ning, July 1Cowan' )ured theiri gathering on the lawn of the grooms parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hartwell Lowery. Lost - $23.00 in bils in Orono. Reward. George Lunn, Orono. Miss Edna Stutt is visiting Mrs. Jim Tamblyn. J.J. Cornish's Red and white Store has received a fresh coat of red paint. . lipla at The Truil family reunion lipl to picnic will be held in Orono SlflOfl Community Park on Thursday, July l9th. A number of our citizens welcomed home Dr. and Mrs. A.F. McKenzie on Friday nigyht after retumning home from their honeymoon. Mrs. J.C. Gamey and daughter, Mrs. Harry Lycett, have returned from a trip to St. John's New Brunswick, where thev TARIO, -TUK AY :EPAIR -. D. ers. u11 is the new iat has been Public SchÔool, imencing lher tr. where his knowledge was put to good use. The response ha encouraging and a events are already oi Interested in Those inter rie Nor] SBeatr. ls andi is been most tea on Friday afternoon of last inumber of weeek, in aid of the War Victim's n tap for the Fund. Under favorable weather conideing conditions and the capable * considering management of the Womien's ntitled iTe Institute the affair proved a of hPrt marked success, netting S47.54. of he Port6 The Orono Park Board has ishe in 967 decided to hold a Street Pair this year which will be held on iutdoors Wedne-sday, August l3th. It is sted in the just two years since the last fair ive outdoor was held and it was very er joining the successful. Later they met again Id Naturalist and postponed the Street Fair to October lst because it was ceting goes revealed at the meeting that many at 7:30 p.m. people throughout Clarke and [blic Library, Durham would not attend owing E., Oshawa. to the numerous reports that ing presented scarlet fever was raging in our naturalist at village, although up to the presenit Everyone time only four cases have been __________reported in the whole township. route took Decoration Day will be roposal and observed at die Orono Cemetery as usual on S~un<iav.Tine 2th. PERSONA