bryans Little Scoops ... - Starting back to school after the Christmas Holidays was very sinilar to the first day of school in September, when aIl youngsters seem to be strangely enougli eariy for schooi; there's plenty of chatter, and a good share of making fashion statements as thxe kids model their newest duds and catch up on the latest news. Hnimm, how the tirne flues, before we know it, Mardli break wil l e here! - Thank you to ail who prepared and served up sudh a delicious turkey dinner at Newtonville P.S., for studeixis and staff on December 20. - Happy Axniversary, January il to Rob and Denise Bryaxx of Newtonville. We wish you a memorable and very happy yeari -Anyone interested in getting involved in the community as a travellefi on; they would visit Kitchener, Waterloo, St. Jacobs and Barrie. Stops along the way included Black Creek Pioneer Village and -markets. To come, Bolton, Omemee and on to Toronto then Scarborougli,and Oshiawa. -The CN Tower andfixe Toronto Eatons Centre would be sites of total wonder for tliese visitors:* not to mention the size of one store, Knob Hill Fanns in Oshawa! Later on very enjoyable trips to Orono for a cattie disbursal sale, a tour of Brookdale Treeland Industries up Crooked Creek way, along witli treated stops (as frequently as possible!) into Tim Horton's would add definite joy to fixe holidays. So mucli to take in! It wan very difficuit to sumn up wliat would be the most enjoyable and delightful aspects of this Canadian holiday for James and Madelaine. James added how lie loved the countryside, watching tlie birds, particularly tlie woodpeckers feeding outside in the snow, and even strolling along the streets in town liere to get fixe mail for bis little girl. Madelaine just couidn't get over liow big everything was! The stores, the selection, fixe highways and the distances one han to drive to g et somewliere else! It was indeed a storybook Chistmas tale, with tlie gentie Cliarles Dickens' Christmas Eve snowfall, festive music and family. James and Madelaine left for home December 30, laden heavier this time witli many extra smiles and joyfui memories. Block Parent, please cali 723-9125. - Euclire resuits of December 27 were: Marie Couroux 92; Myrtie Alldred 84; Georgina Fenton 84; Alec Moffat 82; Tom Wilson 81; Helen McCamnisli 80. Winners of the draw were: Doreen Green, Bernice Soper, Norma Moffat, Jean Allin and Muriel Burtch. A fine evening wan enjoyed by ail! Whew! Itfs over. It is a bit of a shanxe low we get so busy that the whole Christmas season seems to quickly slip by, almost before we have truly had a real chance to take it ail in. Because of fiis, I thinik if I1liad a picture of mnyseif, it would resemble a cross between a bundli of bananas and atin ofixxixed nuts! I wisli you a very happy New Year, with hopes that we'li be able to keep in touch regulariy with one am lm The Ontario Legisiature is nlow in recess until March 23, 1992. H4aving told you that, please dont think that ail the M\PP's are on holiday until then. The Winter Committee Schedule has been drawn up with start-up dates on January 13 for the Select Comnmittee o n Ontario i n Confederation, The Standing Committee on Resources Development, The Standing Committee on Government Agencies and The Standing Comimittee on General Government. Commencing on Monday, January 21 the Standing Committee on Justice will commence meetings, and on February 10 the Legislative Assembly Committee will meet for the purpose of an enquiry into dhe conduct of the Minîster of Northemn Development'and Mines, the Hon. Slielly Martel. Ahl of the Committee Meetings are open to the public and they eitlier start at 10:30 a.m. or at 3:30 p.m. If you are interested in attending any of tliem caîl the constituency office and they will give you the exact times. I have been receivîng back the mail-hack cards that were included in the Community Directory. In answer to the question: Do you think this directory is a good idea? the prelîminary resuits are: Very Good (written in) il1 per cent; Yes - 75 per cent; No - Il percent; No answer - 4 percent. These resuits would indicate that I sliould plan to do it again - perhaps in 1993. The, technically preferred route for the 401-407 Freeway Lînk (Ajax-Whitby Corridor) has been selected. The details of this route will be announced to fixe public on January 10, 1992. Durhiam area MPP's will attend a briefing on January 7, 1992 and given the opportunity to raise questions or concerns they may have about the selected route. Discussions on the alternative routes which were Yout h Centre continues at Armouries The Orono Yo uth Centre on Park Street in downtown Orono has been given fihe continued use of fixe old Armouries building. The Centre was established late in 1990 and continues to operate on two evenings of the week. The Centre has a drop-in of somne 40 kids fromt the Village. It is reported that interest in fixe Centre han been growing. The report to the Town's Committee on Monday states there there are few places in the Village other Êthfie Armouries building for such an activity s thxe Centre. The Orono Youth Centre lias been listed under the Recreation Affiliation Liability Insurance policy. anollier, througli this weekly columan, keeping "Newtonville Alive'". by Gord Mils, M.P.P. Durham East considjered, as well1 as the technically preferred route, will also take place. i am pleased to report that a community museumn operating grant of $ 13,496 han been approved for the Bowmanville Museum for 1992. The same type of grant that amounits tco $8,230 lias been awarded to the Clarke Museum and Archives for 1992. The Minister of Culture and Communications, the Hon. Karen Haslam commended both museums for their excellent programrs and services provided for the people of Ontario, To my constituenas I wish you ail a Happy New Y=ar.1I kow ùta 1992 wili cal! for a degree of "belt- tighteniing" insofar an some things thiat we have comne to take for granted in previous years. The r.ecession stili han us in a fairly tight grip with very littie room to maneuver. Nevertheless, tiings will eventually improve for everyone. There are already somne indications that we are slowly mending. Like you, tliey cant comne to soon for me. I look forward to doing my level best for ail of you once again in the coming year, nothing less will do. Until next week - be kind to one another and feel'better for it. <blad Buggy Letting you down? 1991 LuMfina -APV CL " Air Condîtîoning " Two Tone Glue & Greyý * 7 Possenger " Power B & S & Locks * Seots Remove In MomenLs " Fun To Drive " Colt Sylvia 416-983-9378 * CoUl Leiqh 416-983-9378 * Rsking $1 8,200.00 L REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Invites you to attend a Public Open House on their Conservation Strategy DATE: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15,1992 TIME: AFTERNOON 2:00 - 4:.00 p.M. EVENING 7:00 - 9:00 pi. LOCATION: GRCA OFFICE - NORTH WEST CORNER 0F HIGHWAYS 28 and 401 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT. D. GAYLE HALL CHIEF ADmiNisTRATIVE OFFICIER Box 328 PORT HOPIE, ONaTARIO Li A 3W4' 416-885-8173 FORMAL PRESENTATIONS WILL START PROMPTLY AT 2:00 AND 7:00 P.M.