V.. V.I.P. ences, proper Municipal we live in make rule Grier, Ontario Minister of the Dear Roy: Environment, will make a major 1 amn writing regarding Peggy's statemrent at the saine time. "Comment" in last week's edition. Certainly what filming was done Peggy quotes a ".. little jewe of in this area is flot going to a tidbit from the good old days. . upstage the Minister. Taking a . 1 Winston Churchill: "Members guess possibly somethîng about of Parliament were unpaid and the Oak Ridges Moraine. needed their own fortunes to We will just have to wait for support themselves". Peggy the showing. interpreted this as indicative- of As it always happens on Members of Parliarent being "... Saturday Bill Bunting and Bill at their posts because tbey really, Carman dropped into the office truly, deeply and patriotically for coffee with discussion cared about their country. Their generally on such as the purpose - to serve and to do what constitutional debate and of was required or asked of them to course the economy, municipal make life better for everyone." and educational affairs. HOGWASH! From the conversation some Parliament, then, would be would likely say we are cynics carefully and excessively but we cali it wisdom of the older permeated with the interests of an generation. It just so happens that elite few, most of whom could be sometime ago we had said that if characterized as arrogant scholars, only the Average Joe could meet solicitors or businessmen - ail of from across the country whom would be men. Their somnething might just be done as campaigns were extravagantly far as reaching an agreement on funded by wealthy 'friends', or the constitution. well-healed family money. Who It would appear from last else could afford to run? No voice week-ends venture in Halifax we of the worker, the small-town were right. Although the Halifax business interest, the poor, or of rally didn't set ail issues straight it wome-n. Consequently, the certainly made progress and most majority of the population was important there developed an NOT represented. Members of clear and amiable understand Parliament would, no doubt, bc were flot exac but they were positive view Politics, in ti aside. Most ref 0f course Lways ue hfere will ans. Ther -the WANT ADS wiII work for you Give the Orono Times a cal 983-5301 Cana CRYSTAL PAGES NO G.S.T. 983-6150 We buy and seil 1lst and 2nd Urne around BOOKS, CRYSTALS, C.D.'s, STONES, STONE JEWELLERY GREE'flNG CARDS, BOOKS-ON-TAPE, CRYSTAL SUN CATCHERS PSYCHIIC AND SOUL READING AVAILABLE Store Houra: Thuruday, Friday and Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 5367 Alain Street, Orono pat Irwin lycett 983-9605